14/03/2025 16:18, Patrick Robb:
> https://git.dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-dts/commit/?id=564f4abb42df0cdf7da8c53933705bc205642005
> This commit on next-dts changes the name of this default config file from
> test_runs.yaml to test_run.yaml. However, it is not pulled to main yet.
> I can send a patch equivalent to Stephen's which changes test_rund.yml to
> test_run.yaml. But, should it be applied to next-dts instead of main, so
> that it is "on top of" commit 564f4abb42df0cdf7da8c53933705bc205642005
> which necessitates it?

Please can you rebase next-dts on top of main?
It will force you to make the change in the root .gitconfig

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