11/02/2025 19:46, Ben Magistro:
> Will acknowledge this may be more of a meson question and less of a DPDK
> issue but things didn't seem to work as expected and had to tweak the
> config/meson.build to want to start with the DPDK team.
> Our project is cmake based and we use fetch content to pull in our external
> dependencies (eg dpdk, libarchive, etc).  We recently noticed
> (rediscovered) that DPDK was not linking libarchive which causes the OS
> provided DDP for the Intel ICE based cards to be unable to be
> decompressed.  Previously we had some additional items installed that
> provided an uncompressed DDP file.  As our project already builds
> libarchive we did not want to install it at the os level for inclusion into
> DPDK as we may now be mixing versions within our application.
> In our cmake we added -Dpkg_config_path to help meson find our libarchive
> build (it is not installed as it is statically linked into our app).  This
> worked but did not expose the include and link directories or any libs that
> may also need to be linked from the pc file.

I don't understand this part.
It should be sufficient.
Are you saying your .pc file is not correct because not installed?

> We had to make some changes
> to get those added and allow things to compile cleanly.  I can confirm the
> changes here work but feel they should not have been necessary.
> What is the correct way to link/use a custom libarchive (or any dependency
> for that matter) with DPDK?  I've attached the diff for the meson changes
> plus the generated pc file for libarchive that we are telling meson to find
> with the pkg_config_path parameter.

The correct way is to give the path to the .pc file.
Please give more info about what is failing.

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