Hi ,

I am using dpdk-23.11-rc1 version and nfb driver .
When i am running  l2fwd-crypto example application , getting the below error ,
missing function definitions for   - rte_cryptodev_get_cipher_algo_string  , 
rte_cryptodev_get_auth_algo_string, and rte_cryptodev_get_aead_algo_string .
so , i added these function definitions as below ,

Now , its compiling and running , but showing no ethernet ports available .

I am running with below command line

sudo ./build/l2fwd-crypto -l 0-1 --vdev "crypto_openssl0" --vdev 
"crypto_openssl1"  -d librte_crypto_openssl.so -- -p 0x3 --chain CIPHER_HASH 
--cipher_op ENCRYPT --cipher_algo aes-cbc --cipher_key 
00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f --auth_op GENERATE --auth_algo 
sha1-hmac --auth_key

Can you help me out with this by providing any patch files for l2fwd-crypto 
application .

Thanks in advance
best regards
Thenveer Poolakkanni.

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