MSVC does not support inline assembly, which is used by the
implementation of rte_atomic128_cmp_exchange and is needed
by the C11 flavor of lib/stack.

A special implementation of rte_atomic128_cmp_exchange
compatible with MSVC is added to rte_stack_lf_c11.h. It uses an
intrinsic function when using MSVC, and inline assembly when other
compilers are used.

Existing atomic tests (which are not C11 compatible) are
now skipped when using MSVC.

 * Isolated the additional implementation of rte_atomic128_cmp_exchange
   to MSVC only.

 * Added MSVC compatible implementation of rte_atomic128_cmp_exchange
 * Skipped non-C11 atomic tests when using MSVC

Andre Muezerie (2):
  test: disable non-C11 atomic tests for MSVC
  stack: enable build with MSVC

 app/test/test_atomic.c       |  2 ++
 lib/stack/        |  6 ------
 lib/stack/rte_stack_lf_c11.h | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)


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