Members Attending
Aaron Conole
Bruce Richardson
Hemant Agrawal
Kevin Traynor
Konstantin Ananyev (chair)
Maxime Coquelin
Morten Brørup
Stephen Hemminger
Thomas Monjalon

NOTE: The technical board meetings are on every second Wednesday at 3pm
UTC.  Meetings are public, and DPDK community members are welcome to
attend.  Agenda and minutes can be found at

Next meeting will be on Wednesday 2025-Jan-[] 22 @ 3pm UTC, and will be chaired 
by Maxime Coquelin

Agenda Items
1) A DPDK summit in Prague at May approved.
The Tech-Board intention is to start CFP process as soon as possible. 
2) Discussion of motivation methods for new/existing tree maintainers and 
Initiated by Thomas: what can be done to keep existing maintainers and 
reviewers interested
and focused, and to bring-up new people for that role.
In particular, it was noted a necessity to encourage more community members for 
on-time and high-quality code reviews. 
It was suggested to think up possible rewards system for that
(subscriptions, conference attendings, gifts, etc.).
Bruce pointed out that apart from motivating individual contributors, we need to
make member companies realize the importance of such roles within their 
Next steps: Thomas to send email to TB with the initial propositions.
TB members to provide their comments and further thoughts that will be compiled
to the final version to propose to the GB. 

3) Last but not least: tech-board wishes  a very happy NY to all members of the 
community :) 

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