This suite tests the ability of the Poll Mode Driver
to enable and disable Rx/Tx queues on a port.
The verify argument in the deferred start method has been excluded
due to a bug in testpmd, which renders checking port queue info
for deferred start status impossible within a single method.

Signed-off-by: Dean Marx <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Spewock <>
 dts/framework/remote_session/ |  18 +++
 dts/tests/       | 145 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 163 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dts/tests/

diff --git a/dts/framework/remote_session/ 
index aa55bd91d3..a90c5ff7a8 100644
--- a/dts/framework/remote_session/
+++ b/dts/framework/remote_session/
@@ -2248,6 +2248,24 @@ def set_queue_ring_size(
                     f"Failed to update ring size of queue {queue_id} on port 
+    @requires_stopped_ports
+    def set_queue_deferred_start(
+        self, port_id: int, queue_id: int, is_rx_queue: bool, on: bool
+    ) -> None:
+        """Set the deferred start attribute of the specified queue on/off.
+        Args:
+            port_id: The port that the queue resides on.
+            queue_id: The ID of the queue on the port.
+            is_rx_queue: Whether to modify an RX or TX queue. If :data:`True` 
an RX queue will be
+                updated, otherwise a TX queue will be updated.
+            on: Whether to set deferred start mode on or off. If :data:`True` 
deferred start will
+                be turned on, otherwise it will be turned off.
+        """
+        queue_type = "rxq" if is_rx_queue else "txq"
+        action = "on" if on else "off"
+        self.send_command(f"port {port_id} {queue_type} {queue_id} 
deferred_start {action}")
     def _update_capabilities_from_flag(
         supported_capabilities: MutableSet["NicCapability"],
diff --git a/dts/tests/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..489f9d7a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 University of New Hampshire
+"""Rx/Tx queue start and stop functionality suite.
+This suite tests the ability of the poll mode driver to start and
+stop either the Rx or Tx queue (depending on the port) during runtime,
+and verify that packets are not received when one is disabled.
+Given a paired port topology, the Rx queue will be disabled on port 0,
+and the Tx queue will be disabled on port 1.
+from scapy.layers.inet import IP
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
+from scapy.packet import Raw
+from framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell import SimpleForwardingModes, 
+from framework.test_suite import TestSuite, func_test
+from framework.testbed_model.capability import NicCapability, TopologyType, 
+class TestQueueStartStop(TestSuite):
+    """DPDK Queue start/stop test suite.
+    Ensures Rx/Tx queue on a port can be disabled and enabled.
+    Verifies packets are not received when either queue is disabled.
+    The suite contains four test cases, two Rx queue start/stop and
+    two Tx queue start/stop, which each disable the corresponding
+    queue and verify that packets are not received/forwarded. There
+    are two cases that verify deferred start mode produces the expected
+    behavior in both the Rx and Tx queue.
+    """
+    def send_packet_and_verify(self, should_receive: bool = True) -> None:
+        """Generate a packet, send to the DUT, and verify it is forwarded back.
+        Args:
+            should_receive: Indicate whether the packet should be received.
+        """
+        packet = Ether() / IP() / Raw(load="xxxxx")
+        received = self.send_packet_and_capture(packet)
+        contains_packet = any(
+            packet.haslayer(Raw) and b"xxxxx" in packet.load for packet in 
+        )
+        self.verify(
+            should_receive == contains_packet,
+            f"Packet was {'dropped' if should_receive else 'received'}",
+        )
+    @func_test
+    def test_rx_queue_start_stop(self) -> None:
+        """Rx queue start stop test.
+        Steps:
+            Launch testpmd, stop Rx queue 0 on port 0.
+            Stop testpmd, start Rx queue 0 on port 0, start testpmd.
+        Verify:
+            Send a packet on port 0 after Rx queue is stopped, ensure it is 
not received.
+            Send a packet on port 0 after Rx queue is started, ensure it is 
+        """
+        with TestPmdShell(node=self.sut_node) as testpmd:
+            testpmd.set_forward_mode(SimpleForwardingModes.mac)
+            testpmd.stop_port_queue(0, 0, True)
+            testpmd.start()
+            self.send_packet_and_verify(should_receive=False)
+            testpmd.stop()
+            testpmd.start_port_queue(0, 0, True)
+            testpmd.start()
+            self.send_packet_and_verify(should_receive=True)
+    @func_test
+    def test_tx_queue_start_stop(self) -> None:
+        """Tx queue start stop test.
+        Steps:
+            Launch testpmd, stop Tx queue 0 on port 0.
+            Stop testpmd, start Tx queue 0 on port 0, start testpmd.
+        Verify:
+            Send a packet on port 0 after Tx queue is stopped, ensure it is 
not received.
+            Send a packet on port 0 after Tx queue is started, ensure it is 
+        """
+        with TestPmdShell(node=self.sut_node) as testpmd:
+            testpmd.set_forward_mode(SimpleForwardingModes.mac)
+            testpmd.stop_port_queue(1, 0, False)
+            testpmd.start()
+            self.send_packet_and_verify(should_receive=False)
+            testpmd.stop()
+            testpmd.start_port_queue(1, 0, False)
+            testpmd.start()
+            self.send_packet_and_verify(should_receive=True)
+    @func_test
+    def test_rx_queue_deferred_start(self) -> None:
+        """Rx queue deferred start stop test.
+        Steps:
+            Stop all ports, enable deferred start mode on port 0 Rx queue 0, 
start all ports.
+            Launch testpmd, send a packet.
+            Stop testpmd, start port 0 Rx queue 0.
+            Start testpmd, send a packet.
+        Verify:
+            Send a packet on port 0 after deferred start is set, ensure it is 
not received.
+            Send a packet on port 0 after Rx queue 0 is started, ensure it is 
+        """
+        with TestPmdShell(node=self.sut_node) as testpmd:
+            testpmd.set_forward_mode(SimpleForwardingModes.mac)
+            testpmd.stop_all_ports()
+            testpmd.set_queue_deferred_start(0, 0, True, True)
+            testpmd.start_all_ports()
+            testpmd.start()
+            self.send_packet_and_verify(should_receive=False)
+            testpmd.stop()
+            testpmd.start_port_queue(0, 0, True)
+            testpmd.start()
+            self.send_packet_and_verify(should_receive=True)
+    @func_test
+    def test_tx_queue_deferred_start(self) -> None:
+        """Tx queue start stop test.
+        Steps:
+            Stop all ports, enable deferred start mode on port 1 Tx queue 0, 
start all ports.
+            Launch testpmd, send a packet.
+            Stop testpmd, start port 1 Tx queue 0.
+            Start testpmd, send a packet.
+        Verify:
+            Send a packet on port 1 after deferred start is set, ensure it is 
not received.
+            Send a packet on port 1 after Tx queue 0 is started, ensure it is 
+        """
+        with TestPmdShell(node=self.sut_node) as testpmd:
+            testpmd.set_forward_mode(SimpleForwardingModes.mac)
+            testpmd.stop_all_ports()
+            testpmd.set_queue_deferred_start(1, 0, False, True)
+            testpmd.start_all_ports()
+            testpmd.start()
+            self.send_packet_and_verify(should_receive=False)
+            testpmd.stop()
+            testpmd.start_port_queue(1, 0, False)
+            testpmd.start()
+            self.send_packet_and_verify(should_receive=True)

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