There exists a bug within i40e NICs in which the async sniffer does not
catch send packets as a result of the callback function sending packets
too quickly before the NICs are ready to start capturing.

There could be a multitude of reasons why this happens on these NICs, but
for the time being, inserting a one second delay in the callback function
will suffice.

Bugzilla ID: 1573
Signed-off-by: Nicholas Pratte <>
 dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/ | 9 ++++++---
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/ 
index be5ae3b895..9fa9feaf47 100644
--- a/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/
+++ b/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/
@@ -188,17 +188,19 @@ def _shell_create_sniffer(
                 when set to an empty string.
+        # We need to introduce a short delay in the sniffer sendp() for i40e 
+        self.send_command("import time")
         sniffer_commands = [
             f"{self._sniffer_name} = AsyncSniffer(",
             # *args is used in the arguments of the lambda since Scapy sends 
parameters to the
             # callback function which we do not need for our purposes.
-            "started_callback=lambda *args: sendp(",
+            "started_callback=lambda *args: (time.sleep(1), sendp(",
                 # Additional indentation is added to this line only for 
readability of the logs.
-                f" iface='{send_port.logical_name}'),"
+                f" iface='{send_port.logical_name}')),"
@@ -223,7 +225,8 @@ def _shell_start_and_stop_sniffing(self, duration: float) 
-> list[Packet]:
         sniffed_packets_name = "gathered_packets"
-        time.sleep(duration)
+        # Insert a one second delay to prevent timeout errors from occurring
+        time.sleep(duration + 1)
         self.send_command(f"{sniffed_packets_name} = 
         # An extra newline is required here due to the nature of interactive 
Python shells
         packet_strs = self.send_command(

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