The introduction of TestSuiteSpec adds auto-discovery of test suites,
which are also automatically imported. This causes double imports as the
runner loads the test suites. This changes the behaviour of the runner
to load the imported classes from TestSuiteSpec instead of importing
them again.

Signed-off-by: Luca Vizzarro <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Szczepanek <>
 dts/framework/ | 84 ++++-------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dts/framework/ b/dts/framework/
index c3d9a27a8c..5f5837a132 100644
--- a/dts/framework/
+++ b/dts/framework/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright(c) 2010-2019 Intel Corporation
 # Copyright(c) 2022-2023 s.r.o.
 # Copyright(c) 2022-2023 University of New Hampshire
+# Copyright(c) 2024 Arm Limited
 """Test suite runner module.
@@ -17,8 +18,6 @@
 and the test case stage runs test cases individually.
-import importlib
-import inspect
 import os
 import random
 import sys
@@ -39,12 +38,7 @@
-from .exception import (
-    BlockingTestSuiteError,
-    ConfigurationError,
-    SSHTimeoutError,
-    TestCaseVerifyError,
+from .exception import BlockingTestSuiteError, SSHTimeoutError, 
 from .logger import DTSLogger, DtsStage, get_dts_logger
 from .settings import SETTINGS
 from .test_result import (
@@ -215,11 +209,10 @@ def _get_test_suites_with_cases(
         func: bool,
         perf: bool,
     ) -> list[TestSuiteWithCases]:
-        """Test suites with test cases discovery.
+        """Get test suites with selected cases.
-        The test suites with test cases defined in the user configuration are 
-        and stored for future use so that we don't import the modules twice 
and so that
-        the list of test suites with test cases is available for recording 
right away.
+        The test suites with test cases defined in the user configuration are 
+        and the corresponding functions and classes are gathered.
             test_suite_configs: Test suite configurations.
@@ -227,12 +220,12 @@ def _get_test_suites_with_cases(
             perf: Whether to include performance test cases in the final list.
-            The discovered test suites, each with test cases.
+            The test suites, each with test cases.
         test_suites_with_cases = []
         for test_suite_config in test_suite_configs:
-            test_suite_class = 
+            test_suite_class = test_suite_config.test_suite_spec.class_obj
             test_cases: list[type[TestCase]] = []
             func_test_cases, perf_test_cases = 
@@ -245,71 +238,8 @@ def _get_test_suites_with_cases(
         return test_suites_with_cases
-    def _get_test_suite_class(self, module_name: str) -> type[TestSuite]:
-        """Find the :class:`TestSuite` class in `module_name`.
-        The full module name is `module_name` prefixed with 
-        The module name is a standard filename with words separated with 
-        Search the `module_name` for a :class:`TestSuite` class which starts
-        with `self._test_suite_class_prefix`, continuing with CamelCase 
-        The first matching class is returned.
-        The CamelCase convention applies to abbreviations, acronyms, 
initialisms and so on::
-            OS -> Os
-            TCP -> Tcp
-        Args:
-            module_name: The module name without prefix where to search for 
the test suite.
-        Returns:
-            The found test suite class.
-        Raises:
-            ConfigurationError: If the corresponding module is not found or
-                a valid :class:`TestSuite` is not found in the module.
-        """
-        def is_test_suite(object) -> bool:
-            """Check whether `object` is a :class:`TestSuite`.
-            The `object` is a subclass of :class:`TestSuite`, but not 
:class:`TestSuite` itself.
-            Args:
-                object: The object to be checked.
-            Returns:
-                :data:`True` if `object` is a subclass of `TestSuite`.
-            """
-            try:
-                if issubclass(object, TestSuite) and object is not TestSuite:
-                    return True
-            except TypeError:
-                return False
-            return False
-        testsuite_module_path = 
-        try:
-            test_suite_module = importlib.import_module(testsuite_module_path)
-        except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-            raise ConfigurationError(
-                f"Test suite module '{testsuite_module_path}' not found."
-            ) from e
-        camel_case_suite_name = "".join(
-            [suite_word.capitalize() for suite_word in module_name.split("_")]
-        )
-        full_suite_name_to_find = 
-        for class_name, class_obj in inspect.getmembers(test_suite_module, 
-            if class_name == full_suite_name_to_find:
-                return class_obj
-        raise ConfigurationError(
-            f"Couldn't find any valid test suites in 
-        )
     def _connect_nodes_and_run_test_run(
         sut_nodes: dict[str, SutNode],

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