On Wed, Oct 2, 2024 at 6:27 PM Bruce Richardson
<bruce.richard...@intel.com> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 02, 2024 at 05:57:08PM +0200, David Marchand wrote:
> While invoking telemetry commands (which may happen at any time,
> out of control of the application), an application thread may
> concurrently add/remove ports.
> The telemetry callbacks may then access partially
> initialised/uninitialised ethdev data.
> Reuse the ethdev lock that protects port allocation/destruction.
> Fixes: c190daedb9b1 ("ethdev: add telemetry callbacks")
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.march...@redhat.com>
> ---
> lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev_telemetry.c | 93 +++++++++++++++++++------------
> 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev_telemetry.c
> index 8031a58595..7f9c924209 100644
> --- a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev_telemetry.c
> +++ b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev_telemetry.c
> @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <rte_kvargs.h>
> +#include <rte_spinlock.h>
> #include <rte_telemetry.h>
> #include "rte_ethdev.h"
> @@ -1403,43 +1404,61 @@ eth_dev_handle_port_tm_node_caps(const char *cmd
> return ret;
> }
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/list", eth_dev_handle_port_list, \
> + "Returns list of available ethdev ports. Takes no parameters") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/stats", eth_dev_handle_port_stats, \
> + "Returns the common stats for a port. Parameters: int port_id")
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/xstats", eth_dev_handle_port_xstats, \
> + "Returns the extended stats for a port. Parameters: int
port_id,hide_zero=true|false(Optional for indicates hide zero xstats)") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/dump_priv",
eth_dev_handle_port_dump_priv, \
> + "Returns dump private information for a port. Parameters: int
port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/link_status",
eth_dev_handle_port_link_status, \
> + "Returns the link status for a port. Parameters: int port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/info", eth_dev_handle_port_info, \
> + "Returns the device info for a port. Parameters: int port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/module_eeprom",
eth_dev_handle_port_module_eeprom, \
> + "Returns module EEPROM info with SFF specs. Parameters: int
port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/macs", eth_dev_handle_port_macs, \
> + "Returns the MAC addresses for a port. Parameters: int
port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/flow_ctrl",
eth_dev_handle_port_flow_ctrl, \
> + "Returns flow ctrl info for a port. Parameters: int port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/rx_queue", eth_dev_handle_port_rxq, \
> + "Returns Rx queue info for a port. Parameters: int port_id, int
queue_id (Optional if only one queue)") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/tx_queue", eth_dev_handle_port_txq, \
> + "Returns Tx queue info for a port. Parameters: int port_id, int
queue_id (Optional if only one queue)") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/dcb", eth_dev_handle_port_dcb, \
> + "Returns DCB info for a port. Parameters: int port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/rss_info",
eth_dev_handle_port_rss_info, \
> + "Returns RSS info for a port. Parameters: int port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/fec", eth_dev_handle_port_fec, \
> + "Returns FEC info for a port. Parameters: int port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/vlan", eth_dev_handle_port_vlan, \
> + "Returns VLAN info for a port. Parameters: int port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/tm_capability",
eth_dev_handle_port_tm_caps, \
> + "Returns TM Capabilities info for a port. Parameters: int
port_id") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/tm_level_capability",
eth_dev_handle_port_tm_level_caps, \
> + "Returns TM Level Capabilities info for a port. Parameters: int
port_id, int level_id (see tm_capability for the max)") \
> + ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER("/ethdev/tm_node_capability",
eth_dev_handle_port_tm_node_caps, \
> + "Returns TM Node Capabilities info for a port. Parameters: int
port_id, int node_id (see tm_capability for the max)")
> +
> +#define ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER(command, func, usage) \
> +static int func ## _locked(const char *cmd __rte_unused, const char *params,
> + struct rte_tel_data *d) \
> +{ \
> + int ret; \
> + rte_spinlock_lock(rte_mcfg_ethdev_get_lock()); \
> + ret = func(cmd, params, d); \
> + rte_spinlock_unlock(rte_mcfg_ethdev_get_lock()); \
> + return ret; \
> +}
> +
Not really a massive fan of such use of macros in the code, since I think
it makes things obscure for the casual reader. However, I see why this
approach has been taken. I think the macro code needs some documentation
explaining why this was done this way.
I can add comments explaining how this is for protecting accesses to port.
> RTE_INIT(ethdev_init_telemetry)
> {
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/list", eth_dev_handle_port_list,
> - "Returns list of available ethdev ports. Takes no
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/stats", eth_dev_handle_port_stats,
> - "Returns the common stats for a port. Parameters: int
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/xstats", eth_dev_handle_port_xstats,
> - "Returns the extended stats for a port. Parameters: int
port_id,hide_zero=true|false(Optional for indicates hide zero xstats)");
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/dump_priv",
> - "Returns dump private information for a port. Parameters:
int port_id");
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/link_status",
> - eth_dev_handle_port_link_status,
> - "Returns the link status for a port. Parameters: int
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/info", eth_dev_handle_port_info,
> - "Returns the device info for a port. Parameters: int
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/module_eeprom",
> - "Returns module EEPROM info with SFF specs. Parameters: int
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/macs", eth_dev_handle_port_macs,
> - "Returns the MAC addresses for a port. Parameters: int
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/flow_ctrl",
> - "Returns flow ctrl info for a port. Parameters: int
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/rx_queue", eth_dev_handle_port_rxq,
> - "Returns Rx queue info for a port. Parameters: int port_id,
int queue_id (Optional if only one queue)");
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/tx_queue", eth_dev_handle_port_txq,
> - "Returns Tx queue info for a port. Parameters: int port_id,
int queue_id (Optional if only one queue)");
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/dcb", eth_dev_handle_port_dcb,
> - "Returns DCB info for a port. Parameters: int port_id");
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/rss_info",
> - "Returns RSS info for a port. Parameters: int port_id");
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/fec", eth_dev_handle_port_fec,
> - "Returns FEC info for a port. Parameters: int port_id");
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/vlan", eth_dev_handle_port_vlan,
> - "Returns VLAN info for a port. Parameters: int
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/tm_capability",
> - "Returns TM Capabilities info for a port. Parameters: int
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/tm_level_capability",
> - "Returns TM Level Capabilities info for a port. Parameters:
int port_id, int level_id (see tm_capability for the max)");
> - rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/ethdev/tm_node_capability",
> - "Returns TM Node Capabilities info for a port. Parameters:
int port_id, int node_id (see tm_capability for the max)");
> +#define ETHDEV_TELEMETRY_HANDLER(command, func, usage) \
> + rte_telemetry_register_cmd(command, func ## _locked, usage);
> }
An alternative to this macro-fu, is to just define a single ethdev
telemetry function, and within that, take the lock and then dispatch to the
appropriate subfunction based upon the actual command coming in. The
dispatch may be slightly slower due to the additional text matching (only
from byte 8 onwards, so very short strings), but I think the code could be
a simpler in C rather than in macros, and the perf impact for telemetry is
likely to be negligible, compared to the overhead of the socket I/O etc.
Hopefully, dispatching performance is not important here.