I'm wondering whether we should move some of the functionality to the
Port class, such as creating VFs and related logic. I wanted to move
update_port and such there, but I ran into problems with imports. Maybe
if we utilize the if TYPE_CHECKING: guard the imports would work.
Seems like a lot would be simplified if we moved the VFs ports inside
the Port class.
diff --git a/dts/framework/testbed_model/node.py
class Node(ABC):
@@ -276,6 +277,96 @@ def _bind_port_to_driver(self, port: Port, for_dpdk: bool =
True) -> None:
+ def create_virtual_functions(
+ self, num: int, pf_port: Port, dpdk_driver: str | None = None
+ ) -> list[VirtualFunction]:
+ """Create virtual functions (VFs) from a given physical function (PF)
on the node.
+ Virtual functions will be created if there are not any currently
configured on `pf_port`.
+ If there are greater than or equal to `num` VFs already configured on
`pf_port`, those will
+ be used instead of creating more. In order to create VFs, the PF must
be bound to its
+ kernel driver. This method will handle binding `pf_port` and any other
ports in the test
+ run that reside on the same device back to their OS drivers if this
was not done already.
+ VFs gathered in this method will be bound to `driver` if one is
provided, or the DPDK
+ driver for `pf_port` and then added to `self.ports`.
+ Args:
+ num: The number of VFs to create. Must be greater than 0.
+ pf_port: The PF to create the VFs on.
We should check that the passed port actually resides on this node.
+ dpdk_driver: Optional driver to bind the VFs to after they are
created. Defaults to the
+ DPDK driver of `pf_port`.
+ Raises:
+ InternalError: If `num` is less than or equal to 0.
+ """
+ if num <= 0:
+ raise InternalError(
+ "Method for creating virtual functions received a non-positive
+ )
+ if not dpdk_driver:
+ dpdk_driver = pf_port.os_driver_for_dpdk
+ # Get any other port that is on the same device which DTS is aware of
+ all_device_ports = [
+ p for p in self.ports if p.pci.split(".")[0] ==
+ ]
Maybe we should create a PciAddress class that would process the address
and provide useful methods, one of which we'd use here.
+ # Ports must be bound to the kernel driver in order to create VFs from
+ for port in all_device_ports:
+ self._bind_port_to_driver(port, False)
+ # Some PMDs require the interface being up in order to make VFs
These are OS drivers, not PMDs.
+ self.configure_port_state(port)
+ created_vfs = self.main_session.set_num_virtual_functions(num, pf_port)
+ # We don't need more then `num` VFs from the list
+ vf_pcis = self.main_session.get_pci_addr_of_vfs(pf_port)[:num]
+ devbind_info = self.main_session.send_command(
+ f"{self.path_to_devbind_script} -s", privileged=True
+ ).stdout
This looks like a good candidate for TextParser.
+ ret = []
+ for pci in vf_pcis:
+ original_driver = re.search(f"{pci}.*drv=([\\d\\w-]*)",
+ os_driver = original_driver[1] if original_driver else
+ vf_config = PortConfig(
+ self.name, pci, dpdk_driver, os_driver, pf_port.peer.node,
+ )
+ vf_port = VirtualFunction(self.name, vf_config, created_vfs,
+ self.main_session.update_ports([vf_port])
This should be called after the for cycle so we only call it once. We
can bind all VF ports after (again, preferably with just one call).