On 21. 8. 2024 17:02, Juraj Linkeš wrote:
The generation is done with Sphinx, which DPDK already uses, with
slightly modified configuration of the sidebar present in an if block.

DTS dependencies do not need to be installed, but there is the option to
install doc build dependencies with Poetry:
poetry install --with docs

The build itself may be run with:
meson setup <meson_build_dir> -Denable_docs=true
ninja -C <meson_build_dir>

The above will do a full DPDK build with docs. To build just docs:
meson setup <meson_build_dir>
ninja -C <meson_build_dir> doc

Python3.10 is required to build the DTS API docs.

The patchset contains the .rst sources which Sphinx uses to generate the
html pages. These were first generated with the sphinx-apidoc utility
and modified to provide a better look. The documentation just doesn't
look that good without the modifications and there isn't enough
configuration options to achieve that without manual changes to the .rst
files. This introduces extra maintenance which involves adding new .rst
files when a new Python module is added or changing the .rst structure
if the Python directory/file structure is changed (moved, renamed
files). This small maintenance burden is outweighed by the flexibility
afforded by the ability to make manual changes to the .rst files.

Fix dts doc generation issue: Only copy the custom rss file if it exists.

Added the config option autodoc_mock_imports, which eliminates the need
for DTS dependencies. Added a script that find out which imports need to
be added to autodoc_mock_imports. The script also check the required
Python version for building DTS docs.
Removed tags from the two affected patches which will need to be
reviewed again.

Added paramiko to the required dependencies of get-dts-deps.py.

Fixed build error:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'NoneType' and 'Transport'

Fixed install error:
ERROR: File 'dts/doc/html' could not be found
This required me to put the built docs into dts/doc which is outside the
DPDK API doc dir, resulting in linking between DPDK and DTS api docs not
working properly. I addressed this by adding a symlink to the build dir.
This way the link works after installing the docs and the symlink is
just one extra file in the build dir.

Moved DTS API sources to doc/api/dts. This simplifies a lot of things in
the build, but mainly makes a lot of sense. Now the source, build and
install paths are the same so there isn't any need for any symlinks or
other workarounds.
Also added a symlink to the custom.css file so that it works with
call-sphinx-build.py without any modifications.

Renamed the dependency python file to get-dts-runtime-deps.py a modified
it to only get runtime dependencies. We don't need to check docs
dependencies (Sphinx) as we don't need to mock those.
Also moved all new Sphinx configuration into the DTS if branch to make
sure it won't ever affect the DPDK doc build.

Removed the dts-doc build target to mirror the functionality of using
Moved DTS-specific meson build code to doc/api/dts/meson.build.
Added comments to get_missing_imports() and the top level docstring of
get-dts-runtime-deps.py to explain the function is there to be imported.

Added PyYAML to get-dts-runtime-deps.py.

Fixed a regression in get-dts-runtime-deps.py introduced in v18:
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'strip'

Juraj Linkeš (5):
   dts: update params and parser docstrings
   dts: replace the or operator in third party types
   dts: add doc generation dependencies
   dts: add API doc sources
   dts: add API doc generation

  buildtools/call-sphinx-build.py               |   2 +
  buildtools/get-dts-runtime-deps.py            |  95 ++++
  buildtools/meson.build                        |   1 +
  doc/api/doxy-api-index.md                     |   3 +
  doc/api/doxy-api.conf.in                      |   2 +
  doc/api/dts/conf_yaml_schema.json             |   1 +
  doc/api/dts/custom.css                        |   1 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.config.rst              |  12 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.config.types.rst        |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.exception.rst           |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.logger.rst              |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.params.eal.rst          |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.params.rst              |  14 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.params.testpmd.rst      |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.params.types.rst        |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.parser.rst              |   6 +
  .../framework.remote_session.dpdk_shell.rst   |   6 +
  ...ote_session.interactive_remote_session.rst |   6 +
  ...ework.remote_session.interactive_shell.rst |   6 +
  .../framework.remote_session.python_shell.rst |   6 +
  ...ramework.remote_session.remote_session.rst |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.remote_session.rst      |  18 +
  .../framework.remote_session.ssh_session.rst  |   6 +
  ...framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.rst |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.runner.rst              |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.settings.rst            |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.test_result.rst         |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.test_suite.rst          |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.cpu.rst   |   6 +
  .../framework.testbed_model.linux_session.rst |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.node.rst  |   6 +
  .../framework.testbed_model.os_session.rst    |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.port.rst  |   6 +
  .../framework.testbed_model.posix_session.rst |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.rst       |  26 +
  .../dts/framework.testbed_model.sut_node.rst  |   6 +
  .../dts/framework.testbed_model.tg_node.rst   |   6 +
  ..._generator.capturing_traffic_generator.rst |   6 +
  ...mework.testbed_model.traffic_generator.rst |  14 +
  ....testbed_model.traffic_generator.scapy.rst |   6 +
  ...el.traffic_generator.traffic_generator.rst |   6 +
  ...framework.testbed_model.virtual_device.rst |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/framework.utils.rst               |   6 +
  doc/api/dts/index.rst                         |  43 ++
  doc/api/dts/meson.build                       |  31 ++
  doc/api/meson.build                           |   6 +-
  doc/guides/conf.py                            |  44 +-
  doc/guides/contributing/documentation.rst     |   2 +
  doc/guides/contributing/patches.rst           |   4 +
  doc/guides/tools/dts.rst                      |  39 +-
  doc/meson.build                               |   1 +
  dts/framework/params/__init__.py              |   4 +-
  dts/framework/params/eal.py                   |   7 +-
  dts/framework/params/types.py                 |   3 +-
  dts/framework/parser.py                       |   4 +-
  .../interactive_remote_session.py             |   3 +-
  dts/poetry.lock                               | 521 +++++++++++++++++-
  dts/pyproject.toml                            |   8 +
  58 files changed, 1072 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
  create mode 100755 buildtools/get-dts-runtime-deps.py
  create mode 120000 doc/api/dts/conf_yaml_schema.json
  create mode 120000 doc/api/dts/custom.css
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.config.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.config.types.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.exception.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.logger.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.params.eal.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.params.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.params.testpmd.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.params.types.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.parser.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.remote_session.dpdk_shell.rst
  create mode 100644 
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.remote_session.interactive_shell.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.remote_session.python_shell.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.remote_session.remote_session.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.remote_session.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.remote_session.ssh_session.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.runner.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.settings.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.test_result.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.test_suite.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.cpu.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.linux_session.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.node.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.os_session.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.port.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.posix_session.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.sut_node.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.tg_node.rst
  create mode 100644 
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.traffic_generator.rst
  create mode 100644 
  create mode 100644 
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.testbed_model.virtual_device.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/framework.utils.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/index.rst
  create mode 100644 doc/api/dts/meson.build

Applied to dpdk-next-dts with slight modifications suggested by Thomas in v19. Thanks everyone for reviews.

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