On 7/1/24 23:27, Nicolas Chautru wrote:
Hi Maxime, Hemant,

Capturing below an extension for 24.11.
This includes bbdev api change and related change for
test application and acc/vrb PMD.
This provides the ability which was introduced in 3gPP
standard to have an alternate way to compute k0 no longer
always computed just from rv_index. When that parameter
is set, then it is used a k0 value (starting position
in circular index), if null the legacy computation
from rv index (more common) is maintained.

Nicolas Chautru (3):
   bbdev: new k0 parameter for LDPC decoder operation
   test/bbdev: add support for k0 parameter
   baseband/acc: add support for k0 parameter

  app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c      | 7 +++++--
  app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_vector.c    | 4 ++++
  app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_vector.h    | 1 +
  doc/guides/prog_guide/bbdev.rst       | 2 ++
  drivers/baseband/acc/acc_common.h     | 6 ++++--
  drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc100_pmd.c | 2 +-
  drivers/baseband/acc/rte_vrb_pmd.c    | 4 ++--
  lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev_op.h              | 4 ++++
  8 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

Applied to dpdk-next-baseband/for-main


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