On 09/08/2024 16:27, Jeremy Spewock wrote:
Signed-off-by: Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizza...@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Paul Szczepanek <paul.szczepa...@arm.com>
Depends-on: series-32714 ("dts: add pktgen and testpmd changes")

Out of my own curiosity, are depends on supposed to be outside of the
commit body? I don't think it really matters for automation or
anything regardless, but I just didn't know if there was a rule about

Depends-on tags are metadata for Patchwork, they don't belong in the repository. So there shouldn't be any depends-on committed as it wouldn't make any sense in Git. My reply aside, the contributing guidelines also specify how to do it[1].

new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46f07b78eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/tests/TestSuite_l2fwd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@

This file looks like it is missing the copyright information at the top.

Argh! Good catch, thank you!

+"""Basic L2 forwarding test suite.
+This testing suites runs basic L2 forwarding on testpmd with different queue 
sizes per port.

The phrasing of "different queue sizes per port" makes me initially
think that like, port 0 will have 2 queues and port 1 will have 4.
Maybe something like "This testing suites runs basic L2 forwarding on
testpmd across multiple different queue sizes" would make this more


+    def set_up_suite(self) -> None:
+        """Set up the test suite.
+        Setup:
+            Verify that we have at least 2 ports in the current test. Generate 
the random packets
+            that will be sent and spawn a reusable testpmd shell.

Seems like this method is no longer spawning a testpmd shell, so this
part of the doc-string is no longer relevant.

Ack. Remnants of an earlier version... :')

+    def test_l2fwd_integrity(self) -> None:
+        """Test the L2 forwarding integrity.
+        Test:
+            Configure a testpmd shell with a different numbers of queues per 
run. Start up L2

It might make sense to name the numbers of queues in the doc-string
just so that the rst for the suite is more clear.


+                expected_packets = [self.get_expected_packet(packet) for 
packet in self.packets]

Ahh, the get_expected_packet method also sheds some light on how the
match_all_packets could be useful.


[1] https://doc.dpdk.org/guides/contributing/patches.html#patch-dependencies

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