
sending the first version for the Pydantic configuration update work.


Luca Vizzarro (5):
  dts: add TestSuiteSpec class and discovery
  dts: add Pydantic and remove Warlock
  dts: use Pydantic in the configuration
  dts: use TestSuiteSpec class imports
  dts: add JSON schema generation script

 doc/guides/tools/dts.rst                      |  10 +
 dts/framework/config/__init__.py              | 588 +++++++------
 dts/framework/config/conf_yaml_schema.json    | 776 ++++++++++--------
 dts/framework/config/types.py                 | 132 ---
 dts/framework/runner.py                       | 198 ++---
 dts/framework/settings.py                     |  16 +-
 dts/framework/test_suite.py                   | 182 +++-
 dts/framework/testbed_model/sut_node.py       |   2 +-
 .../traffic_generator/__init__.py             |   4 +-
 .../traffic_generator/traffic_generator.py    |   2 +-
 dts/generate-schema.py                        |  38 +
 dts/poetry.lock                               | 346 +++-----
 dts/pyproject.toml                            |   3 +-
 13 files changed, 1152 insertions(+), 1145 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 dts/framework/config/types.py
 create mode 100755 dts/generate-schema.py


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