On 8/21/2024 10:52 AM, Burakov, Anatoly wrote:
On 8/20/2024 5:57 PM, Robin Jarry wrote:
Anatoly Burakov, Aug 20, 2024 at 17:35:
Update coding style:
- Make the code PEP-484 compliant
- Add more comments, improve readability, use f-strings everywhere
- Use quotes consistently
- Address all Python static analysis (e.g. mypy, pylint) warnings
- Improve error handling
- Refactor printing and sysfs/procfs access functions
- Sort output by NUMA node

Signed-off-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.bura...@intel.com>

    v1 -> v2:
      - Added commit that sorted output by NUMA node
    v2 -> v3:
      - Rewrite of the script as suggested by reviewers
Instead of debating about coding style. I'd like to enforce black/ruff 
for new scripts and/or rewrites.
The code looks good to me, but could you pass through one of these 
tools and send a v4?
    black usertools/dpdk-hugepages.py


    ruff format usertools/dpdk-hugepages.py

I think they output the exact same code formatting but I could be wrong.


My IDE is already set up to auto-format with Ruff since our last conversation, so this is already formatted. I ran ruff format command just in case but it produced no changes.
So, no v4 necessary unless you think there are any changes to be made 
about the code :)
Actually, I take that back - I had a configuration mishap and didn't 
notice that I wasn't using Ruff for formatting on the machine I was 
creating the commits.
Still, cpu_layout's formatting is not affected, but hugepage script is.

However, after formatting with ruff, I can see that 1) most single quotes became double quotes, 2) some lines I broke up for readability, are no longer broken up, and 3) some lines I broke up to avoid exceeding the 80 symbols count, are no longer broken up.
I'll see if using Black yields different results.

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