I started discussions with Juraj about potentially taking all of the
'test_suite' enums in the framework's json schema and putting them into
its own smaller json file that can easily be referenced. The thought
being that doing so might make it easier for outside developers to
navigate when writing their own test suites in the future, and it might
help to keep the schema clean in the long term as the list inevitably
gets larger. We took the idea one step further and discussed the idea of
putting all enum/allowed values within the schema into a different

This is a pretty simple change that doesn't require much effort, but
separating the schema is not so graceful insofar that you cannot use
'$ref' tags like you might expect; the only way to do this reasonably
using Warlock is to merge the dictionaries together before creating a
Warlock model, hence the use of '$defs' instead of references to a local

Nicholas Pratte (1):
  dts: split enums from primary json schema

 dts/framework/config/__init__.py              |   4 +
 dts/framework/config/conf_allowed_values.json | 131 ++++++++++++++++++
 dts/framework/config/conf_yaml_schema.json    | 111 ++-------------
 3 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 dts/framework/config/conf_allowed_values.json


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