On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 9:37 AM <jspew...@iol.unh.edu> wrote:
>  class TestPmdDevice:
> @@ -577,6 +577,128 @@ class TestPmdPortStats(TextParser):
>      tx_bps: int = field(metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"Tx-bps:\s+(\d+)"))
> +class VerboseOLFlag(Flag):
> +    """Flag representing the OL flags of a packet from Testpmd verbose 
> output."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    RTE_MBUF_F_RX_RSS_HASH = auto()
> +
> +    #:
> +    RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD = auto()
> +    #:
> +    RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD = auto()
> +    #:
> +    RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_UNKNOWN = auto()
> +
> +    #:
> +    RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD = auto()
> +    #:
> +    RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD = auto()
> +    #:
> +
> +    #:
> +    #:
> +    RTE_MBUF_F_RX_OUTER_L4_CKSUM_BAD = auto()
> +    #:
> +

After reading more of the API and using this patch to write a test
suite, I believe there is more expansion of these OL flags that should
take place. For starters, there are the Tx OL flags that, while not
seeming to be very useful for the current test suites we are writing,
wouldn't hurt to also include as they seem to be fairly different.
Additionally, there are some other less common RX OL flags that should
be included here just to cover all options. I will work on adding
these into the next version.


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