##################################################################### July 25, 2024 Attendees 1. Patrick Robb 2. Jeremy Spewock 3. Juraj Linkeš 4. Aaron Conole 5. Adam Hassick 6. Dean Marx 7. Luca Vizzarro 8. Manit Mahajan 9. Paul Szczepanek 10. Tomas Durovec
##################################################################### Minutes ===================================================================== General Announcements * Retests v2: * When passing in a branch name, make sure it aligns with what would be output by pw_maintainers_cli.py (i.e. “next-net” instead of “next-net-for-main”) * Depends-on: * Reminder: UNH folks are working on adding depends-on to the patchwork project itself, with a v1 submission up so far. * Integer based series IDs vs series urls vs message IDs: will either be patch urls or message ids to indicate the dependency. * Aaron: Message ids are better for folks who are working from their email clients and don’t want to have to load up patchwork. * DPDK Summit Presentations: * CFP deadline is Jul 31, 2024 * Luca has made a submission for: How to run DTS testsuites, how to write a testsuite from scratch. Going to do an overview of the APIs available for test writers. * Patrick will do a submission for UNH Lab updates, including new ci tools for the community, testing for projects which consume dpdk (ovs, spdk), how (new) DTS will be used in the lab going forward. ===================================================================== CI Status --------------------------------------------------------------------- UNH-IOL Community Lab * Retest Framework now supports the “rebase={branch}” parameter, which will re-apply the series on a given branch before triggering retests * The needed updates to create_series_artifact.py have been submitted from Adam, and applied on the dpdk-ci repo by Aaron. * Patrick Robbto work with other labs on making use of these updates * The new AMD & Intel x86 servers are mounted, cabled etc. in the new DPDK server rack. We’re moving over some of the NICs from the old servers now, setting up the DTS configurations, etc. * Running from Ubuntu 24.04 * AMD has reached out for donation agreement for donating 3 additional servers to the lab. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Intel Lab * None --------------------------------------------------------------------- Github Actions * Upcoming work: Cirrus CI --------------------------------------------------------------------- Loongarch Lab * Patrick needs to reach out to Min Zhou and start up the process for adding recheck support ===================================================================== DTS Improvements & Test Development * next-dts branch has been approved by tech board, with Juraj as maintainer. * Testpmd context manager is merged to main * Alex had a bugfix for the git revision flag merged: https://patchwork.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/patch/20240719153445.277851-1-alex.chap...@arm.com/ * Jeremy has rebased the improvements for interactive shell output gathering, and this should be applied. * Scatter capability: * Show rxq info: shows scatter on if MTU will not fit in a message buf, shows off otherwise. * Show rx_offload capability: This shows the offload capability, regardless of any runtime configuration * Mellanox appears to require that the –enable-scatter flag be passed, others do not have this requirement ===================================================================== Any other business * Patrick Robbneeds to add Tomas Durovec to the DTS call (he is only invited to the CI call)