This test suite and the supporting testpmd shell changes originate from
an old dts test plan called "vxlan_gpe_support_in_i40e", and the
necessary testpmd commands to run the suite are only fully supported on
the i40e NICs I have tested on (bnxt and mlx5 NICs don't support.)
However, VXLAN-GPE tunnelling is technically supported in the ethdev
API, so I decided to write it anyways.

The suite consists originally consists of two test cases, but I
compressed them into one where the udp_tunnel_port command is used to
add VXLAN-GPE port 4790 to the filter list on testpmd. To my
understanding, A UDP / VXLAN packet with dport 4790 is sent and captured
to verify the VXLAN layer is still in the received packet. 
Then, the port 4790 tunnel is removed from the session and the same
packet is sent, but when received should not have the VXLAN layer. I am
unsure based on the test plan description whether the VXLAN layer is
fully removed, or if the verbose output on testpmd just prints the VXLAN
layer in stdout in the first case and not the second, but I decided to
implement the former for now.

Dean Marx (3):
  dts: add UDP tunnel command to testpmd shell
  dts: VXLAN gpe support test suite
  dts: conf schema VXLAN gpe support

 dts/framework/config/conf_yaml_schema.json    |  3 +-
 dts/framework/remote_session/ | 51 +++++++++++-
 dts/tests/      | 77 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 dts/tests/


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