On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 3:31 PM Jeremy Spewock <jspew...@iol.unh.edu> wrote:
> I think this change makes sense, and I mentioned this on Dean's patch
> that has the same change in it but I think we should have more
> discussion about which route to take with this addressing problem. It
> is definitely something that we have to address since it is required
> for a suite like this or any suite that operates with multiple queues
> to ensure traffic is handled by the different queues. If we end up
> going the boolean parameter route however, then I think this solution
> looks great and it passes by my standards.
> There was one comment that I had about adding something super small to
> the doc-string, but other than that the code all looked good to me.

We did end up having a discussion about this on slack and it seemed
there was a slight favor towards using the method of only changing it
if the user hasn't set it themselves. If you have any other thoughts
on it though definitely feel free to share them!

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