08/07/2024 18:55, Stephen Hemminger:
> The tests for the cfgfile library were never built since the conversion
> to meson (in 2017). Remove the dead code and files, if someone wants
> to fix them then they can be restored later.
> See commit b5dc795a8a55 ("test: build app with meson as dpdk-test")
> Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <step...@networkplumber.org>
> ---
>  MAINTAINERS                                   |   2 -
>  app/test/meson.build                          |   2 -
>  app/test/resource.c                           | 276 ---------------
>  app/test/resource.h                           | 106 ------
>  app/test/test_cfgfile.c                       | 334 ------------------

As far as I remember, resource tests are different of cfgfile.
What is the problem of building cfgfile tests? Many errors? Which kind of error?

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