Hi Nicolas,

    Few comments inline.

On 02-07-2024 04:04, Nicolas Chautru wrote:
This provides a new API to dump more debug information
related to the status on a given bbdev queue.
Some of this information is visible at bbdev level.
This also provides a new option dev op, to print more
information at the lower PMD level.
This helps user to troubleshoot issues related to
previous operations provided into a queue causing
possible hard-to-debug negative scenarios.

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Chautru <nicolas.chau...@intel.com>
  lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c     | 214 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.h     |  41 ++++++++
  lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev_pmd.h |   9 ++
  lib/bbdev/version.map     |   4 +
  4 files changed, 268 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c b/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c
index 13bde3c25b..81c031fc09 100644
--- a/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c
+++ b/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c
@@ -1190,3 +1190,217 @@ rte_bbdev_enqueue_status_str(enum 
rte_bbdev_enqueue_status status)
        rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid enqueue status");
        return NULL;
+rte_bbdev_queue_ops_dump(uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, FILE *f)
+       struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data;
+       struct rte_bbdev_stats *stats;
+       uint16_t i;
+       struct rte_bbdev *dev = get_dev(dev_id);
+       VALID_DEV_OR_RET_ERR(dev, dev_id);
+       VALID_QUEUE_OR_RET_ERR(queue_id, dev);
+       VALID_DEV_OPS_OR_RET_ERR(dev, dev_id);
+       VALID_FUNC_OR_RET_ERR(dev->dev_ops->queue_ops_dump, dev_id);
+       q_data = &dev->data->queues[queue_id];
+       if (f == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       fprintf(f, "Dump of operations on %s queue %d\n",
+                       dev->data->name, queue_id);
+       fprintf(f, "  Last Enqueue Status %s\n",
+                       rte_bbdev_enqueue_status_str(q_data->enqueue_status));
+       for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

It shall be RTE_BBDEV_ENQ_STATUS_SIZE_MAX instead of 4 ?

+               if (q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_status_count[i] > 0)
+                       fprintf(f, "  Enqueue Status Counters %s %" PRIu64 "\n",
+                                       rte_bbdev_enqueue_status_str(i),
+       stats = &dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_stats;
+       fprintf(f, "  Enqueue Count %" PRIu64 " Warning %" PRIu64 " Error %" PRIu64 
+                       stats->enqueued_count, stats->enqueue_warn_count,
+                       stats->enqueue_err_count);
+       fprintf(f, "  Dequeue Count %" PRIu64 " Warning %" PRIu64 " Error %" PRIu64 
+                       stats->dequeued_count, stats->dequeue_warn_count,
+                       stats->dequeue_err_count);
why not print acc_offload_cycles aas well?
+       return dev->dev_ops->queue_ops_dump(dev, queue_id, f);
+char *
+rte_bbdev_ops_param_string(void *op, enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type)
+       static char str[1024];
+       static char partial[1024];
+       struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op_dec;
+       struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op_enc;
+       struct rte_bbdev_fft_op *op_fft;
+       struct rte_bbdev_mldts_op *op_mldts;
+       rte_iova_t add0 = 0, add1 = 0, add2 = 0, add3 = 0, add4 = 0;
+       if (op == NULL) {
+               snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Invalid Operation pointer\n");
+               return str;
+       }
how about also covering mempool and opaque_data pointer - they may also be helpful in debugging?

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