> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of ibetts
> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 16:09
> To: dev at dpdk.org
> Cc: Betts, Ian
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2 0/5] Performance thread example
> application
> From: Ian Betts <ian.betts at intel.com>
> This example comprises layer 3 forwarding derivative intended to
> facilitate characterization of performance with different threading
> models, specifically:-
> 1. EAL threads running on different physical cores 2. EAL threads
> running on the same physical core 3. Lightweight threads running in an
> EAL thread
> Purpose and justification
> Since dpdk 2.0 it has been possible to assign multiple EAL threads to a
> physical core ( case 2 above ).
> Currently no example application has focused on demonstrating the
> performance constraints of differing threading models.
> Whilst purpose built applications that fully comprehend the DPDK single
> threaded programming model will always yield superior performance, the
> desire to preserve ROI in legacy code written for multithreaded
> operating environments  makes lightweight threads (case 3 above) worthy
> of consideration.
> As well as aiding with legacy code reuse, it is anticipated that
> lightweight threads will make it possible to scale a multithreaded
> application with fine granularity allowing an application  to more
> easily take advantage of headroom on EAL cores, or conversely occupy
> more cores, as dictated by system load.
> To explore performance with lightweight threads a simple cooperative
> scheduler subsystem is being included in this example application.
> If the expected benefits and use cases prove to be of value, it is
> anticipated that this lightweight thread subsystem would become a
> library in some future DPDK release.
> A simple pthread shim in the form of a hello world example is also
> included.
> Ian Betts (5):
>   doc: add performance-thread sample application guide
>   examples: add cooperative scheduler subsytem for
>     performance-thread app
>   examples: add l3fwd-thread in performance-thread     sample app
>   examples: add pthread-shim in performance-thread     sample app
>   config: add build files for performance-thread

Series Acked-by: Tomasz Kulasek <tomaszx.kulasek at intel.com>

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