On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 12:01 AM Sevincer, Abdullah
<abdullah.sevin...@intel.com> wrote:
> Hi Jerin my responses below:
> >+# Is this feature or limitation?
> This is a new feature to enable enqueuing to PMD in any order when the 
> underlined hardware device needs enqueues in a strict dequeue order.
> >+# What is the use case for this feature?
> This is needed by the applications which processes events in batches based on 
> their flow ids. Received burst is sorted based on flow ids.

OK. It is not clear from the Doxygen comment, add more details in
comment in next version, especially if it is applicable for batch
In general, the concept looks good to me.

Add new  RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_* for this feature.
Update doc/guides/eventdevs/features/default.ini and your PMD feature list.

Adding other eventdev PMD maintainers if there are any comments.

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