> To optimize AES-GCM IPsec operation within crypto/mlx5,
> the DPDK API typically supplies AES_GCM AAD/Payload/Digest
> in separate locations, potentially disrupting their
> contiguous layout. In cases where the memory layout fails
> to meet hardware (HW) requirements, an UMR WQE is initiated
> ahead of the GCM's GGA WQE to establish a continuous
> AAD/Payload/Digest virtual memory space for the HW MMU.
> For IPsec scenarios, where the memory layout consistently
> adheres to the fixed order of AAD/IV/Payload/Digest,
> directly shrinking memory for AAD proves more efficient
> than preparing a UMR WQE. To address this, a new devarg
> "crypto_mode" with mode "ipsec_opt" is introduced in the
> commit, offering an optimization hint specifically for
> IPsec cases. When enabled, the PMD copies AAD directly
> before Payload in the enqueue_burst function instead of
> employing the UMR WQE. Subsequently, in the dequeue_burst
> function, the overridden IV before Payload is restored
> from the GGA WQE. It's crucial for users to avoid utilizing
> the input mbuf data during processing.
> v3: add limitation for non-contiguous inputs.
> v2: rebase version
> Suanming Mou (2):
>   crypto/mlx5: optimize AES-GCM IPsec operation
>   crypto/mlx5: add out of place mode for IPsec operation
>  doc/guides/cryptodevs/mlx5.rst         |  24 +++
>  doc/guides/rel_notes/release_24_07.rst |   4 +
>  drivers/crypto/mlx5/mlx5_crypto.c      |  22 ++-
>  drivers/crypto/mlx5/mlx5_crypto.h      |  19 ++
>  drivers/crypto/mlx5/mlx5_crypto_gcm.c  | 245
> +++++++++++++++++++++++--
>  5 files changed, 293 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
Applied to dpdk-next-crypto

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