> On Jun 21, 2024, at 5:18 PM, Stephen Hemminger <step...@networkplumber.org>
> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 17:19:21 -0400
> Nicholas Pratte <npra...@iol.unh.edu> wrote:
>> +The test suite ensures the consistency of jumbo frames transmission within
>> +Poll Mode Drivers using a series of individual test cases. If a Poll Mode
>> +Driver receives a packet that is greater than its assigned MTU length, then
>> +that packet will be dropped, and thus not received. Likewise, if a Poll
>> Mode Driver
>> +receives a packet that is less than or equal to a its designated MTU
>> length, then the
>> +packet should be transmitted by the Poll Mode Driver, completing a cycle
>> within the
>> +testbed and getting received by the traffic generator. Thus, the following
>> test suite
>> +evaluates the behavior within all possible edge cases, ensuring that a test
>> Poll
>> +Mode Driver strictly abides by the above implications.
> There are some weird drivers where MRU and MTU are not the same thing.
> I believe the e1000 HW only allowed setting buffer size to a power of 2.
> At least on Linux, that meant that with 1500 byte MTU it would receive an up
> to 2K packet.
> This never caused any problem for upper layer protocols, just some picky
> conformance tests.
The test cases should not concern themselves with individual PMD behaviors.
They should be based on the API definition.