The mac address filter test suite, whose test cases are based on old
DTS's test cases, has been refactored to interface with the new DTS

In porting over this test suite into the new framework, some
adjustments were made, namely in the EAL and TestPMD parameter provided
before executing the application. While the original test plan was
referenced, by and large, only for the individual test cases, I'll leave
the parameters the original test plan was asking for below for the sake
of discussion:

--burst=1 --rxpt=0 --rxht=0 --rxwt=0 --txpt=36 --txht=0 --txwt=0
--txfreet=32 --rxfreet=64 --mbcache=250 --portmask=0x3

Bugzilla ID: 1454
Signed-off-by: Nicholas Pratte <>
 dts/framework/config/conf_yaml_schema.json |   3 +-
 dts/tests/          | 212 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 dts/tests/

diff --git a/dts/framework/config/conf_yaml_schema.json 
index f02a310bb5..ad1f3757f7 100644
--- a/dts/framework/config/conf_yaml_schema.json
+++ b/dts/framework/config/conf_yaml_schema.json
@@ -187,7 +187,8 @@
       "enum": [
-        "pmd_buffer_scatter"
+        "pmd_buffer_scatter",
+        "mac_filter"
     "test_target": {
diff --git a/dts/tests/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b97108e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2023-2024 University of New Hampshire
+"""Mac address filtering test suite.
+This test suite ensures proper and expected behavior of Allowlist filtering 
via mac
+addresses on devices bound to the Poll Mode Driver. If a packet received on a 
+contains a mac address not contained with its mac address pool, the packet 
+be dropped. Alternatively, if a packet is received that contains a destination 
+within the devices address pool, the packet should be accepted and forwarded. 
+behavior should remain consistent across all packets, namely those containing 
+tags or otherwise.
+The following test suite assesses behaviors based on the aforementioned logic.
+Additionally, testing is done within the PMD itself to ensure that the mac 
+allow list is behaving as expected.
+from scapy.layers.inet import IP  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Dot1Q, Ether  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from scapy.packet import Raw  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from framework.exception import InteractiveCommandExecutionError
+from framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell import TestPmdShell
+from framework.test_suite import TestSuite
+class TestMacFilter(TestSuite):
+    """Mac address allowlist filtering test suite.
+    Configure mac address filtering on a given port, and test the port's 
filtering behavior
+    using both a given port's hardware address as well as dummy addresses. If 
a port accepts
+    a packet that is not contained within its mac address allowlist, then a 
given test case
+    fails. Alternatively, if a port drops a packet that is designated within 
its mac address
+    allowlist, a given test case will fail.
+    Moreover, a given port should demonstrate proper behavior when bound to 
the Poll Mode
+    Driver. A port should not have an mac address allowlist that exceeds its 
designated size.
+    A port's default hardware address should not be removed from its address 
pool, and invalid
+    addresses should not be included in the allowlist. If a port abides by the 
above rules, the
+    test case passes.
+    """
+    def send_packet_and_verify(
+        self,
+        mac_address: str,
+        add_vlan: bool = False,
+        should_receive: bool = True,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Generate, send, and verify a packet based on specified parameters.
+        Test cases within this suite utilize this method to create, send, and 
+        packets based on criteria relating to the packet's destination mac 
+        vlan tag, and whether or not the packet should be received or not. 
+        are verified using an inserted payload. If the list of received packets
+        contains this payload within any of its packets, the test case passes. 
+        implementation does not require a quiet wire, each call with this 
+        sends exactly one packet.
+        Args:
+            mac_address: The destination mac address of the packet being sent.
+            add_vlan: Add a vlan tag to the packet being sent. :data:'2' if 
the packet
+                should be received, :data:'1' if the packet should not be 
received but
+                requires a vlan tag, and None for any other condition.
+            should_receive: If :data:'True', assert whether or not the sent 
+                has been received. If :data:'False', assert that the send 
packet was not
+                received. :data:'True' by default
+        """
+        packet = (
+            Ether()
+            / Dot1Q(vlan=2 if add_vlan and should_receive else 1 if add_vlan 
else None)
+            / IP()
+            / Raw(load="P" * 22)
+        )
+        packet.dst = mac_address
+        received_packets = [
+            packets
+            for packets in self.send_packet_and_capture(packet, 
+            if hasattr(packets, "load") and "P" * 22 in str(packets.load)
+        ]
+        if should_receive:
+            self.verify(len(received_packets) == 1, "Expected packet not 
+        else:
+            self.verify(len(received_packets) == 0, "Expected packet received")
+    def test_add_remove_mac_addresses(self) -> None:
+        """Assess basic mac addressing filtering functionalities.
+        This test cases validates for proper behavior of mac address filtering 
with both
+        a port's default, burned-in mac address, as well as additional mac 
+        added to the PMD. Packets should either be received or not received 
depending on
+        the properties applied to the PMD at any given time.
+        Test:
+            Start TestPMD with promiscuous mode.
+            Send a packet with the port's default mac address. (Should receive)
+            Send a packet with fake mac address. (Should not receive)
+            Add fake mac address to the PMD's address pool.
+            Send a packet with the fake mac address to the PMD. (Should 
+            Remove the fake mac address from the PMD's address pool.
+            Sent a packet with the fake mac address to the PMD. (Should not 
+        """
+        testpmd = TestPmdShell(self.sut_node)
+        testpmd.set_promisc(0, on=False, verify=False)
+        testpmd.start()
+        mac_address = self._sut_port_ingress.mac_address
+        # Send a packet with NIC default mac address
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(mac_address=mac_address, 
+        # Send a packet with different mac address
+        fake_address = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(mac_address=fake_address, 
+        # Add mac address to pool and rerun tests
+        testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, mac_address=fake_address, verify=True)
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(mac_address=fake_address, 
+        testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, mac_address=fake_address, add=False)
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(mac_address=fake_address, 
+    def test_invalid_address(self) -> None:
+        """Assess the behavior of a NIC mac address pool while binded to the 
+        An assessment of a NIC's behavior when mounted to a PMD as it relates 
to mac addresses
+        and address pooling. Devices should not be able to use invalid mac 
addresses, remove their
+        built-in hardware address, or exceed their address pools.
+        Test:
+            Start TestPMD.
+            Attempt to set add an invalid mac address. (Should fail)
+            Attempt to remove the device's hardware address. (Should fail)
+            Add a fake mac address to the pool twice in succession. (Should 
not create any errors)
+            Attempt to remove the device's hardware address. (Should fail)
+            Determine the device's mac address pool size, and fill the pool 
with fake addresses.
+            Attempt to add another fake mac address, overloading the address 
pool. (Should not work)
+        """
+        testpmd = TestPmdShell(self.sut_node)
+        testpmd.start()
+        mac_address = self._sut_port_ingress.mac_address
+        try:
+            testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, "00:00:00:00:00:00")
+            self.verify(False, "Invalid mac address added.")
+        except InteractiveCommandExecutionError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, mac_address, False)
+            self.verify(False, "Default mac address removed.")
+        except InteractiveCommandExecutionError:
+            pass
+        # Should be no errors adding this twice
+        testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, f"'1' + {mac_address[1:]}")
+        testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, f"'1' + {mac_address[1:]}")
+        # Double check to see if default mac address can be removed
+        try:
+            testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, mac_address, False)
+            self.verify(False, "Default mac address removed.")
+        except InteractiveCommandExecutionError:
+            pass
+        for i in range(testpmd.show_port_info(0).max_mac_addresses_num - 1):
+            number = str(hex(i)[2:].zfill(4))
+            fake_address = f'{number[:2] + ":" + number[2:] + 
+            testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, fake_address, verify=False)
+        try:
+            testpmd.set_mac_addr(0, f'{mac_address[:-1] + "1"}')
+            self.verify(False, "Mac address limit exceeded.")
+        except InteractiveCommandExecutionError:
+            pass
+        testpmd.close()
+    def test_multicast_filter(self) -> None:
+        """Assess basic multicast address filtering functionalities.
+        Ensure that multicast filtering performs as intended when a given 
device is bound
+        to the PMD, with and without dot1q vlan tagging.
+        Test:
+            Start TestPMD with promiscuous mode.
+            Add a fake multicast address to the PMD's multicast address pool.
+            Send a packet with the fake multicast address to the PMD. (Should 
+            Set vlan filtering on the PMD, and add vlan ID to the PMD.
+            Send a packet with the fake multicast address and vlan ID to the 
PMD. (Should receive)
+            Send a packet with the fake multicast address and a different vlan 
ID to the PMD.
+                (Should not receive)
+            Remove the vlan tag from the PMD, and turn vlan filtering off on 
the PMD.
+            Send a packet with the fake multicast address and no vlan tag to 
the PMD.
+                (Should receive)
+            Remove the fake multicast address from the PMDs multicast address 
+            Send a packet with the fake multicast address to the PMD. (Should 
not receive)
+        """
+        testpmd = TestPmdShell(self.sut_node)
+        testpmd.start()
+        testpmd.set_promisc(0, on=False, verify=True)
+        multicast_address = "01:00:5E:00:00:00"
+        vlan_id = 2
+        testpmd.set_multicast_mac_addr(0, multi_addr=multicast_address, 
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(multicast_address, should_receive=True)
+        # Test vlan filtering on multicast addressing.
+        testpmd.vlan_filter_set_on(0, verify=False)
+        testpmd.rx_vlan_add(2, 0, verify=False)
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(multicast_address, should_receive=True, 
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(multicast_address, should_receive=False, 
+        # Remove vlan tag and filtering and run basic multicast addr test.
+        testpmd.rx_vlan_rm(vlan_id, 0, verify=False)
+        testpmd.vlan_filter_set_off(0, verify=False)
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(multicast_address, should_receive=True)
+        # Remove multicast filter and verify the packet was not received.
+        testpmd.set_multicast_mac_addr(0, multicast_address, add=False, 
+        self.send_packet_and_verify(multicast_address, should_receive=False)
+        testpmd.close()

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