Tested-by: Nicholas Pratte <npra...@iol.unh.edu>
Reviewed-by: Nicholas Pratte <npra...@iol.unh.edu>

On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 10:54 AM Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizza...@arm.com> wrote:
> Implement all the testpmd shell parameters into a data structure.
> Signed-off-by: Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizza...@arm.com>
> Reviewed-by: Paul Szczepanek <paul.szczepa...@arm.com>
> Reviewed-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.lin...@pantheon.tech>
> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Spewock <jspew...@iol.unh.edu>
> Reviewed-by: Nicholas Pratte <npra...@iol.unh.edu>
> ---
>  dts/framework/params/testpmd.py               | 607 ++++++++++++++++++
>  dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py |  39 +-
>  dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py     |   5 +-
>  3 files changed, 613 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 dts/framework/params/testpmd.py
> diff --git a/dts/framework/params/testpmd.py b/dts/framework/params/testpmd.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..1913bd0fa2
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/dts/framework/params/testpmd.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
> +# Copyright(c) 2024 Arm Limited
> +
> +"""Module containing all the TestPmd-related parameter classes."""
> +
> +from dataclasses import dataclass, field
> +from enum import EnumMeta, Flag, auto, unique
> +from pathlib import PurePath
> +from typing import Literal, NamedTuple
> +
> +from framework.params import (
> +    Params,
> +    Switch,
> +    YesNoSwitch,
> +    bracketed,
> +    comma_separated,
> +    hex_from_flag_value,
> +    modify_str,
> +    str_from_flag_value,
> +)
> +from framework.params.eal import EalParams
> +from framework.utils import StrEnum
> +
> +
> +class PortTopology(StrEnum):
> +    """Enum representing the port topology."""
> +
> +    #: In paired mode, the forwarding is between pairs of ports, e.g.: 
> (0,1), (2,3), (4,5).
> +    paired = auto()
> +
> +    #: In chained mode, the forwarding is to the next available port in the 
> port mask, e.g.:
> +    #: (0,1), (1,2), (2,0).
> +    #:
> +    #: The ordering of the ports can be changed using the portlist testpmd 
> runtime function.
> +    chained = auto()
> +
> +    #: In loop mode, ingress traffic is simply transmitted back on the same 
> interface.
> +    loop = auto()
> +
> +
> +@modify_str(comma_separated, bracketed)
> +class PortNUMAConfig(NamedTuple):
> +    """DPDK port to NUMA socket association tuple."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    port: int
> +    #:
> +    socket: int
> +
> +
> +@modify_str(str_from_flag_value)
> +@unique
> +class FlowDirection(Flag):
> +    """Flag indicating the direction of the flow.
> +
> +    A bi-directional flow can be specified with the pipe:
> +
> +    >>> TestPmdFlowDirection.RX | TestPmdFlowDirection.TX
> +    <TestPmdFlowDirection.TX|RX: 3>
> +    """
> +
> +    #:
> +    RX = 1 << 0
> +    #:
> +    TX = 1 << 1
> +
> +
> +@modify_str(comma_separated, bracketed)
> +class RingNUMAConfig(NamedTuple):
> +    """Tuple associating DPDK port, direction of the flow and NUMA socket."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    port: int
> +    #:
> +    direction: FlowDirection
> +    #:
> +    socket: int
> +
> +
> +@modify_str(comma_separated)
> +class EthPeer(NamedTuple):
> +    """Tuple associating a MAC address to the specified DPDK port."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    port_no: int
> +    #:
> +    mac_address: str
> +
> +
> +@modify_str(comma_separated)
> +class TxIPAddrPair(NamedTuple):
> +    """Tuple specifying the source and destination IPs for the packets."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    source_ip: str
> +    #:
> +    dest_ip: str
> +
> +
> +@modify_str(comma_separated)
> +class TxUDPPortPair(NamedTuple):
> +    """Tuple specifying the UDP source and destination ports for the packets.
> +
> +    If leaving ``dest_port`` unspecified, ``source_port`` will be used for
> +    the destination port as well.
> +    """
> +
> +    #:
> +    source_port: int
> +    #:
> +    dest_port: int | None = None
> +
> +
> +@dataclass
> +class DisableRSS(Params):
> +    """Disables RSS (Receive Side Scaling)."""
> +
> +    _disable_rss: Literal[True] = field(
> +        default=True, init=False, metadata=Params.long("disable-rss")
> +    )
> +
> +
> +@dataclass
> +class SetRSSIPOnly(Params):
> +    """Sets RSS (Receive Side Scaling) functions for IPv4/IPv6 only."""
> +
> +    _rss_ip: Literal[True] = field(default=True, init=False, 
> metadata=Params.long("rss-ip"))
> +
> +
> +@dataclass
> +class SetRSSUDP(Params):
> +    """Sets RSS (Receive Side Scaling) functions for IPv4/IPv6 and UDP."""
> +
> +    _rss_udp: Literal[True] = field(default=True, init=False, 
> metadata=Params.long("rss-udp"))
> +
> +
> +class RSSSetting(EnumMeta):
> +    """Enum representing a RSS setting. Each property is a class that needs 
> to be initialised."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    Disabled = DisableRSS
> +    #:
> +    SetIPOnly = SetRSSIPOnly
> +    #:
> +    SetUDP = SetRSSUDP
> +
> +
> +class SimpleForwardingModes(StrEnum):
> +    r"""The supported packet forwarding modes for 
> :class:`~TestPmdShell`\s."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    io = auto()
> +    #:
> +    mac = auto()
> +    #:
> +    macswap = auto()
> +    #:
> +    rxonly = auto()
> +    #:
> +    csum = auto()
> +    #:
> +    icmpecho = auto()
> +    #:
> +    ieee1588 = auto()
> +    #:
> +    fivetswap = "5tswap"
> +    #:
> +    shared_rxq = "shared-rxq"
> +    #:
> +    recycle_mbufs = auto()
> +
> +
> +@dataclass(kw_only=True)
> +class TXOnlyForwardingMode(Params):
> +    """Sets a TX-Only forwarding mode.
> +
> +    Attributes:
> +        multi_flow: Generates multiple flows if set to True.
> +        segments_length: Sets TX segment sizes or total packet length.
> +    """
> +
> +    _forward_mode: Literal["txonly"] = field(
> +        default="txonly", init=False, metadata=Params.long("forward-mode")
> +    )
> +    multi_flow: Switch = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("txonly-multi-flow"))
> +    segments_length: list[int] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.long("txpkts") | 
> Params.convert_value(comma_separated)
> +    )
> +
> +
> +@dataclass(kw_only=True)
> +class FlowGenForwardingMode(Params):
> +    """Sets a flowgen forwarding mode.
> +
> +    Attributes:
> +        clones: Set the number of each packet clones to be sent. Sending 
> clones reduces host CPU
> +                load on creating packets and may help in testing extreme 
> speeds or maxing out
> +                Tx packet performance. N should be not zero, but less than 
> ‘burst’ parameter.
> +        flows: Set the number of flows to be generated, where 1 <= N <= 
> INT32_MAX.
> +        segments_length: Set TX segment sizes or total packet length.
> +    """
> +
> +    _forward_mode: Literal["flowgen"] = field(
> +        default="flowgen", init=False, metadata=Params.long("forward-mode")
> +    )
> +    clones: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("flowgen-clones"))
> +    flows: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("flowgen-flows"))
> +    segments_length: list[int] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.long("txpkts") | 
> Params.convert_value(comma_separated)
> +    )
> +
> +
> +@dataclass(kw_only=True)
> +class NoisyForwardingMode(Params):
> +    """Sets a noisy forwarding mode.
> +
> +    Attributes:
> +        forward_mode: Set the noisy VNF forwarding mode.
> +        tx_sw_buffer_size: Set the maximum number of elements of the FIFO 
> queue to be created for
> +                           buffering packets.
> +        tx_sw_buffer_flushtime: Set the time before packets in the FIFO 
> queue are flushed.
> +        lkup_memory: Set the size of the noisy neighbor simulation memory 
> buffer in MB to N.
> +        lkup_num_reads: Set the size of the noisy neighbor simulation memory 
> buffer in MB to N.
> +        lkup_num_writes: Set the number of writes to be done in noisy 
> neighbor simulation
> +                         memory buffer to N.
> +        lkup_num_reads_writes: Set the number of r/w accesses to be done in 
> noisy neighbor
> +                               simulation memory buffer to N.
> +    """
> +
> +    _forward_mode: Literal["noisy"] = field(
> +        default="noisy", init=False, metadata=Params.long("forward-mode")
> +    )
> +    forward_mode: (
> +        Literal[
> +            SimpleForwardingModes.io,
> +            SimpleForwardingModes.mac,
> +            SimpleForwardingModes.macswap,
> +            SimpleForwardingModes.fivetswap,
> +        ]
> +        | None
> +    ) = field(default=SimpleForwardingModes.io, 
> metadata=Params.long("noisy-forward-mode"))
> +    tx_sw_buffer_size: int | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.long("noisy-tx-sw-buffer-size")
> +    )
> +    tx_sw_buffer_flushtime: int | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.long("noisy-tx-sw-buffer-flushtime")
> +    )
> +    lkup_memory: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("noisy-lkup-memory"))
> +    lkup_num_reads: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("noisy-lkup-num-reads"))
> +    lkup_num_writes: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("noisy-lkup-num-writes"))
> +    lkup_num_reads_writes: int | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.long("noisy-lkup-num-reads-writes")
> +    )
> +
> +
> +@modify_str(hex_from_flag_value)
> +@unique
> +class HairpinMode(Flag):
> +    """Flag representing the hairpin mode."""
> +
> +    #: Two hairpin ports loop.
> +    TWO_PORTS_LOOP = 1 << 0
> +    #: Two hairpin ports paired.
> +    TWO_PORTS_PAIRED = 1 << 1
> +    #: Explicit Tx flow rule.
> +    EXPLICIT_TX_FLOW = 1 << 4
> +    #: Force memory settings of hairpin RX queue.
> +    #: Force memory settings of hairpin TX queue.
> +    #: Hairpin RX queues will use locked device memory.
> +    #: Hairpin RX queues will use RTE memory.
> +    RX_QUEUE_USE_RTE_MEMORY = 1 << 13
> +    #: Hairpin TX queues will use locked device memory.
> +    #: Hairpin TX queues will use RTE memory.
> +    TX_QUEUE_USE_RTE_MEMORY = 1 << 18
> +
> +
> +@dataclass(kw_only=True)
> +class RXRingParams(Params):
> +    """Sets the RX ring parameters.
> +
> +    Attributes:
> +        descriptors: Set the number of descriptors in the RX rings to N, 
> where N > 0.
> +        prefetch_threshold: Set the prefetch threshold register of RX rings 
> to N, where N >= 0.
> +        host_threshold: Set the host threshold register of RX rings to N, 
> where N >= 0.
> +        write_back_threshold: Set the write-back threshold register of RX 
> rings to N, where N >= 0.
> +        free_threshold: Set the free threshold of RX descriptors to N,
> +                        where 0 <= N < value of ``-–rxd``.
> +    """
> +
> +    descriptors: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("rxd"))
> +    prefetch_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("rxpt"))
> +    host_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("rxht"))
> +    write_back_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("rxwt"))
> +    free_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("rxfreet"))
> +
> +
> +@modify_str(hex_from_flag_value)
> +@unique
> +class RXMultiQueueMode(Flag):
> +    """Flag representing the RX multi-queue mode."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    RSS = 1 << 0
> +    #:
> +    DCB = 1 << 1
> +    #:
> +    VMDQ = 1 << 2
> +
> +
> +@dataclass(kw_only=True)
> +class TXRingParams(Params):
> +    """Sets the TX ring parameters.
> +
> +    Attributes:
> +        descriptors: Set the number of descriptors in the TX rings to N, 
> where N > 0.
> +        rs_bit_threshold: Set the transmit RS bit threshold of TX rings to N,
> +                          where 0 <= N <= value of ``--txd``.
> +        prefetch_threshold: Set the prefetch threshold register of TX rings 
> to N, where N >= 0.
> +        host_threshold: Set the host threshold register of TX rings to N, 
> where N >= 0.
> +        write_back_threshold: Set the write-back threshold register of TX 
> rings to N, where N >= 0.
> +        free_threshold: Set the transmit free threshold of TX rings to N,
> +                        where 0 <= N <= value of ``--txd``.
> +    """
> +
> +    descriptors: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("txd"))
> +    rs_bit_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("txrst"))
> +    prefetch_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("txpt"))
> +    host_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("txht"))
> +    write_back_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("txwt"))
> +    free_threshold: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("txfreet"))
> +
> +
> +class Event(StrEnum):
> +    """Enum representing a testpmd event."""
> +
> +    #:
> +    unknown = auto()
> +    #:
> +    queue_state = auto()
> +    #:
> +    vf_mbox = auto()
> +    #:
> +    macsec = auto()
> +    #:
> +    intr_lsc = auto()
> +    #:
> +    intr_rmv = auto()
> +    #:
> +    intr_reset = auto()
> +    #:
> +    dev_probed = auto()
> +    #:
> +    dev_released = auto()
> +    #:
> +    flow_aged = auto()
> +    #:
> +    err_recovering = auto()
> +    #:
> +    recovery_success = auto()
> +    #:
> +    recovery_failed = auto()
> +    #:
> +    all = auto()
> +
> +
> +class SimpleMempoolAllocationMode(StrEnum):
> +    """Enum representing simple mempool allocation modes."""
> +
> +    #: Create and populate mempool using native DPDK memory.
> +    native = auto()
> +    #: Create and populate mempool using externally and anonymously 
> allocated area.
> +    xmem = auto()
> +    #: Create and populate mempool using externally and anonymously 
> allocated hugepage area.
> +    xmemhuge = auto()
> +
> +
> +@dataclass(kw_only=True)
> +class AnonMempoolAllocationMode(Params):
> +    """Create mempool using native DPDK memory, but populate using anonymous 
> memory.
> +
> +    Attributes:
> +        no_iova_contig: Enables to create mempool which is not IOVA 
> contiguous.
> +    """
> +
> +    _mp_alloc: Literal["anon"] = field(default="anon", init=False, 
> metadata=Params.long("mp-alloc"))
> +    no_iova_contig: Switch = None
> +
> +
> +@dataclass(slots=True, kw_only=True)
> +class TestPmdParams(EalParams):
> +    """The testpmd shell parameters.
> +
> +    Attributes:
> +        interactive_mode: Run testpmd in interactive mode.
> +        auto_start: Start forwarding on initialization.
> +        tx_first: Start forwarding, after sending a burst of packets first.
> +        stats_period: Display statistics every ``PERIOD`` seconds, if 
> interactive mode is disabled.
> +                      The default value is 0, which means that the 
> statistics will not be displayed.
> +
> +                      .. note:: This flag should be used only in 
> non-interactive mode.
> +        display_xstats: Display comma-separated list of extended statistics 
> every ``PERIOD`` seconds
> +                        as specified in ``--stats-period`` or when used with 
> interactive commands
> +                        that show Rx/Tx statistics (i.e. ‘show port stats’).
> +        nb_cores: Set the number of forwarding cores, where 1 <= N <= 
> “number of cores” or
> +                  ``RTE_MAX_LCORE`` from the configuration file.
> +        coremask: Set the bitmask of the cores running the packet forwarding 
> test. The main
> +                  lcore is reserved for command line parsing only and cannot 
> be masked on for packet
> +                  forwarding.
> +        nb_ports: Set the number of forwarding ports, where 1 <= N <= 
> “number of ports” on the board
> +                  or ``RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS`` from the configuration file. The 
> default value is the
> +                  number of ports on the board.
> +        port_topology: Set port topology, where mode is paired (the 
> default), chained or loop.
> +        portmask: Set the bitmask of the ports used by the packet forwarding 
> test.
> +        portlist: Set the forwarding ports based on the user input used by 
> the packet forwarding
> +                  test. ‘-‘ denotes a range of ports to set including the 
> two specified port IDs ‘,’
> +                  separates multiple port values. Possible examples like 
> –portlist=0,1 or
> +                  –portlist=0-2 or –portlist=0,1-2 etc.
> +        numa: Enable/disable NUMA-aware allocation of RX/TX rings and of RX 
> memory buffers (mbufs).
> +        socket_num: Set the socket from which all memory is allocated in 
> NUMA mode, where
> +                    0 <= N < number of sockets on the board.
> +        port_numa_config: Specify the socket on which the memory pool to be 
> used by the port will be
> +                          allocated.
> +        ring_numa_config: Specify the socket on which the TX/RX rings for 
> the port will be
> +                          allocated. Where flag is 1 for RX, 2 for TX, and 3 
> for RX and TX.
> +        total_num_mbufs: Set the number of mbufs to be allocated in the mbuf 
> pools, where N > 1024.
> +        mbuf_size: Set the data size of the mbufs used to N bytes, where N < 
> 65536.
> +                   If multiple mbuf-size values are specified the extra 
> memory pools will be created
> +                   for allocating mbufs to receive packets with buffer 
> splitting features.
> +        mbcache: Set the cache of mbuf memory pools to N, where 0 <= N <= 
> 512.
> +        max_pkt_len: Set the maximum packet size to N bytes, where N >= 64.
> +        eth_peers_configfile: Use a configuration file containing the 
> Ethernet addresses of
> +                              the peer ports.
> +        eth_peer: Set the MAC address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX of the peer port N,
> +                  where 0 <= N < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS.
> +        tx_ip: Set the source and destination IP address used when doing 
> transmit only test.
> +               The defaults address values are source and 
> destination
> +               These are special purpose addresses reserved for benchmarking 
> (RFC 5735).
> +        tx_udp: Set the source and destination UDP port number for transmit 
> test only test.
> +                The default port is the port 9 which is defined for the 
> discard protocol (RFC 863).
> +        enable_lro: Enable large receive offload.
> +        max_lro_pkt_size: Set the maximum LRO aggregated packet size to N 
> bytes, where N >= 64.
> +        disable_crc_strip: Disable hardware CRC stripping.
> +        enable_scatter: Enable scatter (multi-segment) RX.
> +        enable_hw_vlan: Enable hardware VLAN.
> +        enable_hw_vlan_filter: Enable hardware VLAN filter.
> +        enable_hw_vlan_strip: Enable hardware VLAN strip.
> +        enable_hw_vlan_extend: Enable hardware VLAN extend.
> +        enable_hw_qinq_strip: Enable hardware QINQ strip.
> +        pkt_drop_enabled: Enable per-queue packet drop for packets with no 
> descriptors.
> +        rss: Receive Side Scaling setting.
> +        forward_mode: Set the forwarding mode.
> +        hairpin_mode: Set the hairpin port configuration.
> +        hairpin_queues: Set the number of hairpin queues per port to N, 
> where 1 <= N <= 65535.
> +        burst: Set the number of packets per burst to N, where 1 <= N <= 512.
> +        enable_rx_cksum: Enable hardware RX checksum offload.
> +        rx_queues: Set the number of RX queues per port to N, where 1 <= N 
> <= 65535.
> +        rx_ring: Set the RX rings parameters.
> +        no_flush_rx: Don’t flush the RX streams before starting forwarding. 
> Used mainly with
> +                     the PCAP PMD.
> +        rx_segments_offsets: Set the offsets of packet segments on receiving
> +                             if split feature is engaged.
> +        rx_segments_length: Set the length of segments to scatter packets on 
> receiving
> +                            if split feature is engaged.
> +        multi_rx_mempool: Enable multiple mbuf pools per Rx queue.
> +        rx_shared_queue: Create queues in shared Rx queue mode if device 
> supports. Shared Rx queues
> +                         are grouped per X ports. X defaults to UINT32_MAX, 
> implies all ports join
> +                         share group 1. Forwarding engine “shared-rxq” 
> should be used for shared Rx
> +                         queues. This engine does Rx only and update stream 
> statistics accordingly.
> +        rx_offloads: Set the bitmask of RX queue offloads.
> +        rx_mq_mode: Set the RX multi queue mode which can be enabled.
> +        tx_queues: Set the number of TX queues per port to N, where 1 <= N 
> <= 65535.
> +        tx_ring: Set the TX rings params.
> +        tx_offloads: Set the hexadecimal bitmask of TX queue offloads.
> +        eth_link_speed: Set a forced link speed to the ethernet port. E.g. 
> 1000 for 1Gbps.
> +        disable_link_check: Disable check on link status when 
> starting/stopping ports.
> +        disable_device_start: Do not automatically start all ports. This 
> allows testing
> +                              configuration of rx and tx queues before 
> device is started
> +                              for the first time.
> +        no_lsc_interrupt: Disable LSC interrupts for all ports, even those 
> supporting it.
> +        no_rmv_interrupt: Disable RMV interrupts for all ports, even those 
> supporting it.
> +        bitrate_stats: Set the logical core N to perform bitrate calculation.
> +        latencystats: Set the logical core N to perform latency and jitter 
> calculations.
> +        print_events: Enable printing the occurrence of the designated 
> events.
> +                      Using :attr:`TestPmdEvent.ALL` will enable all of them.
> +        mask_events: Disable printing the occurrence of the designated 
> events.
> +                     Using :attr:`TestPmdEvent.ALL` will disable all of them.
> +        flow_isolate_all: Providing this parameter requests flow API 
> isolated mode on all ports at
> +                          initialization time. It ensures all traffic is 
> received through the
> +                          configured flow rules only (see flow command). 
> Ports that do not support
> +                          this mode are automatically discarded.
> +        disable_flow_flush: Disable port flow flush when stopping port.
> +                            This allows testing keep flow rules or shared 
> flow objects across
> +                            restart.
> +        hot_plug: Enable device event monitor mechanism for hotplug.
> +        vxlan_gpe_port: Set the UDP port number of tunnel VXLAN-GPE to N.
> +        geneve_parsed_port: Set the UDP port number that is used for parsing 
> the GENEVE protocol
> +                            to N. HW may be configured with another tunnel 
> Geneve port.
> +        lock_all_memory: Enable/disable locking all memory. Disabled by 
> default.
> +        mempool_allocation_mode: Set mempool allocation mode.
> +        record_core_cycles: Enable measurement of CPU cycles per packet.
> +        record_burst_status: Enable display of RX and TX burst stats.
> +    """
> +
> +    interactive_mode: Switch = field(default=True, 
> metadata=Params.short("i"))
> +    auto_start: Switch = field(default=None, metadata=Params.short("a"))
> +    tx_first: Switch = None
> +    stats_period: int | None = None
> +    display_xstats: list[str] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.convert_value(comma_separated)
> +    )
> +    nb_cores: int | None = None
> +    coremask: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.convert_value(hex))
> +    nb_ports: int | None = None
> +    port_topology: PortTopology | None = PortTopology.paired
> +    portmask: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.convert_value(hex))
> +    portlist: str | None = None  # TODO: can be ranges 0,1-3
> +
> +    numa: YesNoSwitch = None
> +    socket_num: int | None = None
> +    port_numa_config: list[PortNUMAConfig] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.convert_value(comma_separated)
> +    )
> +    ring_numa_config: list[RingNUMAConfig] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.convert_value(comma_separated)
> +    )
> +    total_num_mbufs: int | None = None
> +    mbuf_size: list[int] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.convert_value(comma_separated)
> +    )
> +    mbcache: int | None = None
> +    max_pkt_len: int | None = None
> +    eth_peers_configfile: PurePath | None = None
> +    eth_peer: list[EthPeer] | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.multiple())
> +    tx_ip: TxIPAddrPair | None = None
> +    tx_udp: TxUDPPortPair | None = None
> +    enable_lro: Switch = None
> +    max_lro_pkt_size: int | None = None
> +    disable_crc_strip: Switch = None
> +    enable_scatter: Switch = None
> +    enable_hw_vlan: Switch = None
> +    enable_hw_vlan_filter: Switch = None
> +    enable_hw_vlan_strip: Switch = None
> +    enable_hw_vlan_extend: Switch = None
> +    enable_hw_qinq_strip: Switch = None
> +    pkt_drop_enabled: Switch = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("enable-drop-en"))
> +    rss: RSSSetting | None = None
> +    forward_mode: (
> +        SimpleForwardingModes
> +        | FlowGenForwardingMode
> +        | TXOnlyForwardingMode
> +        | NoisyForwardingMode
> +        | None
> +    ) = None
> +    hairpin_mode: HairpinMode | None = None
> +    hairpin_queues: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("hairpinq"))
> +    burst: int | None = None
> +    enable_rx_cksum: Switch = None
> +
> +    rx_queues: int | None = field(default=None, metadata=Params.long("rxq"))
> +    rx_ring: RXRingParams | None = None
> +    no_flush_rx: Switch = None
> +    rx_segments_offsets: list[int] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.long("rxoffs") | 
> Params.convert_value(comma_separated)
> +    )
> +    rx_segments_length: list[int] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.long("rxpkts") | 
> Params.convert_value(comma_separated)
> +    )
> +    multi_rx_mempool: Switch = None
> +    rx_shared_queue: Switch | int = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("rxq-share"))
> +    rx_offloads: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.convert_value(hex))
> +    rx_mq_mode: RXMultiQueueMode | None = None
> +
> +    tx_queues: int | None = field(default=None, metadata=Params.long("txq"))
> +    tx_ring: TXRingParams | None = None
> +    tx_offloads: int | None = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.convert_value(hex))
> +
> +    eth_link_speed: int | None = None
> +    disable_link_check: Switch = None
> +    disable_device_start: Switch = None
> +    no_lsc_interrupt: Switch = None
> +    no_rmv_interrupt: Switch = None
> +    bitrate_stats: int | None = None
> +    latencystats: int | None = None
> +    print_events: list[Event] | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.multiple() | Params.long("print-event")
> +    )
> +    mask_events: list[Event] | None = field(
> +        default_factory=lambda: [Event.intr_lsc],
> +        metadata=Params.multiple() | Params.long("mask-event"),
> +    )
> +
> +    flow_isolate_all: Switch = None
> +    disable_flow_flush: Switch = None
> +
> +    hot_plug: Switch = None
> +    vxlan_gpe_port: int | None = None
> +    geneve_parsed_port: int | None = None
> +    lock_all_memory: YesNoSwitch = field(default=None, 
> metadata=Params.long("mlockall"))
> +    mempool_allocation_mode: SimpleMempoolAllocationMode | 
> AnonMempoolAllocationMode | None = field(
> +        default=None, metadata=Params.long("mp-alloc")
> +    )
> +    record_core_cycles: Switch = None
> +    record_burst_status: Switch = None
> diff --git a/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py 
> b/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
> index 2b9ef9418d..82701a9839 100644
> --- a/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
> +++ b/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
> @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
>  from typing_extensions import Self
>  from framework.exception import InteractiveCommandExecutionError
> -from framework.params.eal import EalParams
> +from framework.params.testpmd import SimpleForwardingModes, TestPmdParams
>  from framework.parser import ParserFn, TextParser
>  from framework.settings import SETTINGS
>  from framework.utils import StrEnum
> @@ -56,37 +56,6 @@ def __str__(self) -> str:
>          return self.pci_address
> -class TestPmdForwardingModes(StrEnum):
> -    r"""The supported packet forwarding modes for 
> :class:`~TestPmdShell`\s."""
> -
> -    #:
> -    io = auto()
> -    #:
> -    mac = auto()
> -    #:
> -    macswap = auto()
> -    #:
> -    flowgen = auto()
> -    #:
> -    rxonly = auto()
> -    #:
> -    txonly = auto()
> -    #:
> -    csum = auto()
> -    #:
> -    icmpecho = auto()
> -    #:
> -    ieee1588 = auto()
> -    #:
> -    noisy = auto()
> -    #:
> -    fivetswap = "5tswap"
> -    #:
> -    shared_rxq = "shared-rxq"
> -    #:
> -    recycle_mbufs = auto()
> -
> -
>  class VLANOffloadFlag(Flag):
>      """Flag representing the VLAN offload settings of a NIC port."""
> @@ -646,9 +615,7 @@ def _start_application(self, get_privileged_command: 
> Callable[[str], str] | None
>          Also find the number of pci addresses which were allowed on the 
> command line when the app
>          was started.
>          """
> -        self._app_params += " -i --mask-event intr_lsc"
> -
> -        assert isinstance(self._app_params, EalParams)
> +        assert isinstance(self._app_params, TestPmdParams)
>          self.number_of_ports = (
>              len(self._app_params.ports) if self._app_params.ports is not 
> None else 0
> @@ -740,7 +707,7 @@ def wait_link_status_up(self, port_id: int, 
> timeout=SETTINGS.timeout) -> bool:
>              self._logger.error(f"The link for port {port_id} did not come up 
> in the given timeout.")
>          return "Link status: up" in port_info
> -    def set_forward_mode(self, mode: TestPmdForwardingModes, verify: bool = 
> True):
> +    def set_forward_mode(self, mode: SimpleForwardingModes, verify: bool = 
> True):
>          """Set packet forwarding mode.
>          Args:
> diff --git a/dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py 
> b/dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py
> index c6e93839cb..578b5a4318 100644
> --- a/dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py
> +++ b/dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py
> @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
>  from scapy.utils import hexstr  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
>  from framework.params import Params
> -from framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell import TestPmdForwardingModes, 
> TestPmdShell
> +from framework.params.testpmd import SimpleForwardingModes
> +from framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell import TestPmdShell
>  from framework.test_suite import TestSuite
> @@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ def pmd_scatter(self, mbsize: int) -> None:
>              ),
>              privileged=True,
>          )
> -        testpmd.set_forward_mode(TestPmdForwardingModes.mac)
> +        testpmd.set_forward_mode(SimpleForwardingModes.mac)
>          testpmd.start()
>          for offset in [-1, 0, 1, 4, 5]:
> --
> 2.34.1

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