Just a small nitpick. Otherwise: Reviewed-by: Nicholas Pratte <npra...@iol.unh.edu>
<snip> > class QuittableXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer): > - """Basic XML-RPC server. > + r"""Basic XML-RPC server. > > The server may be augmented by functions serializable by the > :mod:`marshal` module. > + > + Example: > + :: > + > + def hello_world(): > + # to be sent to the XML-RPC server > + print("Hello World!") > + > + # start the XML-RPC server on the remote node > + # the example assumes you're already connect to a tg_node This just a very small nitpick, but you wrote 'connect' when it should be 'connected.' > + # this is done by starting a Python shell on the remote node > + from framework.remote_session import PythonShell This comment is related to the one I made above, but maybe you could move the above comment 'assumes you're already connected to a tg_node' on this line instead of where it is right now. I had to rescan this a couple times when reading. Again, this is just an extremely minuscule nitpick, but I figured I'd bring it up, in any case. > + session = tg_node.create_interactive_shell(PythonShell, > timeout=5, privileged=True) > + > + # then importing the modules needed to run the server > + # and the modules for any functions later added to the server > + session.send_command("import xmlrpc") > + session.send_command("from xmlrpc.server import > SimpleXMLRPCServer") > + > + # sending the source code of this class to the Python shell > + from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer > + src = inspect.getsource(QuittableXMLRPCServer) > + src = "\n".join([l for l in src.splitlines() if not l.isspace() > and l != ""]) > + spacing = "\n" * 4 > + session.send_command(spacing + src + spacing) > + > + # then starting the server with: > + command = "s = QuittableXMLRPCServer(('', > {listen_port}));s.serve_forever()" > + session.send_command(command, "XMLRPC OK") > + > + # now the server is running on the remote node and we can add > functions to it > + # first connect to the server from the execution node > + import xmlrpc.client > + server_url = f"http://{tg_node.config.hostname}:8000" > + rpc_server_proxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(server_url) > + > + # get the function bytes to send > + import marshal > + function_bytes = marshal.dumps(hello_world.__code__) > + rpc_server_proxy.add_rpc_function(hello_world.__name__, > function_bytes) > + > + # now we can execute the function on the server > + xmlrpc_binary_recv: xmlrpc.client.Binary = > rpc_server_proxy.hello_world() > + print(str(xmlrpc_binary_recv)) > """ > > def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): > -- > 2.45.1 >