diff --git a/dts/framework/remote_session/dpdk_shell.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25e3df4eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/framework/remote_session/dpdk_shell.py
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+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 Arm Limited
+"""DPDK-based interactive shell.

I think this means the shell uses DPDK libraries. This would be better worded as "Base interactive shell for DPDK applications."

+Provides a base class to create interactive shells based on DPDK.
+from abc import ABC
+from framework.params.eal import EalParams
+from framework.remote_session.interactive_shell import InteractiveShell
+from framework.settings import SETTINGS
+from framework.testbed_model.cpu import LogicalCoreCount, LogicalCoreList
+from framework.testbed_model.sut_node import SutNode
+def compute_eal_params(
+    node: SutNode,

Let's rename this sut_node. I got confused a bit when reading the code.

+    params: EalParams | None = None,
+    lcore_filter_specifier: LogicalCoreCount | LogicalCoreList = 
+    ascending_cores: bool = True,
+    append_prefix_timestamp: bool = True,
+) -> EalParams:
+    """Compute EAL parameters based on the node's specifications.
+    Args:
+        node: The SUT node to compute the values for.
+        params: The EalParams object to amend, if set to None a new object is 
created and returned.

This could use some additional explanation about how it's amended - what's replaced, what isn't and in general what happens.

+        lcore_filter_specifier: A number of lcores/cores/sockets to use
+            or a list of lcore ids to use.
+            The default will select one lcore for each of two cores
+            on one socket, in ascending order of core ids.
+        ascending_cores: Sort cores in ascending order (lowest to highest IDs).
+            If :data:`False`, sort in descending order.
+        append_prefix_timestamp: If :data:`True`, will append a timestamp to 
DPDK file prefix.
+    """
+    if params is None:
+        params = EalParams()
+    if params.lcore_list is None:
+        params.lcore_list = LogicalCoreList(
+            node.filter_lcores(lcore_filter_specifier, ascending_cores)
+        )
+    prefix = params.prefix
+    if append_prefix_timestamp:
+        prefix = f"{prefix}_{node._dpdk_timestamp}"
+    prefix = node.main_session.get_dpdk_file_prefix(prefix)
+    if prefix:
+        node._dpdk_prefix_list.append(prefix)

We should make _dpdk_prefix_list public. Also _dpdk_timestamp.

+    params.prefix = prefix
+    if params.ports is None:
+        params.ports = node.ports
+    return params
+class DPDKShell(InteractiveShell, ABC):
+    """The base class for managing DPDK-based interactive shells.
+    This class shouldn't be instantiated directly, but instead be extended.
+    It automatically injects computed EAL parameters based on the node in the
+    supplied app parameters.
+    """
+    _node: SutNode

Same here, better to be explicit with _sut_node.

+    _app_params: EalParams
+    _lcore_filter_specifier: LogicalCoreCount | LogicalCoreList
+    _ascending_cores: bool
+    _append_prefix_timestamp: bool
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        node: SutNode,
+        app_params: EalParams,
+        privileged: bool = True,
+        timeout: float = SETTINGS.timeout,
+        lcore_filter_specifier: LogicalCoreCount | LogicalCoreList = 
+        ascending_cores: bool = True,
+        append_prefix_timestamp: bool = True,
+        start_on_init: bool = True,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Overrides :meth:`~.interactive_shell.InteractiveShell.__init__`."""
+        self._lcore_filter_specifier = lcore_filter_specifier
+        self._ascending_cores = ascending_cores
+        self._append_prefix_timestamp = append_prefix_timestamp
+        super().__init__(node, app_params, privileged, timeout, start_on_init)
+    def _post_init(self):
+        """Computes EAL params based on the node capabilities before start."""

We could just put this before calling super().__init__() in this class if we update path some other way, right? It's probably better to override the class method (_update_path()) in subclasses than having this _post_init() method.

+        self._app_params = compute_eal_params(
+            self._node,
+            self._app_params,
+            self._lcore_filter_specifier,
+            self._ascending_cores,
+            self._append_prefix_timestamp,
+        )
+        self._update_path(self._node.remote_dpdk_build_dir.joinpath(self.path))
diff --git a/dts/framework/remote_session/interactive_shell.py 
index 9da66d1c7e..4be7966672 100644
--- a/dts/framework/remote_session/interactive_shell.py
+++ b/dts/framework/remote_session/interactive_shell.py

@@ -56,55 +58,63 @@ class InteractiveShell(ABC):
+    def start_application(self) -> None:
          """Starts a new interactive application based on the path to the app.
This method is often overridden by subclasses as their process for
          starting may look different.
-        Args:
-            get_privileged_command: A function (but could be any callable) 
that produces
-                the version of the command with elevated privileges.
-        start_command = f"{self.path} {self._app_params}"
-        if get_privileged_command is not None:
-            start_command = get_privileged_command(start_command)
+        self._setup_ssh_channel()
+        start_command = self._make_start_command()
+        if self._privileged:
+            start_command = 

This update of the command should be in _make_start_command().

def send_command(self, command: str, prompt: str | None = None) -> str:

@@ -49,52 +48,48 @@ def __str__(self) -> str:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        node: SutNode,
+        privileged: bool = True,
+        timeout: float = SETTINGS.timeout,
+        lcore_filter_specifier: LogicalCoreCount | LogicalCoreList = 
+        ascending_cores: bool = True,
+        append_prefix_timestamp: bool = True,
+        start_on_init: bool = True,
+        **app_params,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Overrides :meth:`~.dpdk_shell.DPDKShell.__init__`. Changes app_params to 
+        super().__init__(
+            node,
+            TestPmdParams(**app_params),
+            privileged,
+            timeout,
+            lcore_filter_specifier,
+            ascending_cores,
+            append_prefix_timestamp,
+            start_on_init,

Just a note on the differences in signatures. TestPmdShell has the parameters at the end while DPDKShell and InteractiveShell have them second. I think we could make app_params the last parameter in all of these classes - that works for both kwargs and just singular Params.

- super()._start_application(get_privileged_command)
      def start(self, verify: bool = True) -> None:
          """Start packet forwarding with the current configuration.

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