On 2015/10/27 22:44, Traynor, Kevin wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Tetsuya Mukawa
> [snip]
>> Hi,
>> I have submitted latest patches.
>> I will keep vhost library until we will have agreement to merge it to
>> vhost PMD.
> Longer term there are pros and cons to keeping the vhost library. Personally
> I think it would make sense to remove sometime as trying to maintain two API's
> has a cost, but I think adding a deprecation notice in DPDK 2.2 for removal in
> DPDK 2.3 is very premature. Until it's proven *in the field* that the vhost 
> is a suitable fully functioning replacement for the vhost library and users
> have time to migrate, then please don't remove.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for commenting. I agree it's not the time to add deprecation notice.
(I haven't included it in the vhost PMD patches)


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