Hi Team,

We are using a C3 GCP instance having GVNIC with DPDK enabled.
We are using latest version of DPDK ( dpdk-24.03 ) to configure RSS key, we
understand C3 GCP instance with gvnic supports Toeplitz rss algorithm (
Reference -
but we are hitting below issue.

*Problem Statement - The RSS Hash value returned by the gvnic driver is
different and is not matching the one computed by Toeplitz.*

Using below script to compute rss hash value from Toeplitz.

Consider below data to compute RSS Hash value -

Source IP -
Destination IP -
Source Port - 49442
Destination Port - 55327
RSS Key - {0x94e3e97e, 0x4abac401, 0x1e0edbf, 0xe059e1f4, 0xb6e27dff,
0xdf55c916, 0xe9e6e4db, 0x1f9fb82c, 0x1e0edbf, 0xe059e1f4}

*Hash Value returned by Toeplitz - 0x8bbafd0f*

Gvnic dpdk pmd driver which uses Toeplitz RSS hash algorithm too is
expected to compute above RSS Hash value but we see the Hash value stored
in dpdk mbuf to be 0xc6a15941 which is not right.
>From the DPDK side we have ensured RSS offloading configuration is done
appropriately, but still we are seeing above mismatch.

We request you to please help us understand why this mismatch is happening
and is this expected behavior of gvnic on C3 instance.



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