Add test/set/clear/assign/flip functions which prevents certain
compiler optimizations and guarantees that program-level memory loads
and/or stores will actually occur.

These functions are useful when interacting with memory-mapped
hardware devices.

The "once" family of functions does not promise atomicity and provides
no memory ordering guarantees beyond the C11 relaxed memory model.

RFC v7:
 * Fix various minor issues in documentation.

RFC v6:
 * Have rte_bit_once_test() accept const-marked bitsets.

RFC v3:
 * Work around lack of C++ support for _Generic (Tyler Retzlaff).

Signed-off-by: Mattias Rönnblom <>
Acked-by: Morten Brørup <>
Acked-by: Tyler Retzlaff <>
 lib/eal/include/rte_bitops.h | 201 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 201 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/eal/include/rte_bitops.h b/lib/eal/include/rte_bitops.h
index 3297133e22..3644aa115c 100644
--- a/lib/eal/include/rte_bitops.h
+++ b/lib/eal/include/rte_bitops.h
@@ -226,6 +226,183 @@ extern "C" {
                 uint32_t *: __rte_bit_flip32,                          \
                 uint64_t *: __rte_bit_flip64)(addr, nr)
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Generic selection macro to test exactly once the value of a bit in
+ * a 32-bit or 64-bit word. The type of operation depends on the type
+ * of the @c addr parameter.
+ *
+ * rte_bit_once_test() is guaranteed to result in exactly one memory
+ * load (e.g., it may not be eliminate or merged by the compiler).
+ *
+ * \code{.c}
+ * rte_bit_once_set(addr, 17);
+ * if (rte_bit_once_test(addr, 17)) {
+ *     ...
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * In the above example, rte_bit_once_set() may not be removed by
+ * the compiler, which would be allowed in case rte_bit_set() and
+ * rte_bit_test() was used.
+ *
+ * \code{.c}
+ * while (rte_bit_once_test(addr, 17);
+ *     ;
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * In case rte_bit_test(addr, 17) was used instead, the resulting
+ * object code could (and in many cases would be) replaced with
+ * the equivalent to
+ * \code{.c}
+ * if (rte_bit_test(addr, 17)) {
+ *   for (;;) // spin forever
+ *       ;
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * rte_bit_once_test() does not give any guarantees in regards to
+ * memory ordering or atomicity.
+ *
+ * The regular bit set operations (e.g., rte_bit_test()) should be
+ * preferred over the "once" family of operations (e.g.,
+ * rte_bit_once_test()) if possible, since the latter may prevent
+ * optimizations crucial for run-time performance.
+ *
+ * @param addr
+ *   A pointer to the word to query.
+ * @param nr
+ *   The index of the bit.
+ * @return
+ *   Returns true if the bit is set, and false otherwise.
+ */
+#define rte_bit_once_test(addr, nr)                                    \
+       _Generic((addr),                                                \
+               uint32_t *: __rte_bit_once_test32,                      \
+               const uint32_t *: __rte_bit_once_test32,                \
+               uint64_t *: __rte_bit_once_test64,                      \
+               const uint64_t *: __rte_bit_once_test64)(addr, nr)
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Set bit in word exactly once.
+ *
+ * Generic selection macro to set bit specified by @c nr in the word
+ * pointed to by @c addr to '1' exactly once.
+ *
+ * rte_bit_once_set() is guaranteed to result in exactly one memory
+ * load and exactly one memory store, *or* an atomic bit set
+ * operation.
+ *
+ * See rte_bit_test_once32() for more information and uses cases for
+ * the "once" class of functions.
+ *
+ * This macro does not give any guarantees in regards to memory
+ * ordering or atomicity.
+ *
+ * @param addr
+ *   A pointer to the word to modify.
+ * @param nr
+ *   The index of the bit.
+ */
+#define rte_bit_once_set(addr, nr)                             \
+       _Generic((addr),                                        \
+                uint32_t *: __rte_bit_once_set32,              \
+                uint64_t *: __rte_bit_once_set64)(addr, nr)
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Clear bit in word exactly once.
+ *
+ * Generic selection macro to set bit specified by @c nr in the word
+ * pointed to by @c addr to '0' exactly once.
+ *
+ * rte_bit_once_clear() is guaranteed to result in exactly one memory load
+ * and exactly one memory store, *or* an atomic bit clear operation.
+ *
+ * See rte_bit_test_once() for more information and uses cases for
+ * the "once" class of functions.
+ *
+ * This macro does not give any guarantees in regards to memory
+ * ordering or atomicity.
+ *
+ * @param addr
+ *   A pointer to the word to modify.
+ * @param nr
+ *   The index of the bit.
+ */
+#define rte_bit_once_clear(addr, nr)                           \
+       _Generic((addr),                                        \
+                uint32_t *: __rte_bit_once_clear32,            \
+                uint64_t *: __rte_bit_once_clear64)(addr, nr)
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Assign a value to bit in a word exactly once.
+ *
+ * Generic selection macro to set bit specified by @c nr in the word
+ * pointed to by @c addr to the value indicated by @c value exactly
+ * once.
+ *
+ * rte_bit_once_assign() is guaranteed to result in exactly one memory
+ * load and exactly one memory store, *or* an atomic bit clear
+ * operation.
+ *
+ * This macro does not give any guarantees in regards to memory
+ * ordering or atomicity.
+ *
+ * @param addr
+ *   A pointer to the word to modify.
+ * @param nr
+ *   The index of the bit.
+ * @param value
+ *   The new value of the bit - true for '1', or false for '0'.
+ */
+#define rte_bit_once_assign(addr, nr, value)                           \
+       _Generic((addr),                                                \
+                uint32_t *: __rte_bit_once_assign32,                   \
+                uint64_t *: __rte_bit_once_assign64)(addr, nr, value)
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
+ *
+ * Flip bit in word, reading and writing exactly once.
+ *
+ * Generic selection macro to change the value of a bit to '0' if '1'
+ * or '1' if '0' in a 32-bit or 64-bit word. The type of operation
+ * depends on the type of the @c addr parameter.
+ *
+ * rte_bit_once_flip() is guaranteed to result in exactly one memory
+ * load and exactly one memory store, *or* an atomic bit flip
+ * operation.
+ *
+ * See rte_bit_test_once() for more information and uses cases for the
+ * "once" class of functions.
+ *
+ * This macro does not give any guarantees in regards to memory
+ * ordering or atomicity.
+ *
+ * @param addr
+ *   A pointer to the word to modify.
+ * @param nr
+ *   The index of the bit.
+ */
+#define rte_bit_once_flip(addr, nr)                            \
+       _Generic((addr),                                        \
+                uint32_t *: __rte_bit_once_flip32,             \
+                uint64_t *: __rte_bit_once_flip64)(addr, nr)
 #define __RTE_GEN_BIT_TEST(family, fun, qualifier, size)               \
        __rte_experimental                                              \
        static inline bool                                              \
@@ -298,6 +475,18 @@ __RTE_GEN_BIT_CLEAR(, clear,, 64)
 __RTE_GEN_BIT_ASSIGN(, assign,, 64)
 __RTE_GEN_BIT_FLIP(, flip,, 64)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_TEST(once_, test, volatile, 32)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_SET(once_, set, volatile, 32)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_CLEAR(once_, clear, volatile, 32)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_ASSIGN(once_, assign, volatile, 32)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_FLIP(once_, flip, volatile, 32)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_TEST(once_, test, volatile, 64)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_SET(once_, set, volatile, 64)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_CLEAR(once_, clear, volatile, 64)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_ASSIGN(once_, assign, volatile, 64)
+__RTE_GEN_BIT_FLIP(once_, flip, volatile, 64)
 /*------------------------ 32-bit relaxed operations ------------------------*/
@@ -993,6 +1182,12 @@ rte_log2_u64(uint64_t v)
 #undef rte_bit_assign
 #undef rte_bit_flip
+#undef rte_bit_once_test
+#undef rte_bit_once_set
+#undef rte_bit_once_clear
+#undef rte_bit_once_assign
+#undef rte_bit_once_flip
 #define __RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_SZ_2(fun, qualifier, size, arg1_type, arg1_name) \
        static inline void                                              \
        rte_bit_ ## fun(qualifier uint ## size ## _t *addr,             \
@@ -1042,6 +1237,12 @@ __RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_2(clear,, unsigned int, nr)
 __RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_3(assign,, unsigned int, nr, bool, value)
 __RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_2(flip,, unsigned int, nr)
+__RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_2R(once_test, const volatile, bool, unsigned int, nr)
+__RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_2(once_set, volatile, unsigned int, nr)
+__RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_2(once_clear, volatile, unsigned int, nr)
+__RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_3(once_assign, volatile, unsigned int, nr, bool, value)
+__RTE_BIT_OVERLOAD_2(once_flip, volatile, unsigned int, nr)
 #endif /* _RTE_BITOPS_H_ */

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