Hi Juraj!
I am not fussed about naming but I am certainly in favour of making
things less confusing, so I am happy with this change.
On 19/04/2024 09:51, Juraj Linkeš wrote:
def from_dict(
- d: ExecutionConfigDict,
+ d: TestRunConfigDict,
node_map: dict[str, Union[SutNodeConfiguration |
- ) -> "ExecutionConfiguration":
+ ) -> "TestRunConfiguration":
- def copy_and_modify(self, **kwargs) -> "ExecutionConfiguration":
+ def copy_and_modify(self, **kwargs) -> "TestRunConfiguration":
def from_dict(d: ConfigurationDict) -> "Configuration":
Unrelated, but spark for an improvement. I have noticed these, not sure
if there are more instances in the code. Shouldn't from_dict be a
@classmethod instead of @staticmethod. In which case you could also use:
from typing_extensions import Self
to replace all the class literals, example:
def from_dict(cls, d, node_map): -> Self:
return cls(...) # initialise class with cls
def copy_and_modify(self, **kwargs) -> Self: