> -----Original Message-----
> From: luca.bocca...@gmail.com <luca.bocca...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 7:11 AM
> To: sta...@dpdk.org
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Abhishek Marathe <abhishek.mara...@microsoft.com>;
> Ali Alnubani <alia...@nvidia.com>; benjamin.wal...@intel.com; David
> Christensen <d...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>; Hemant Agrawal
> <hemant.agra...@nxp.com>; Stokes, Ian <ian.sto...@intel.com>; Jerin Jacob
> <jer...@marvell.com>; Mcnamara, John <john.mcnam...@intel.com>; Ju-
> Hyoung Lee <juh...@microsoft.com>; Kevin Traynor <ktray...@redhat.com>;
> Luca Boccassi <bl...@debian.org>; Pei Zhang <pezh...@redhat.com>;
> qian.q...@intel.com; Raslan Darawsheh <rasl...@nvidia.com>; Thomas
> Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>; Yanghang Liu <yangh...@redhat.com>;
> yuan.p...@intel.com; zhaoyan.c...@intel.com
> Subject: 22.11.5 patches review and test
> Hi all,
> Here is a list of patches targeted for stable release 22.11.5.
> The planned date for the final release is April 18th.
> Please help with testing and validation of your use cases and report any
> issues/results with reply-all to this mail. For the final release the fixes 
> and
> reported validations will be added to the release notes.
> A release candidate tarball can be found at:
>     https://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk-stable/tag/?id=v22.11.5-rc1
> These patches are located at branch 22.11 of dpdk-stable repo:
>     https://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk-stable/
> Thanks.
> Luca Boccassi
Update the test status for Intel part. dpdk22.11.5-rc1 all validation test 
done. no new issue is found.

# Basic Intel(R) NIC testing
* Build & CFLAG compile: cover the build test combination with latest GCC/Clang 
version and the popular OS revision such as
  Ubuntu20.04, Ubuntu22.04, Fedora38, RHEL8.7, RHEL9.2, FreeBSD13.1, SUSE15, 
CentOS7.9, openEuler22.03-SP1,OpenAnolis8.8 etc.
- All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.
* PF(i40e, ixgbe): test scenarios including RTE_FLOW/TSO/Jumboframe/checksum 
offload/VLAN/VXLAN, etc. 
- All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.
* VF(i40e, ixgbe): test scenarios including VF-RTE_FLOW/TSO/Jumboframe/checksum 
offload/VLAN/VXLAN, etc.                
- All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.
* PF/VF(ice): test scenarios including Switch features/Package Management/Flow 
Director/Advanced Tx/Advanced RSS/ACL/DCF/Flexible Descriptor, etc.
- All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.
* Intel NIC single core/NIC performance: test scenarios including PF/VF single 
core performance test, etc.
- All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.
* IPsec: test scenarios including ipsec/ipsec-gw/ipsec library basic test - 
QAT&SW/FIB library, etc.
- All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.
# Basic cryptodev and virtio testing
* Virtio: both function and performance test are covered. Such as 
PVP/Virtio_loopback/virtio-user loopback/virtio-net VM2VM perf testing/VMAWARE 
ESXI 8.0, etc.
- All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.
* Cryptodev: 
  *Function test: test scenarios including Cryptodev API testing/CompressDev 
    - All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.
  *Performance test: test scenarios including Thoughput Performance/Cryptodev 
Latency, etc.
    - All test done. No new dpdk issue is found.

Xu, Hailin

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