
On 10/23/2015 06:28 AM, Mcnamara, John wrote:
> We have had a few people wishing to submit DPDK related white papers.
> These tend to focus on particular aspects of DPDK and don't fit into
> any of the existing documents.
> Where should these be stored/made available? Some options:
> * In the repo, in RST format in a doc/guides/white_paper directory.

This would be my preference. We could create PDF versions alongside
them, but the sources should be editable (enables updates over time).

> * On dpdk.org in PDF format.
> * Elsewhere.
> Any comments, suggestions?

Dave Neary - NFV/SDN Community Strategy
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338

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