Add a document to explain the DPDK patch submission and review process.

Signed-off-by: John McNamara <john.mcnamara at>
* Add recommendation to test build the shared and combined libraries. 
* Fixes for mailing list comments.
* Fix for broken link target.

 doc/guides/contributing/documentation.rst |   2 +-
 doc/guides/contributing/index.rst         |   1 +
 doc/guides/contributing/patches.rst       | 349 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/contributing/patches.rst

diff --git a/doc/guides/contributing/documentation.rst 
index 7c1eb41..0e37f01 100644
--- a/doc/guides/contributing/documentation.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/contributing/documentation.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.. doc_guidelines:
+.. _doc_guidelines:

 DPDK Documentation Guidelines
diff --git a/doc/guides/contributing/index.rst 
index 561427b..f49ca88 100644
--- a/doc/guides/contributing/index.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/contributing/index.rst
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ Contributor's Guidelines
+    patches
diff --git a/doc/guides/contributing/patches.rst 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60bbdaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/guides/contributing/patches.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+.. submitting_patches:
+Contributing Code to DPDK
+This document outlines the guidelines for submitting code to DPDK.
+The DPDK development process is modeled (loosely) on the Linux Kernel 
development model so it is worth reading the
+Linux kernel guide on submitting patches:
+`How to Get Your Change Into the Linux Kernel 
+The rationale for many of the DPDK guidelines is explained in greater detail 
in the kernel guidelines.
+The DPDK Development Process
+The DPDK development process has the following features:
+* The code is hosted in a public git repository.
+* There is a mailing list where developers submit patches.
+* There are maintainers for hierarchical components.
+* Patches are reviewed publicly on the mailing list.
+* Successfully reviewed patches are merged to the master branch of the 
+The mailing list for DPDK development is `dev at 
+Contributors will need to `register for the mailing list 
<>`_ in order to submit patches.
+It is also worth registering for the DPDK `Patchwork 
+The development process requires some familiarity with the ``git`` version 
control system.
+Refer to the `Pro Git Book <>`_ for further 
+Getting the Source Code
+The source code can be cloned using either of the following::
+    git clone git://
+    git clone
+Make your Changes
+Make your planned changes in the cloned ``dpdk`` repo. Here are some 
guidelines and requirements:
+* Follow the :ref:`coding_style` guidelines.
+* If you add new files or directories you should add your name to the 
+* New external functions should be added to the local ```` file.
+  See the :doc:`Guidelines for ABI policy and versioning 
+* Important changes will require an addition to the release notes in 
+  See the :ref:`Release Notes section of the Documentation Guidelines 
<doc_guidelines>` for details.
+* Run ``make install``, ``make examples`` and ``make test`` and build the 
shared and combined libraries
+  to ensure the changes haven't broken existing code:
+  .. code-block:: console
+     export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+     make T=$RTE_TARGET install
+                                CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_COMBINE_LIBS=y
+     make T=$RTE_TARGET examples
+     make T=$RTE_TARGET test
+* Don?t break compilation between commits with forward dependencies in a 
+  Each commit should compile on its own to allow for ``git bisect`` and 
continuous integration testing.
+* Add tests to the the ``app/test`` unit test framework where possible.
+* Add documentation, if relevant, in the form of Doxygen comments or a User 
Guide in RST format.
+  See the :ref:`Documentation Guidelines <doc_guidelines>`.
+Once the changes have been made you should commit them to your local repo.
+For small changes, that do not require specific explanations, it is better to 
keep things together in the
+same patch.
+Larger changes that require different explanations should be separated into 
logical patches in a patchset.
+A good way of thinking about whether a patch should be split is to consider 
whether the change could be
+applied without dependencies as a backport.
+As a guide to how patches should be structured run ``git log`` on similar 
+Commit Messages: Subject Line
+The first, summary, line of the git commit message becomes the subject line of 
the patch email.
+Here are some guidelines for the summary line:
+* The summary line must capture the area and the impact of the change.
+* The summary line should be around 50 characters.
+* The summary line should be lowercase apart from acronyms.
+* It should be prefixed with the component name (use git log to check existing 
+  For example::
+     config: enable same drivers options for linux and bsd
+     ixgbe: fix offload config option name
+* Use the imperative of the verb (like instructions to the code base).
+  For example::
+     ixgbe: fix rss in 32 bit
+* Don't add a period/full stop to the subject line or you will end up two in 
the patch name: ``dpdk_description..patch``.
+The actual email subject line should be prefixed by ``[PATCH]`` and the 
version, if greater than v1,
+for example: ``PATCH v2``.
+The is generally added by ``git send-email`` or ``git format-patch``, see 
+If you are submitting an RFC draft of a feature you can use ``[RFC]`` instead 
of ``[PATCH]``.
+An RFC patch doesn't have to be complete.
+It is intended as a way of getting early feedback.
+Commit Messages: Body
+Here are some guidelines for the body of a commit message:
+* The body of the message should describe the issue being fixed or the feature 
being added.
+  It is important to provide enough information to allow a reviewer to 
understand the purpose of the patch.
+* When the change is obvious the body can be blank, apart from the signoff.
+* The commit message must end with a ``Signed-off-by:`` line which is added 
+      git commit --signoff # or -s
+  The purpose of the signoff is explained in the
+  `Developer's Certificate of Origin 
+  section of the Linux kernel guidelines.
+  .. Note::
+     All developers must ensure that they have read and understood the
+     Developer's Certificate of Origin section of the documentation prior
+     to applying the signoff and submitting a patch.
+* The signoff must be a real name and not an alias or nickname.
+  More than one signoff is allowed.
+* The text of the commit message should be wrapped at 72 characters.
+* When fixing a regression, it is a good idea to reference the id of the 
commit which introduced the bug.
+  You can generate the required text using the following git alias::
+     git alias: fixline = log -1 --abbrev=12 --format='Fixes: %h (\"%s\")'
+  The ``Fixes:`` line can then be added to the commit message::
+     doc: fix vhost sample parameter
+     Update the docs to reflect removed dev-index.
+     Fixes: 17b8320a3e11 ("vhost: remove index parameter")
+     Signed-off-by: Alex Smith <alex.smith at>
+* When fixing an error or warning it is useful to add the error message and 
instructions on how to reproduce it.
+* Use correct capitalization, punctuation and spelling.
+In addition to the ``Signed-off-by:`` name the commit messages can also have 
one or more of the following:
+* ``Reported-by:`` The reporter of the issue.
+* ``Tested-by:`` The tester of the change.
+* ``Reviewed-by:`` The reviewer of the change.
+* ``Suggested-by:`` The person who suggested the change.
+* ``Acked-by:`` When a previous version of the patch was acked and the ack is 
still relevant.
+Creating Patches
+It is possible to send patches directly from git but for new contributors it 
is recommended to generate the
+patches with ``git format-patch`` and then when everything looks okay, and the 
patches have been checked, to
+send them with ``git send-mail``.
+Here are some examples of using ``git format-patch`` to generate patches:
+.. code-block:: console
+   # Generate a patch from the last commit.
+   git format-patch -1
+   # Generate a patch from the last 3 commits.
+   git format-patch -3
+   # Generate the patches in a directory.
+   git format-patch -3 -o ~/patch/
+   # Add a cover letter to explain a patchset.
+   git format-patch -3 -o --cover-letter
+   # Add a prefix with a version number.
+   git format-patch -3 -o --subject-prefix 'PATCH v2'
+Cover letters are useful for explaining a patchset and help to generate a 
logical threading to the patches.
+Smaller notes can be put inline in the patch after the ``---`` separator, for 
+   Subject: [PATCH] fm10k/base: add FM10420 device ids
+   Add the device ID for Boulder Rapids and Atwood Channel to enable
+   drivers to support those devices.
+   Signed-off-by: Alex Smith <alex.smith at>
+   ---
+    drivers/net/fm10k/base/fm10k_api.c  | 6 ++++++
+    drivers/net/fm10k/base/fm10k_type.h | 6 ++++++
+    2 files changed, 12 insertions(+)
+   ...
+Version 2 and later of a patchset should also include a short log of the 
changes so the reviewer knows what has changed.
+This can be added to the cover letter or the annotations.
+For example::
+   v3:
+   * Fixed issued with
+   v2:
+   * Added i40e support.
+   * Renamed ethdev functions from rte_eth_ieee15888_*() to 
+     since 802.1AS can be supported through the same interfaces.
+Checking the Patches
+Patches should be checked for formatting and syntax issues using the Linux 
scripts tool ``checkpatch``.
+The ``checkpatch`` utility can be obtained by cloning, and periodically, 
updating the Linux kernel sources.
+The kernel guidelines tested by ``checkpatch`` don't match the DPDK Coding 
Style guidelines exactly but
+they provide a good indication of conformance.
+Warnings about kernel data types or about split strings can be ignored::
+   /path/ --ignore PREFER_KERNEL_TYPES,SPLIT_STRING -q 
+Ensure that the code compiles with ``gcc`` and ``clang``::
+   make T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc   install
+   make T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-clang install
+Confirm that the changes haven't broken any existing code by running ``make 
install``, ``make examples`` and
+``make test`` and building the shared and combined libraries:
+  .. code-block:: console
+     export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+     make T=$RTE_TARGET install
+                                CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_COMBINE_LIBS=y
+     make T=$RTE_TARGET examples
+     make T=$RTE_TARGET test
+Sending Patches
+Patches should be sent to the mailing list using ``git send-email``.
+You can configure an external SMTP with something like the following::
+   [sendemail]
+       smtpuser = name at
+       smtpserver =
+       smtpserverport = 465
+       smtpencryption = ssl
+See the `Git send-mail <>`_ 
documentation for more details.
+The patches should be sent to ``dev at``.
+If the patches are a change to existing files then you should send them TO the 
maintainer(s) and CC ``dev at``.
+The appropriate maintainer can be found in the ``MAINTAINERS`` file::
+   git send-email --to maintainer at --cc dev at 000*.patch
+New additions can be sent without a maintainer::
+   git send-email --to dev at 000*.patch
+You can test the emails by sending it to yourself or with the ``--dry-run`` 
+If the patch is in relation to a previous email thread you can add it to the 
same thread using the Message ID::
+   git send-email --to dev at --in-reply-to <1234-foo at> 
+The Message ID can be found in the raw text of emails or at the top of each 
Patchwork patch,
+`for example <>`_.
+Shallow threading (``--thread --no-chain-reply-to``) is preferred for a patch 
+Once submitted your patches will appear on the mailing list and in Patchwork.
+Experienced committers may send patches directly with ``git send-email`` 
without the ``git format-patch`` step.
+The options ``--annotate`` and ``confirm = always`` are recommended for 
checking patches before sending.
+The Review Process
+The more work you put into the previous steps the easier it will be to get a 
patch accepted.
+The general cycle for patch review and acceptance is:
+#. Submit the patch.
+#. Check the automatic test reports in the coming hours.
+#. Wait for review comments. While you are waiting review some other patches.
+#. Fix the review comments and submit a ``v n+1`` patchset::
+      git format-patch -3 -o --subject-prefix 'PATCH v2'
+#. Update Patchwork to mark your previous patches as "Superseded".
+#. If the patch is deemed suitable for merging by the relevant maintainer(s) 
or other developers they will ``ack``
+   the patch with an email that includes something like::
+      Acked-by: Alex Smith <alex.smith at>
+   **Note**: When acking patches please remove as much of the text of the 
patch email as possible.
+   It is generally best to delete everything after the ``Signed-off-by:`` line.
+#. Having the patch ``Reviewed-by:`` and/or ``Tested-by:`` will also help the 
patch to be accepted.
+#. If the patch isn't deemed suitable based on being out of scope or 
conflicting with existing functionality
+   it may receive a ``nack``.
+   In this case you will need to make a more convincing technical argument in 
favor of your patches.
+#. In addition a patch will not be accepted if it doesn't address comments 
from a previous version with fixes or
+   valid arguments.
+#. Acked patches will be merged in the current or next merge window.

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