> -----Original Message-----
> From: Akhil Goyal <gak...@marvell.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 7:12 PM
> To: Dooley, Brian <brian.doo...@intel.com>; Ji, Kai <kai...@intel.com>; De
> Lara
> Guarch, Pablo <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>; Patrick Robb
> <pr...@iol.unh.edu>; Aaron Conole <acon...@redhat.com>
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Sivaramakrishnan, VenkatX
> <venkatx.sivaramakrish...@intel.com>; Power, Ciara <ciara.po...@intel.com>;
> Wathsala Vithanage <wathsala.vithan...@arm.com>; tho...@monjalon.net;
> Marchand, David <david.march...@redhat.com>
> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [PATCH v5 1/4] crypto/ipsec_mb: bump minimum IPsec
> Multi-buffer version
> > Subject: [EXTERNAL] [PATCH v5 1/4] crypto/ipsec_mb: bump minimum IPsec
> > Multi-buffer version
> >
> > From: Sivaramakrishnan Venkat <venkatx.sivaramakrish...@intel.com>
> >
> > SW PMDs increment IPsec Multi-buffer version to 1.4.
> > A minimum IPsec Multi-buffer version of 1.4 or greater is now required.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Sivaramakrishnan Venkat
> > <venkatx.sivaramakrish...@intel.com>
> > Acked-by: Ciara Power <ciara.po...@intel.com>
> > Acked-by: Pablo de Lara <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>
> > Acked-by: Wathsala Vithanage <wathsala.vithan...@arm.com>
> please check these:
> https://github.com/ovsrobot/dpdk/actions/runs/8160942783/job/223086396
> 70#step:19:19411
> Error: cannot find librte_crypto_ipsec_mb.so.24.0 in install You need to get
> this
> fixed or else CI would fail for every patch once this series is applied.
I am having trouble reproducing this one.
I have run these commands that I saw in the CI log, before the patches, and
then after the patches are applied - with ipsec-mb v1.2 on system as in CI.
meson configure build -Denable_docs=true -Dexamples=all -Dplatform=generic
-Ddefault_library=shared -Dbuildtype=debug -Dcheck_includes=true -Dlibdir=lib
meson install -C build
ninja -C build
It compiles ok both times, first time it compiles ipsec-mb PMDs, after the
patches applied, it skips compiling the PMDs as expected.
I am wondering, could this error be to do with the ABI reference/install
Maybe reference has the ipsec_mb.so file from a build that supported it, and it
can't find the equivalent in the new install, because it's not compiled anymore:
+ devtools/check-abi.sh reference install
Error: cannot find librte_crypto_ipsec_mb.so.24.0 in install
Aaron, could that be the case?
Or, maybe my steps to reproduce the build setup are incorrect?
> And this is also failing http://mails.dpdk.org/archives/test-report/2024-
> March/601301.html
> These need to be fixed in CI infra.
This function that throws the error is available in the recently tagged 1.4
equivalent Arm repo, so I am unsure why it can't find it.
Could there be some old installed ipsec-mb version in the environment that is
being picked up by DPDK?
Sometimes the meson configure step will pick up the correct ipsec-mb version,
but then ninja step links to an older version that still exists and hadn't been
uninstalled previously.
Not sure if that could be the case for the CI container though - Patrick maybe
you can verify there are no 1.3 or less versions on system that could be being
picked up:
I usually use something like: find /usr -name libIPSec_MB.so\*
Thanks for the help,