++Keith Wiles

Intel Corporation

On 10/22/15, 6:56 AM, "Richardson, Bruce" <bruce.richardson at intel.com> wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Wiles, Keith
>> Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 2:14 PM
>> To: dev at dpdk.org
>> Subject: [dpdk-dev] GIT workflow model to help solve some of the problems
>> I have been looking at the a GIT flow model that seems to help with our
>> backlog problem and how we stage releases.
>> I found this model a few years ago and find it to be very reasonable and
>> helps us with development.
>> http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
>> The model may not be perfect, but it does give us the next branch via the
>> develop branch and gets any bugs/patches off the master branch. I have not
>> found a simpler solution that does not have problem and this one may have
>> problems as well, but it seem to be reasonable. Some call the develop
>> branch the ?next? branch, but it does not matter what it is called IMO.
>> ?
>> Regards,
>> ++Keith Wiles
>> Intel Corporation
>Hi Keith,
>I agree that such a git model can work very well, and indeed we used to use 
>something a bit like it internally on DPDK development in the pre-dpdk.org 
>era. However, I don't think a branching model will solve the patch backlog 
>issues we are currently having on dpdk.org, as the branching strategy can't 
>possibly affect the speed at which reviews of patches get done, or how quickly 
>reviewed patches get applied to the mainline for the next release. I believe 
>that our problems are more caused by the limitation of 24 hours in a day, than 
>in a lack of branches (or whole trees) in git. :-)

I had no dreams this would solve the backlog problem, but I thought everyone 
wanted a different repo for the ?next? stuff and I was hoping to point out that 
a branch will work plus if we adopt a branching model then it would be clearer 
to everyone IMO.
>To try and solve the backlog, it's been discussed trying to scale things by 
>increasing the number of committers on the project - specifically sub-tree 
>maintainers - so as to reduce Thomas's direct workload. Thomas was hinting 
>repeatedly at the userspace conference that he'd like me to take over as 
>committer for a separate drivers/net subtree, and (following some arm-twisting 
>from various sources :-)) I've decided that I do indeed need to take on such a 
>role starting from the 2.3 release. [Declan has similarly already volunteered 
>to maintain a subtree for crypto drivers.] I'm sure I'll learn soon enough 
>what I've let myself in for! :-)

Today we use basically the master only with patches and a branching model 
should help others with how and when they can merge into the release branch and 
master. A next release branch would help to focus everyone IMO.
>With regards to branches, I believe at userspace Stephen H had volunteered 
>some time/resources to see about back-porting fixes to earlier releases, which 
>presumably necessitates separate release branches like that in the link you 
>sent. Stephen, any follow-up on that - is it still a possibility?

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