23/02/2024 09:38, Ferruh Yigit:
> On 2/23/2024 8:15 AM, Morten Brørup wrote:
> > Dear maintainers,
> > 
> > Is it easier for you to spot if we ack a series in patch 0, patch 1, or the 
> > last patch of the series? Or don't you have any preferences?
> When a patch is ack'ed, not cover letter (patch 0), patchwork detects it
> and both shows it in the web interface (A/R/T), and automatically adds
> it when patch applied from patchwork, so this makes life easy.
> But to ack each patch in a series one by one is noise for mailing list
> and overhead for reviewer. For this case I think better to ack whole
> series in reply to cover letter, maintainer can apply this manually to
> each patch.
> When there is a patch series, but it doesn't have a cover letter, I tend
> to reply to patch 1, but I don't think patch 1 or last patch matters,
> only to differentiate if the ack is for that patch or whole, I am adding:
> ```
> For series,
> Acked-by: ...
> ```
> From maintainers perspective this manually adding tags is small enough
> work to ignore, but I see authors are impacted too, like if a previous
> version cover letter is acked, they are not adding this ack manually to
> each patch in next version, requiring reviewer ack the new version again
> I guess best solution is add this series ack support to patchwork,
> it can be either:
> - Ack in cover letter automatically add ack to each patch in the series.
> or
> - Add new "Series-acked-by: " syntax, which if patchwork detects it in
> any of patch in the series automatically add ack to each patch in the
> series.

I agree with all being said by Ferruh.

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