On 1/31/2024 5:43 PM, Ori Kam wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@amd.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 6:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 2/3] ethdev: add compare item
>> On 1/31/2024 3:56 PM, Ori Kam wrote:
>>> Hi
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Suanming Mou <suanmi...@nvidia.com>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 4:48 AM
>>>> Hi,
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@amd.com>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 1:34 AM
>>>>> To: Suanming Mou <suanmi...@nvidia.com>; Ori Kam
>>>> <or...@nvidia.com>;
>>>>> Aman Singh <aman.deep.si...@intel.com>; Yuying Zhang
>>>>> <yuying.zh...@intel.com>; NBU-Contact-Thomas Monjalon (EXTERNAL)
>>>>> <tho...@monjalon.net>; Andrew Rybchenko
>>>>> <andrew.rybche...@oktetlabs.ru>
>>>>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org
>>>>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 2/3] ethdev: add compare item
>>>>> On 1/15/2024 9:13 AM, Suanming Mou wrote:
>>>>>> The new item type is added for the case user wants to match traffic
>>>>>> based on packet field compare result with other fields or immediate
>>>>>> value.
>>>>>> e.g. take advantage the compare item user will be able to accumulate a
>>>>>> IPv4/TCP packet's TCP data_offset and IPv4 IHL field to a tag
>>>>>> register, then compare the tag register with IPv4 header total length
>>>>>> to understand the packet has payload or not.
>>>>> ack, above sample makes it easier to understand.
>>>>> This patch is adding testpmd commands, can you please provide some
>>>> sample
>>>>> commands in commit log?
>>>>> The more samples are better, as far as I remember there was a testpmd
>>>>> documentation that documents the sample usages, can you please check
>>>> for it?
>>> [Snip ..]
>>>>>> +/**
>>>>>> + * @warning
>>>>>> + * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this structure may change without prior notice
>>>>>> + *
>>>>>> + * Field description for packet field.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> +struct rte_flow_field_data {
>>>>>> +        enum rte_flow_field_id field; /**< Field or memory type ID. */
>>>>>> +        union {
>>>>>> +                struct {
>>>>>> +                        /** Encapsulation level and tag index or flex 
>>>>>> item
>>>>> handle. */
>>>>>> +                        union {
>>>>>> +                                struct {
>>>>>> +                                        /**
>>>>>> +                                         * Packet encapsulation level
>>>> containing
>>>>>> +                                         * the field to modify.
>>>>>> +                                         *
>>>>>> +                                         * - @p 0 requests the default
>>>> behavior.
>>>>>> +                                         *   Depending on the packet 
>>>>>> type, it
>>>>>> +                                         *   can mean outermost, 
>>>>>> innermost
>>>> or
>>>>>> +                                         *   anything in between.
>>>>>> +                                         *
>>>>>> +                                         *   It basically stands for the
>>>>>> +                                         *   innermost encapsulation 
>>>>>> level.
>>>>>> +                                         *   Modification can be 
>>>>>> performed
>>>>>> +                                         *   according to PMD and device
>>>>>> +                                         *   capabilities.
>>>>>> +                                         *
>>>>>> +                                         * - @p 1 requests modification 
>>>>>> to be
>>>>>> +                                         *   performed on the outermost
>>>> packet
>>>>>> +                                         *   encapsulation level.
>>>>>> +                                         *
>>>>>> +                                         * - @p 2 and subsequent values
>>>>> request
>>>>>> +                                         *   modification to be 
>>>>>> performed on
>>>>>> +                                         *   the specified inner packet
>>>>>> +                                         *   encapsulation level, from
>>>>>> +                                         *   outermost to innermost 
>>>>>> (lower to
>>>>>> +                                         *   higher values).
>>>>>> +                                         *
>>>>>> +                                         * Values other than @p 0 are 
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> +                                         * necessarily supported.
>>>>>> +                                         *
>>>>>> +                                         * @note that for MPLS field,
>>>>>> +                                         * encapsulation level also 
>>>>>> include
>>>>>> +                                         * tunnel since MPLS may appear 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> +                                         * outer, inner or tunnel.
>>>>>> +                                         */
>>>>>> +                                        uint8_t level;
>>>>>> +                                        union {
>>>>>> +                                                /**
>>>>>> +                                                 * Tag index array 
>>>>>> inside
>>>>>> +                                                 * encapsulation level.
>>>>>> +                                                 * Used for VLAN, MPLS 
>>>>>> or
>>>> TAG
>>>>> types.
>>>>>> +                                                 */
>>>>>> +                                                uint8_t tag_index;
>>>>>> +                                                /**
>>>>>> +                                                 * Geneve option 
>>>>>> identifier.
>>>>>> +                                                 * Relevant only for
>>>>>> +                                                 *
>>>>>> +                                                 * modification type.
>>>>>> +                                                 */
>>>>>> +                                                struct {
>>>>>> +                                                        /**
>>>>>> +                                                         * Geneve option
>>>> type.
>>>>>> +                                                         */
>>>>>> +                                                        uint8_t type;
>>>>>> +                                                        /**
>>>>>> +                                                         * Geneve option
>>>> class.
>>>>>> +                                                         */
>>>>>> +                                                        rte_be16_t 
>>>>>> class_id;
>>>>>> +                                                };
>>>>>> +                                        };
>>>>>> +                                };
>>>>>> +                                struct rte_flow_item_flex_handle
>>>> *flex_handle;
>>>>>> +                        };
>>>>>> +                        /** Number of bits to skip from a field. */
>>>>>> +                        uint32_t offset;
>>>>>> +                };
>>>>>> +                /**
>>>>>> +                 * Immediate value for RTE_FLOW_FIELD_VALUE, presented
>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>>> +                 * same byte order and length as in relevant
>>>> rte_flow_item_xxx.
>>>>>> +                 * The immediate source bitfield offset is inherited 
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> +                 * the destination's one.
>>>>>> +                 */
>>>>>> +                uint8_t value[16];
>>>>>> +                /**
>>>>>> +                 * Memory address for RTE_FLOW_FIELD_POINTER, memory
>>>>> layout
>>>>>> +                 * should be the same as for relevant field in the
>>>>>> +                 * rte_flow_item_xxx structure.
>>>>>> +                 */
>>>>>> +                void *pvalue;
>>>>>> +        };
>>>>>> +};
>>>>>> +
>>>>> I am aware that you are just moving the above struct, but it is nested too
>>>> much
>>>>> which is making it hard to read.
>>>>> As you are touching it, can we extract some structs and make this struct
>> less
>>>>> nested, what do you think?
>>>>> Of course it needs to be done in separate patch, as a preperation/clean-
>> up
>>>> patch
>>>>> before moving it around.
>>>> Agree the struct maybe a bit nested. But not sure how it was discussed
>>>> before during the last new member was added... @Ori, Do you have any
>> idea
>>>> about this?
>>> As far as I remember, it was never discussed,
>>> I think for this series we should keep it as is, and revise it later.
>> If you don't want to make this set more complex with this, that is OK as
>> long as it is addressed at some point.
> Agree,
> If you have suggestions, I will be more than happy to hear.

For the struct?
Simply extracting the inner structs as named structs to reduce the
nested structs, does this make sense?

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