I'm having issues measuring packets dropped at the NIC in both the 2.0.0 and 2.1.0 versions of DPDK on an X710 Intel NIC. In dpdk-2.0.0 Using rte_eth_xstats the rx_packets and rx_bytes counters increase as expected, however rx_missed_errors is always 0 even if a sleep statement is added between calls to rte_eth_rx_burst. However changing the coremask so the application is running on a different socket than the card will cause rx_missed_errors to increment for a limited amount of time and then stop. Using rte_eth_stats, ipackets is incremented on packet receipt but the q_ipackets and q_errors arrays remain zero. Even crossing sockets seems to have no effect on q_errors. In dpdk-2.1.0 the behaviour is the same as above, except that the number of fields returned by rte_eth_xstats_get is reduced (no rx_missed errors at all) so running on a different socket no longer has any noticeable effect on the stats. My understanding from the API manual is that the rte_eth_stats q_errors array should count the packets missed because software isn't polling fast enough, but that doesn't seem to be the case? Is there a standard DPDK way to check this? The application is a forwarding one so there's no other way to estimate drop except through NIC rx. Thanks, Eimear