> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Baum <michae...@nvidia.com>
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 16:13
> To: dev@dpdk.org
> Cc: Matan Azrad <ma...@nvidia.com>; Dariusz Sosnowski
> <dsosnow...@nvidia.com>; Raslan Darawsheh <rasl...@nvidia.com>; Slava
> Ovsiienko <viachesl...@nvidia.com>; Ori Kam <or...@nvidia.com>; Suanming
> Mou <suanmi...@nvidia.com>; Erez Shitrit <ere...@nvidia.com>
> Subject: [PATCH v3 1/2] net/mlx5/hws: add support for random number match
> From: Erez Shitrit <ere...@nvidia.com>
> The HW adds a random number per each hash, this value can be used for
> statistic calculation over the packets, for example by setting one bit in the 
> mask
> of that field we will get half of the traffic in the flow, and so on with the 
> rest of
> the mask.
> Signed-off-by: Erez Shitrit <ere...@nvidia.com>
Acked-by: Dariusz Sosnowski <dsosnow...@nvidia.com>

Best regards,
Dariusz Sosnowski

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