> >
> > I'm not sure that mentioning PMD here is fully correct, because in my
> > opinion it implies that SW generates it.
> > HW, SW and system clock were mentioned as examples of sources of
> > randomness in previous discussions on this API.
> >
> > Also, I think it's worth adding that "number == unsigned integer with
> > at most 32 bits."
> > It gives some leeway for any driver implementing this API - value is
> > uint32_t but not all bits must be used.
> > For example, some HW may support only 16-bit random number generation.
> > Such HW might implement validation on mask, where mask with more than
> > 16 bits would be rejected.
> >
> > What do you think about the following proposal based on those comments?
> >
> > "A random unsigned integer (at most 32-bit) is generated for each
> > packet during flow rule processing, by either HW, SW or some external 
> > source.
> > Application can match on either exact value or range of values."
> I think your suggestion is good, but the words "for each packet" imply that 
> the
> generated random value is oriented to the packet.
> So I'm taking it and keeping the next lines:
> " This value is not based on the packet data/headers.
> Application shouldn't assume that this value is kept during the lifetime of 
> the
> packet."
Sounds good to me.

Best regards,
Dariusz Sosnowski

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