This patch enable three FEC related ops in ice driver. As no speed
information can get from HW, this patch only show FEC capability.

Signed-off-by: Qiming Yang <>
 drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 175 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
index 3ccba4db80..9ef4538626 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
@@ -178,6 +178,12 @@ static int ice_timesync_read_time(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 static int ice_timesync_write_time(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                                   const struct timespec *timestamp);
 static int ice_timesync_disable(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
+static int ice_fec_get_capability(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct 
rte_eth_fec_capa *speed_fec_capa,
+                          unsigned int num);
+static int ice_fec_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint32_t *fec_capa);
+static int ice_fec_set(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint32_t fec_capa);
 static const uint32_t *ice_buffer_split_supported_hdr_ptypes_get(struct 
rte_eth_dev *dev);
 static const struct rte_pci_id pci_id_ice_map[] = {
@@ -294,6 +300,9 @@ static const struct eth_dev_ops ice_eth_dev_ops = {
        .timesync_write_time          = ice_timesync_write_time,
        .timesync_disable             = ice_timesync_disable,
        .tm_ops_get                   = ice_tm_ops_get,
+       .fec_get_capability           = ice_fec_get_capability,
+       .fec_get                      = ice_fec_get,
+       .fec_set                      = ice_fec_set,
        .buffer_split_supported_hdr_ptypes_get = 
@@ -6513,6 +6522,172 @@ ice_buffer_split_supported_hdr_ptypes_get(struct 
rte_eth_dev *dev __rte_unused)
        return ptypes;
+static int
+ice_fec_get_capa_num(struct ice_aqc_get_phy_caps_data *pcaps, struct 
rte_eth_fec_capa *speed_fec_capa)
+       int num = 0;
+       if (pcaps->caps & ICE_AQC_PHY_EN_AUTO_FEC) {
+               if (speed_fec_capa)
+                       speed_fec_capa[num].capa = 
+               num++;
+       }
+       if (pcaps->link_fec_options & ICE_AQC_PHY_FEC_10G_KR_40G_KR4_EN ||
+           pcaps->link_fec_options & ICE_AQC_PHY_FEC_10G_KR_40G_KR4_REQ ||
+           pcaps->link_fec_options & ICE_AQC_PHY_FEC_25G_KR_CLAUSE74_EN ||
+           pcaps->link_fec_options & ICE_AQC_PHY_FEC_25G_KR_REQ) {
+               if (speed_fec_capa)
+                       speed_fec_capa[num].capa = 
+               num++;
+       }
+       if (pcaps->link_fec_options & ICE_AQC_PHY_FEC_25G_RS_528_REQ ||
+           pcaps->link_fec_options & ICE_AQC_PHY_FEC_25G_RS_544_REQ ||
+           pcaps->link_fec_options & ICE_AQC_PHY_FEC_25G_RS_CLAUSE91_EN) {
+               if (speed_fec_capa)
+                       speed_fec_capa[num].capa = 
+               num++;
+       }
+       if (pcaps->link_fec_options == 0) {
+               if (speed_fec_capa)
+                       speed_fec_capa[num].capa = 
+               num++;
+       }
+       return num;
+static int
+ice_fec_get_capability(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_eth_fec_capa 
+                          unsigned int num)
+       struct ice_hw *hw = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
+       struct ice_aqc_get_phy_caps_data *pcaps;
+       unsigned int capa_num;
+       int ret = 0;
+       pcaps = (struct ice_aqc_get_phy_caps_data *)
+                       ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*pcaps));
+               if (!pcaps)
+                       return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+       ret = ice_aq_get_phy_caps(hw->port_info, false, 
+                                 pcaps, NULL);
+       printf("cap support: %d\n", pcaps->link_fec_options);
+       if (ret)
+               goto done;
+       /* first time to get capa_num */
+       capa_num = ice_fec_get_capa_num(pcaps, NULL);
+       if (!speed_fec_capa || num < capa_num) {
+               ret = capa_num;
+               goto done;
+       }
+       ret = ice_fec_get_capa_num(pcaps, speed_fec_capa);
+       if (ret)
+               goto done;
+       ice_free(hw, pcaps);
+       return ret;
+static int
+ice_fec_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint32_t *fec_capa)
+       struct ice_hw *hw = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
+       struct ice_port_info *pi = hw->port_info;
+       u32 temp_fec_capa = 0;
+       int ret = 0;
+       if (!pi)
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       /* Get current FEC mode from port info */
+       switch (pi->phy.curr_user_fec_req) {
+       case ICE_FEC_NONE:
+               temp_fec_capa = RTE_ETH_FEC_MODE_CAPA_MASK(NOFEC);
+               break;
+       case ICE_FEC_AUTO:
+       case ICE_FEC_DIS_AUTO:
+               temp_fec_capa = RTE_ETH_FEC_MODE_CAPA_MASK(AUTO);
+               break;
+       case ICE_FEC_BASER:
+               temp_fec_capa = RTE_ETH_FEC_MODE_CAPA_MASK(BASER);
+               break;
+       case ICE_FEC_RS:
+               temp_fec_capa = RTE_ETH_FEC_MODE_CAPA_MASK(RS);
+               break;
+       default:
+               ret = -ENOTSUP;
+               break;
+       }
+       *fec_capa = temp_fec_capa;
+       return ret;
+static int
+ice_fec_set(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint32_t fec_capa)
+       struct ice_hw *hw = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
+       struct ice_port_info *pi = hw->port_info;
+       struct ice_aqc_set_phy_cfg_data config = { 0 };
+       enum ice_fec_mode req_fec;
+       int ret = 0;
+       if (!pi)
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       /* Copy the current user PHY configuration. The current user PHY
+        * configuration is initialized during probe from PHY capabilities
+        * software mode, and updated on set PHY configuration.
+        */
+       memcpy(&config, &pi->phy.curr_user_phy_cfg, sizeof(config));
+       switch (fec_capa) {
+               req_fec = ICE_FEC_NONE;
+               break;
+               if (ice_fw_supports_fec_dis_auto(hw))
+                       req_fec = ICE_FEC_DIS_AUTO;
+               else
+                       req_fec = ICE_FEC_AUTO;
+               break;
+               req_fec = ICE_FEC_BASER;
+               break;
+               req_fec = ICE_FEC_RS;
+               break;
+       default:
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Unsupported FEC mode: %d\n", fec_capa);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       ret = ice_cfg_phy_fec(pi, &config, req_fec);
+       if (ret) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to set FEC mode");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       config.caps |= ICE_AQ_PHY_ENA_AUTO_LINK_UPDT;
+       if (ice_aq_set_phy_cfg(pi->hw, pi, &config, NULL))
+               return -EAGAIN;
+       /* Save requested FEC config */
+       pi->phy.curr_user_fec_req = req_fec;
+       printf("set current mode: %d\n", pi->phy.curr_user_fec_req);
+       return 0;
 static int
 ice_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv __rte_unused,
              struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)

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