On 11/9/2023 7:57 PM, Etelson, Gregory wrote:
> Hello Ferruh,
>>>>> Indirect actions list arguments parser was configured to place target
>>>>> number into 64bit value, while the code provided 32bits memory.
>>>> Hi Gregory,
>>>> Can you please give more details why 'id' needs to be 64 bits, with
>>>> callstack or usecase etc?
>>>> And please describe what is the observed problem with current code?
>>> In rte_flow.h, struct rte_flow_action_indirect_list::handle is a
>>> pointer.
>>> define arguments size as uintptr_t.
>>> On 64 bits system, defining the id variable as 32 bits value
>>> corrupted parse_indlst_id2ptr stack.
>> I can't see how stack corruption can happen, can you please provide call
>> stack and flow command?
> To reproduce the crash buildtype must be release or debugoptimized.
> The crash will not reproduce with the debug builds.
> Testpmd commands I use:
> dpdk-testpmd -a ${PCI_ADDR},dv_flow_en=2,representor=vf0-1 -- -i
> port stop all
> flow configure 0 queues_number 12 queues_size 256
> flow configure 1 queues_number 12 queues_size 256
> flow configure 2 queues_number 12 queues_size 256
> port start all
> start
> set raw_encap 0 eth dst is 00:16:3e:52:bd:37 src is 00:16:3e:6e:16:e0
> type is 2048 has_vlan is 0 / ipv4 src is dst is
> proto is 17 fragment_offset is 0 packet_id is 1 tos is
> 102 ttl is 189 version_ihl is 69 / udp src is 56800 dst is 4789 / vxlan
> vni is 3 / end_set
> set sample_actions 0 represented_port ethdev_port_id 0 / end
> flow indirect_action 0 create action_id 5 transfer list actions sample
> ratio 1 index 0 / represented_port ethdev_port_id 2 / end
> flow actions_template 0 create transfer actions_template_id 6 template
> indirect_list handle 5 / end mask  indirect_list handle 5 / end
> Result:
> *** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
> The corruption occurred in `parse_int()` called from
> `parse_indlst_id2ptr()`.
> Inside `parse_int()` the arg parameter referenced 8 bytes of memory
> while the target buffer was 4 bytes allocated on caller optimized stack:
> (gdb) p *arg
> $1 = { ... size = 8, ...}

Thanks Gregory, I can see the problem now.

if 'handle' is not an address, but an ID, your V3 makes sense to convert
its type to 'uint32_t', and it solves to problem. Same for 'conf'.

BUT back to the root cause of the problem,
`parse_int()` tries to be generic and it support different size of
variables [1], but it fails on this.

`parse_int()` gets 'size' as argument, but it doesn't use parameter
value, instead overwrites it with 'size = arg->size;' and uses this
value, in this case when context provides larger variable size than what
`parse_int()` gets as parameter, the problem you observed occurs.

What do you think to use 'size' from parameter list, as it is intended,
instead of using 'arg->size'?
Or perhaps use 'buf' and 'size' from parameter if they are valid, else
get the from context/arg [2]?
I think this solves your problem, can you please verify it?

btw, 'buf' usage is a little more complex, since `parse_int()` checks
for "ctx->object != NULL" to continue, I can't really be sure about
intention there, but please check usage in `parse_port()`, it looks like
when 'buf' provided expectation is to get parsed value in the 'buf'.

  switch (size) {
  case sizeof(uint8_t):
  case sizeof(uint16_t):
  case sizeof(uint64_t):

 diff --git a/app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c b/app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c
 index 0d521159e97d..cd123c69265e 100644
 --- a/app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c
 +++ b/app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c
 @@ -10805,8 +10805,10 @@ parse_int(struct context *ctx, const struct
token *token,
                         goto error;
                 return len;
 -       buf = (uint8_t *)ctx->object + arg->offset;
 -       size = arg->size;
 +       if (buf == NULL || size == 0) {
 +               buf = (uint8_t *)ctx->object + arg->offset;
 +               size = arg->size;
 +       }
         if (u > RTE_LEN2MASK(size * CHAR_BIT, uint64_t))
                 return -1;

>>>> Inside 'parse_indlst_id2ptr()',
>>>> 'parse_int()' can work or 32bits and 64bits variables, so that one
>>>> is OK.
>>>> But both 'port_action_handle_get_by_id()' &
>>>> 'indirect_action_list_conf_get()' gets 'id' as parameter and they get
>>>> 32bits argument, when 'id' is 64bit won't it will be cast to 32bits and
>>>> loose data, should those functions needs to be updated as well.
>> Can you please reply to above question, about changing 'id' type impact
>> to other functions using it?
> I've missed that.
> Need to re-think.
> Regards,
> Gregory
>>>>> The patch updated variable size for translation results.
>>>>> Fixes: 72a3dec7126f ("ethdev: add indirect flow list action")
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Gregory Etelson <getel...@nvidia.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c | 5 +++--
>>>>>  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c b/app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c
>>>>> index 0d521159e9..cf1ca33208 100644
>>>>> --- a/app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c
>>>>> +++ b/app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c
>>>>> @@ -11331,7 +11331,7 @@ parse_indlst_id2ptr(struct context *ctx,
>>>>> const struct token *token,
>>>>>       struct rte_flow_action *action = ctx->object;
>>>>>       struct rte_flow_action_indirect_list *action_conf;
>>>>>       const struct indlst_conf *indlst_conf;
>>>>> -     uint32_t id;
>>>>> +     uint64_t id;
>>>>>       int ret;
>>>>>       if (!action)
>>>>> @@ -11350,7 +11350,8 @@ parse_indlst_id2ptr(struct context *ctx,
>>>>> const struct token *token,
>>>>>       action_conf->handle = (typeof(action_conf->handle))
>>>>>                               port_action_handle_get_by_id(ctx->port,
>>>>> id);
>>>>>               if (!action_conf->handle) {
>>>>> -                     printf("no indirect list handle for id %u\n",
>>>>> id);
>>>>> +                     printf("no indirect list handle for id
>>>>> %"PRIu64"\n",
>>>>> +                            id);
>>>>>                       return -1;
>>>>>               }
>>>>>               break;

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