This patch adds support for probing ports of a Multiport
E-Switch device to mlx5 PMD.

Multiport E-Switch is a configuration of NVIDIA ConnectX/BlueField HCAs
where all connected entities (i.e. physical ports, VFs and SFs)
share the same switch domain.
In this mode, applications are allowed to create transfer flow rules
which explicitly match on the physical port on which traffic
arrives and/or on VFs and SFs, regardless of the root PF.
On top of that, forwarding to any of these entities is allowed.
Notably, applications are allowed to explicitly forward traffic
to any of the physical ports of the HCA.

This patch implements the following procedure for probing ports
of the device configured as Multiport E-Switch:

1. EAL calls mlx5 PMD to probe certain PCI device (with address BDF).
2. mlx5 PMD iterates over all existing IB devices:
   2.1. Check if IB device has a PCI address which matches BDF.
   2.2. Check if IB device is configured as Multiport E-Switch device,
        using devlink interface.
   2.3. Iterate over all IB ports of this device to find a netdev with
        matching PCI address.
        If any is found, IB device is chosen to instantiate DPDK ports
        from it.
3. Iterate over all IB ports of the selected IB device,
   to choose which ports to instantiate:
   3.1. Choose IB ports which match the selected representor ports
        (selected through representor devarg).
        Instantiate DPDK ports based on those.
   3.2. If IB port represented an uplink port and this port corresponds
        to the probed PCI device, instantiated DPDK port is selected
        as a switch master port.

Bulk of this work was done in mlx5_os_pci_probe_pf().

To properly enable support for Multiport E-Switch, this patch also
changes the following:

- Probing of representors of type RTE_ETH_REPRESENTOR_PF is allowed,
  but if and only if Multiport E-Switch is enabled.
- Uplink ports have a representor type NONE and have
  representor ID equal to UINT16_MAX.
  rte_eth_dev_representor_info struct returned for uplink ports
  have their index stored in `pf` field.
- flow_hw_set_port_info() used by HWS steering layer sets `is_wire`
  field to true if a port is an uplink port,
  if Multiport E-Switch is enabled.
- Changing MAC address of a port marked as representor is done directly
  through its corresponding netdev if it is a Multiport E-Switch uplink.

Signed-off-by: Dariusz Sosnowski <>
Signed-off-by: Bing Zhao <>
Acked-by: Viacheslav Ovsiienko <>
 doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst               | 141 ++++++++++++++
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_23_11.rst |   1 +
 drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_common.h      |   1 +
 drivers/net/mlx5/linux/mlx5_os.c       | 255 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h                |  39 ++++
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_ethdev.c         |  53 ++++-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c        |   4 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_mac.c            |   8 +-
 8 files changed, 464 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst b/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
index be5054e68a..584f592433 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
@@ -1759,6 +1759,147 @@ behavior as librte_net_mlx4::
    > port config all rss all
    > port start all
+Multiport E-Switch
+In standard deployments of NVIDIA ConnectX and BlueField HCAs, where embedded 
switch is enabled,
+each physical port is associated with a single switching domain.
+Only PFs, VFs and SFs related to that physical port are connected to this 
+and offloaded flow rules are allowed to steer traffic only between the 
entities in the given domain.
+The following diagram pictures the high level overview of this architecture:
+       .---. .------. .------. .---. .------. .------.
+       |PF0| |PF0VFi| |PF0SFi| |PF1| |PF1VFi| |PF1SFi|
+       .-+-. .--+---. .--+---. .-+-. .--+---. .--+---.
+         |      |        |       |      |        |
+     .---|------|--------|-------|------|--------|---------.
+     |   |      |        |       |      |        |      HCA|
+     | .-+------+--------+---. .-+------+--------+---.     |
+     | |                     | |                     |     |
+     | |      E-Switch       | |     E-Switch        |     |
+     | |         PF0         | |        PF1          |     |
+     | |                     | |                     |     |
+     | .---------+-----------. .--------+------------.     |
+     |           |                      |                  |
+     .--------+--+---+---------------+--+---+--------------.
+              |      |               |      |
+              | PHY0 |               | PHY1 |
+              |      |               |      |
+              .------.               .------.
+Multiport E-Switch is a deployment scenario where:
+- All physical ports, PFs, VFs and SFs share the same switching domain.
+- Each physical port gets a separate representor port.
+- Traffic can be matched or forwarded explicitly between any of the entities
+  connected to the domain.
+The following diagram pictures the high level overview of this architecture:
+       .---. .------. .------. .---. .------. .------.
+       |PF0| |PF0VFi| |PF0SFi| |PF1| |PF1VFi| |PF1SFi|
+       .-+-. .--+---. .--+---. .-+-. .--+---. .--+---.
+         |      |        |       |      |        |
+     .---|------|--------|-------|------|--------|---------.
+     |   |      |        |       |      |        |      HCA|
+     | .-+------+--------+-------+------+--------+---.     |
+     | |                                             |     |
+     | |                   Shared                    |     |
+     | |                  E-Switch                   |     |
+     | |                                             |     |
+     | .---------+----------------------+------------.     |
+     |           |                      |                  |
+     .--------+--+---+---------------+--+---+--------------.
+              |      |               |      |
+              | PHY0 |               | PHY1 |
+              |      |               |      |
+              .------.               .------.
+In this deployment a single application can control the switching and 
forwarding behavior for all
+entities on the HCA.
+With this configuration, mlx5 PMD supports:
+- matching traffic coming from physical port, PF, VF or SF using 
+- forwarding traffic to physical port, PF, VF or SF using REPRESENTED_PORT 
+Supported HCAs:
+- ConnectX family: ConnectX-6 Dx and above.
+- BlueField family: BlueField-2 and above.
+- FW version: at least ``XX.37.1014``.
+Supported mlx5 kernel modules versions:
+- Upstream Linux - from version 6.3.
+- Modules packaged in MLNX_OFED - from version v23.04-
+#. Apply required FW configuration::
+      sudo mlxconfig -d /dev/mst/mt4125_pciconf0 set LAG_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION=1
+#. Reset FW or cold reboot the host.
+#. Switch E-Switch mode on all of the PFs to ``switchdev`` mode::
+      sudo devlink dev eswitch set pci/0000:08:00.0 mode switchdev
+      sudo devlink dev eswitch set pci/0000:08:00.1 mode switchdev
+#. Enable Multiport E-Switch on all of the PFs::
+      sudo devlink dev param set pci/0000:08:00.0 name esw_multiport value 
true cmode runtime
+      sudo devlink dev param set pci/0000:08:00.1 name esw_multiport value 
true cmode runtime
+#. Configure required number of VFs/SFs::
+      echo 4 | sudo tee /sys/class/net/eth2/device/sriov_numvfs
+      echo 4 | sudo tee /sys/class/net/eth3/device/sriov_numvfs
+#. Start testpmd and verify that all ports are visible::
+      $ sudo dpdk-testpmd -a 08:00.0,dv_flow_en=2,representor=pf0-1vf0-3 -- -i
+      testpmd> show port summary all
+      Number of available ports: 10
+      Port MAC Address       Name         Driver         Status   Link
+      0    E8:EB:D5:18:22:BC 08:00.0_p0   mlx5_pci       up       200 Gbps
+      1    E8:EB:D5:18:22:BD 08:00.0_p1   mlx5_pci       up       200 Gbps
+      2    D2:F6:43:0B:9E:19 08:00.0_representor_c0pf0vf0 mlx5_pci       up    
   200 Gbps
+      3    E6:42:27:B7:68:BD 08:00.0_representor_c0pf0vf1 mlx5_pci       up    
   200 Gbps
+      4    A6:5B:7F:8B:B8:47 08:00.0_representor_c0pf0vf2 mlx5_pci       up    
   200 Gbps
+      5    12:93:50:45:89:02 08:00.0_representor_c0pf0vf3 mlx5_pci       up    
   200 Gbps
+      6    06:D3:B2:79:FE:AC 08:00.0_representor_c0pf1vf0 mlx5_pci       up    
   200 Gbps
+      7    12:FC:08:E4:C2:CA 08:00.0_representor_c0pf1vf1 mlx5_pci       up    
   200 Gbps
+      8    8E:A9:9A:D0:35:4C 08:00.0_representor_c0pf1vf2 mlx5_pci       up    
   200 Gbps
+      9    E6:35:83:1F:B0:A9 08:00.0_representor_c0pf1vf3 mlx5_pci       up    
   200 Gbps
+- Multiport E-Switch is not supported on Windows.
+- Multiport E-Switch is supported only with HW Steering flow engine 
+- Matching traffic coming from a physical port and forwarding it to a physical 
+  (either the same or other one) is not supported.
+  In order to achieve such a functionality, an application has to setup 
hairpin queues between
+  physical port representors and forward the traffic using hairpin queues.
 Usage example
diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_23_11.rst 
index 93999893bd..f337db19f0 100644
--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_23_11.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_23_11.rst
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ New Features
   * Added support for ``RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_INDIRECT_LIST`` flow action.
   * Added support for ``RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_PTYPE`` flow item.
   * Added support for ``RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_PORT_REPRESENTOR`` flow action 
and mirror.
+  * Added support for Multiport E-Switch.
 * **Updated Solarflare net driver.**
diff --git a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_common.h 
index 28f9f41528..9c80277d74 100644
--- a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_common.h
+++ b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_common.h
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ struct mlx5_switch_info {
        int32_t ctrl_num; /**< Controller number (valid for c#pf#vf# format). */
        int32_t pf_num; /**< PF number (valid for pfxvfx format only). */
        int32_t port_name; /**< Representor port name. */
+       int32_t mpesw_owner; /**< MPESW owner port number. */
        uint64_t switch_id; /**< Switch identifier. */
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/linux/mlx5_os.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/linux/mlx5_os.c
index 8a57edc470..8ddf38288e 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/linux/mlx5_os.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/linux/mlx5_os.c
@@ -959,7 +959,30 @@ mlx5_representor_match(struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data *spawn,
        uint16_t repr_id = mlx5_representor_id_encode(switch_info,
+       /*
+        * Assuming Multiport E-Switch device was detected,
+        * if spawned port is an uplink, check if the port
+        * was requested through representor devarg.
+        */
+       if (mlx5_is_probed_port_on_mpesw_device(spawn) &&
+           switch_info->name_type == MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_UPLINK) {
+               for (p = 0; p < eth_da->nb_ports; ++p)
+                       if (switch_info->port_name == eth_da->ports[p])
+                               return true;
+               rte_errno = EBUSY;
+               return false;
+       }
        switch (eth_da->type) {
+               /*
+                * PF representors provided in devargs translate to uplink 
ports, but
+                * if and only if the device is a part of MPESW device.
+                */
+               if (!mlx5_is_probed_port_on_mpesw_device(spawn)) {
+                       rte_errno = EBUSY;
+                       return false;
+               }
+               break;
                if (!(spawn->info.port_name == -1 &&
                      switch_info->name_type ==
@@ -989,7 +1012,7 @@ mlx5_representor_match(struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data *spawn,
        /* Check representor ID: */
        for (p = 0; p < eth_da->nb_ports; ++p) {
-               if (spawn->pf_bond < 0) {
+               if (!mlx5_is_probed_port_on_mpesw_device(spawn) && 
spawn->pf_bond < 0) {
                        /* For non-LAG mode, allow and ignore pf. */
                        switch_info->pf_num = eth_da->ports[p];
                        repr_id = mlx5_representor_id_encode(switch_info,
@@ -1051,17 +1074,7 @@ mlx5_dev_spawn(struct rte_device *dpdk_dev,
            !mlx5_representor_match(spawn, eth_da))
                return NULL;
        /* Build device name. */
-       if (spawn->pf_bond < 0) {
-               /* Single device. */
-               if (!switch_info->representor)
-                       strlcpy(name, dpdk_dev->name, sizeof(name));
-               else
-                       err = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), 
-                                dpdk_dev->name,
-                                switch_info->name_type ==
-                                MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFSF ? "sf" : "vf",
-                                switch_info->port_name);
-       } else {
+       if (spawn->pf_bond >= 0) {
                /* Bonding device. */
                if (!switch_info->representor) {
                        err = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_%s",
@@ -1075,6 +1088,30 @@ mlx5_dev_spawn(struct rte_device *dpdk_dev,
                                MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFSF ? "sf" : "vf",
+       } else if (mlx5_is_probed_port_on_mpesw_device(spawn)) {
+               /* MPESW device. */
+               if (switch_info->name_type == MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_UPLINK) {
+                       err = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_p%d",
+                                      dpdk_dev->name, spawn->mpesw_port);
+               } else {
+                       err = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), 
+                               dpdk_dev->name,
+                               switch_info->ctrl_num,
+                               switch_info->pf_num,
+                               switch_info->name_type ==
+                               MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFSF ? "sf" : "vf",
+                               switch_info->port_name);
+               }
+       } else {
+               /* Single device. */
+               if (!switch_info->representor)
+                       strlcpy(name, dpdk_dev->name, sizeof(name));
+               else
+                       err = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), 
+                                dpdk_dev->name,
+                                switch_info->name_type ==
+                                MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFSF ? "sf" : "vf",
+                                switch_info->port_name);
        if (err >= (int)sizeof(name))
                DRV_LOG(WARNING, "device name overflow %s", name);
@@ -1202,13 +1239,25 @@ mlx5_dev_spawn(struct rte_device *dpdk_dev,
        priv->vport_meta_tag = 0;
        priv->vport_meta_mask = 0;
        priv->pf_bond = spawn->pf_bond;
+       priv->mpesw_port = spawn->mpesw_port;
+       priv->mpesw_uplink = false;
+       priv->mpesw_owner = spawn->info.mpesw_owner;
+       if (mlx5_is_port_on_mpesw_device(priv))
+               priv->mpesw_uplink = (spawn->info.name_type == 
-               "dev_port=%u bus=%s pci=%s master=%d representor=%d 
+               "dev_port=%u bus=%s pci=%s master=%d representor=%d pf_bond=%d "
+               "mpesw_port=%d mpesw_uplink=%d",
                priv->dev_port, dpdk_dev->bus->name,
                priv->pci_dev ? priv->pci_dev->name : "NONE",
-               priv->master, priv->representor, priv->pf_bond);
+               priv->master, priv->representor, priv->pf_bond,
+               priv->mpesw_port, priv->mpesw_uplink);
+       if (mlx5_is_port_on_mpesw_device(priv) && priv->sh->config.dv_flow_en 
!= 2) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "MPESW device is supported only with HWS");
+               err = ENOTSUP;
+               goto error;
+       }
         * If we have E-Switch we should determine the vport attributes.
         * E-Switch may use either source vport field or reg_c[0] metadata
@@ -2029,7 +2078,7 @@ mlx5_sysfs_esw_multiport_get(struct ibv_device *ibv, 
struct rte_pci_addr *pci_ad
        return ret;
-static __rte_unused int
+static int
 mlx5_is_mpesw_enabled(struct ibv_device *ibv, struct rte_pci_addr 
*ibv_pci_addr, int *enabled)
@@ -2049,6 +2098,84 @@ mlx5_is_mpesw_enabled(struct ibv_device *ibv, struct 
rte_pci_addr *ibv_pci_addr,
        return -rte_errno;
+static int
+mlx5_device_mpesw_pci_match(struct ibv_device *ibv,
+                           const struct rte_pci_addr *owner_pci,
+                           int nl_rdma)
+       struct rte_pci_addr ibdev_pci_addr = { 0 };
+       char ifname[IF_NAMESIZE + 1] = { 0 };
+       unsigned int ifindex;
+       unsigned int np;
+       unsigned int i;
+       int enabled = 0;
+       int ret;
+       /* Check if IB device's PCI address matches the probed PCI address. */
+       if (mlx5_get_pci_addr(ibv->ibdev_path, &ibdev_pci_addr)) {
+               DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Skipping MPESW check for IB device %s since "
+                              "there is no underlying PCI device", ibv->name);
+               rte_errno = ENOENT;
+               return -rte_errno;
+       }
+       if (ibdev_pci_addr.domain != owner_pci->domain ||
+           ibdev_pci_addr.bus != owner_pci->bus ||
+           ibdev_pci_addr.devid != owner_pci->devid ||
+           ibdev_pci_addr.function != owner_pci->function) {
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Check if IB device has MPESW enabled. */
+       if (mlx5_is_mpesw_enabled(ibv, &ibdev_pci_addr, &enabled))
+               return -1;
+       if (!enabled)
+               return -1;
+       /* Iterate through IB ports to find MPESW master uplink port. */
+       if (nl_rdma < 0)
+               return -1;
+       np = mlx5_nl_portnum(nl_rdma, ibv->name);
+       if (!np)
+               return -1;
+       for (i = 1; i <= np; ++i) {
+               struct rte_pci_addr pci_addr;
+               FILE *file;
+               char port_name[IF_NAMESIZE + 1];
+               struct mlx5_switch_info info;
+               /* Check whether IB port has a corresponding netdev. */
+               ifindex = mlx5_nl_ifindex(nl_rdma, ibv->name, i);
+               if (!ifindex)
+                       continue;
+               if (!if_indextoname(ifindex, ifname))
+                       continue;
+               /* Read port name and determine its type. */
+               MKSTR(ifphysportname, "/sys/class/net/%s/phys_port_name", 
+               file = fopen(ifphysportname, "rb");
+               if (!file)
+                       continue;
+               ret = fscanf(file, "%16s", port_name);
+               fclose(file);
+               if (ret != 1)
+                       continue;
+               memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+               mlx5_translate_port_name(port_name, &info);
+               if (info.name_type != MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_UPLINK)
+                       continue;
+               /* Fetch PCI address of the device to which the netdev is 
bound. */
+               MKSTR(ifpath, "/sys/class/net/%s", ifname);
+               if (mlx5_get_pci_addr(ifpath, &pci_addr))
+                       continue;
+               if (pci_addr.domain == ibdev_pci_addr.domain &&
+                   pci_addr.bus == ibdev_pci_addr.bus &&
+                   pci_addr.devid == ibdev_pci_addr.devid &&
+                   pci_addr.function == ibdev_pci_addr.function) {
+                       MLX5_ASSERT(info.port_name >= 0);
+                       return info.port_name;
+               }
+       }
+       /* No matching MPESW uplink port was found. */
+       return -1;
  * Register a PCI device within bonding.
@@ -2097,6 +2224,12 @@ mlx5_os_pci_probe_pf(struct mlx5_common_device *cdev,
         *  >= 0 - bonding device (value is slave PF index)
        int bd = -1;
+       /*
+        * Multiport E-Switch (MPESW) device:
+        *   < 0 - no MPESW device or could not determine if it is MPESW device,
+        *  >= 0 - MPESW device. Value is the port index of the MPESW owner.
+        */
+       int mpesw = MLX5_MPESW_PORT_INVALID;
        struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(cdev->dev);
        struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data *list = NULL;
        struct rte_eth_devargs eth_da = *req_eth_da;
@@ -2150,17 +2283,38 @@ mlx5_os_pci_probe_pf(struct mlx5_common_device *cdev,
                                bd, ibv_list[ret]->name);
                        ibv_match[nd++] = ibv_list[ret];
-               } else {
-                       /* Bonding device not found. */
-                       if (mlx5_get_pci_addr(ibv_list[ret]->ibdev_path,
-                                             &pci_addr))
-                               continue;
-                       if (rte_pci_addr_cmp(&owner_pci, &pci_addr) != 0)
-                               continue;
-                       DRV_LOG(INFO, "PCI information matches for device 
+               }
+               mpesw = mlx5_device_mpesw_pci_match(ibv_list[ret], &owner_pci, 
+               if (mpesw >= 0) {
+                       /*
+                        * MPESW device detected. Only one matching IB device 
is allowed,
+                        * so if any matches were found previously, fail 
+                        */
+                       if (nd) {
+                               DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                                       "PCI information matches MPESW device 
\"%s\", "
+                                       "but multiple matching PCI devices were 
found. "
+                                       "Probing failed.",
+                                       ibv_list[ret]->name);
+                               rte_errno = ENOENT;
+                               ret = -rte_errno;
+                               goto exit;
+                       }
+                       DRV_LOG(INFO,
+                               "PCI information matches MPESW device \"%s\"",
                        ibv_match[nd++] = ibv_list[ret];
+                       break;
+               /* Bonding or MPESW device was not found. */
+               if (mlx5_get_pci_addr(ibv_list[ret]->ibdev_path,
+                                       &pci_addr))
+                       continue;
+               if (rte_pci_addr_cmp(&owner_pci, &pci_addr) != 0)
+                       continue;
+               DRV_LOG(INFO, "PCI information matches for device \"%s\"",
+                       ibv_list[ret]->name);
+               ibv_match[nd++] = ibv_list[ret];
        ibv_match[nd] = NULL;
        if (!nd) {
@@ -2192,6 +2346,12 @@ mlx5_os_pci_probe_pf(struct mlx5_common_device *cdev,
                        ret = -rte_errno;
                        goto exit;
+               if (mpesw >= 0 && !np) {
+                       DRV_LOG(ERR, "Cannot get ports for MPESW device.");
+                       rte_errno = ENOENT;
+                       ret = -rte_errno;
+                       goto exit;
+               }
        /* Now we can determine the maximal amount of devices to be spawned. */
        list = mlx5_malloc(MLX5_MEM_ZERO,
@@ -2203,7 +2363,7 @@ mlx5_os_pci_probe_pf(struct mlx5_common_device *cdev,
                ret = -rte_errno;
                goto exit;
-       if (bd >= 0 || np > 1) {
+       if (bd >= 0 || mpesw >= 0 || np > 1) {
                 * Single IB device with multiple ports found,
                 * it may be E-Switch master device and representors.
@@ -2222,6 +2382,7 @@ mlx5_os_pci_probe_pf(struct mlx5_common_device *cdev,
                        list[ns].pci_dev = pci_dev;
                        list[ns].cdev = cdev;
                        list[ns].pf_bond = bd;
+                       list[ns].mpesw_port = MLX5_MPESW_PORT_INVALID;
                        list[ns].ifindex = mlx5_nl_ifindex(nl_rdma,
@@ -2278,6 +2439,46 @@ mlx5_os_pci_probe_pf(struct mlx5_common_device *cdev,
+                       if (!ret && mpesw >= 0) {
+                               switch (list[ns].info.name_type) {
+                               case MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_UPLINK:
+                                       /* Owner port is treated as master 
port. */
+                                       if (list[ns].info.port_name == mpesw) {
+                                               list[ns].info.master = 1;
+                                               list[ns].info.representor = 0;
+                                       } else {
+                                               list[ns].info.master = 0;
+                                               list[ns].info.representor = 1;
+                                       }
+                                       /*
+                                        * Ports of this type have uplink port 
+                                        * encoded in the name. This index is 
also a PF index.
+                                        */
+                                       list[ns].info.pf_num = 
+                                       list[ns].mpesw_port = 
+                                       list[ns].info.mpesw_owner = mpesw;
+                                       ns++;
+                                       break;
+                               case MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFHPF:
+                               case MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFVF:
+                               case MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFSF:
+                                       /* Only spawn representors related to 
the probed PF. */
+                                       if (list[ns].info.pf_num == owner_id) {
+                                               /*
+                                                * Ports of this type have PF 
index encoded in name,
+                                                * which translate to the 
related uplink port index.
+                                                */
+                                               list[ns].mpesw_port = 
+                                               /* MPESW owner is also saved 
but not used now. */
+                                               list[ns].info.mpesw_owner = 
+                                               ns++;
+                                       }
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               continue;
+                       }
                        if (!ret && (list[ns].info.representor ^
@@ -2317,6 +2518,7 @@ mlx5_os_pci_probe_pf(struct mlx5_common_device *cdev,
                        list[ns].pci_dev = pci_dev;
                        list[ns].cdev = cdev;
                        list[ns].pf_bond = -1;
+                       list[ns].mpesw_port = MLX5_MPESW_PORT_INVALID;
                        list[ns].ifindex = 0;
                        if (nl_rdma >= 0)
                                list[ns].ifindex = mlx5_nl_ifindex
@@ -2597,7 +2799,10 @@ mlx5_os_auxiliary_probe(struct mlx5_common_device *cdev,
                        struct mlx5_kvargs_ctrl *mkvlist)
        struct rte_eth_devargs eth_da = { .nb_ports = 0 };
-       struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data spawn = { .pf_bond = -1 };
+       struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data spawn = {
+               .pf_bond = -1,
+               .mpesw_port = MLX5_MPESW_PORT_INVALID,
+       };
        struct rte_device *dev = cdev->dev;
        struct rte_auxiliary_device *adev = RTE_DEV_TO_AUXILIARY(dev);
        struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev;
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
index a20acb6ca8..484c5eb3df 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
@@ -186,12 +186,15 @@ struct mlx5_dev_cap {
        char fw_ver[64]; /* Firmware version of this device. */
 /** Data associated with devices to spawn. */
 struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data {
        uint32_t ifindex; /**< Network interface index. */
        uint32_t max_port; /**< Device maximal port index. */
        uint32_t phys_port; /**< Device physical port index. */
        int pf_bond; /**< bonding device PF index. < 0 - no bonding */
+       int mpesw_port; /**< MPESW uplink index. Valid if mpesw_owner_port >= 
0. */
        struct mlx5_switch_info info; /**< Switch information. */
        const char *phys_dev_name; /**< Name of physical device. */
        struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev; /**< Associated Ethernet device. */
@@ -200,6 +203,23 @@ struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data {
        struct mlx5_bond_info *bond_info;
+ * Check if the port requested to be probed is MPESW physical device
+ * or a representor port.
+ *
+ * @param spawn
+ *   Parameters of the probed port.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   True if the probed port is a physical device or representor in MPESW 
+ *   False otherwise or MPESW was not configured.
+ */
+static inline bool
+mlx5_is_probed_port_on_mpesw_device(struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data *spawn)
+       return spawn->mpesw_port >= 0;
 /** Data associated with socket messages. */
 struct mlx5_flow_dump_req  {
        uint32_t port_id; /**< There are plans in DPDK to extend port_id. */
@@ -1768,6 +1788,9 @@ struct mlx5_priv {
        uint32_t vport_meta_mask; /* Used for vport index field match mask. */
        uint16_t representor_id; /* UINT16_MAX if not a representor. */
        int32_t pf_bond; /* >=0, representor owner PF index in bonding. */
+       int32_t mpesw_owner; /* >=0, representor owner PF index in MPESW. */
+       int32_t mpesw_port; /* Related port index of MPESW device. < 0 - no 
+       bool mpesw_uplink; /* If true, port is an uplink port. */
        unsigned int if_index; /* Associated kernel network device index. */
        /* RX/TX queues. */
        unsigned int rxqs_n; /* RX queues array size. */
@@ -1933,6 +1956,22 @@ mlx5_devx_obj_ops_en(struct mlx5_dev_ctx_shared *sh)
+ * Check if the port is either MPESW physical device or a representor port.
+ *
+ * @param priv
+ *   Pointer to port's private data.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   True if the port is a physical device or representor in MPESW setup.
+ *   False otherwise or MPESW was not configured.
+ */
+static inline bool
+mlx5_is_port_on_mpesw_device(struct mlx5_priv *priv)
+       return priv->mpesw_port >= 0;
 /* mlx5.c */
 int mlx5_getenv_int(const char *);
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_ethdev.c
index 4a85415ff3..cd84960b7e 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_ethdev.c
@@ -395,18 +395,30 @@ uint16_t
 mlx5_representor_id_encode(const struct mlx5_switch_info *info,
                           enum rte_eth_representor_type hpf_type)
-       enum rte_eth_representor_type type = RTE_ETH_REPRESENTOR_VF;
+       enum rte_eth_representor_type type;
        uint16_t repr = info->port_name;
-       if (info->representor == 0)
-               return UINT16_MAX;
-       if (info->name_type == MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFSF)
+       int32_t pf = info->pf_num;
+       switch (info->name_type) {
+               if (!info->representor)
+                       return UINT16_MAX;
+               type = RTE_ETH_REPRESENTOR_PF;
+               pf = info->mpesw_owner;
+               break;
                type = RTE_ETH_REPRESENTOR_SF;
-       if (info->name_type == MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_PFHPF) {
+               break;
                type = hpf_type;
                repr = UINT16_MAX;
+               break;
+       default:
+               type = RTE_ETH_REPRESENTOR_VF;
+               break;
-       return MLX5_REPRESENTOR_ID(info->pf_num, type, repr);
+       return MLX5_REPRESENTOR_ID(pf, type, repr);
@@ -430,7 +442,7 @@ mlx5_representor_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                          struct rte_eth_representor_info *info)
        struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
-       int n_type = 4; /* Representor types, VF, HPF@VF, SF and HPF@SF. */
+       int n_type = 5; /* Representor types: PF, VF, HPF@VF, SF and HPF@SF. */
        int n_pf = 2; /* Number of PFs. */
        int i = 0, pf;
        int n_entries;
@@ -443,7 +455,30 @@ mlx5_representor_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                n_entries = info->nb_ranges_alloc;
        info->controller = 0;
-       info->pf = priv->pf_bond >= 0 ? priv->pf_bond : 0;
+       info->pf = 0;
+       if (mlx5_is_port_on_mpesw_device(priv)) {
+               info->pf = priv->mpesw_port;
+               /* PF range, both ports will show the same information. */
+               info->ranges[i].type = RTE_ETH_REPRESENTOR_PF;
+               info->ranges[i].controller = 0;
+               info->ranges[i].pf = priv->mpesw_owner + 1;
+               info->ranges[i].vf = 0;
+               /*
+                * The representor indexes should be the values set of 
+                * In the real case now, only 1 PF/UPLINK representor is 
+                * The port index will always be the value of "owner + 1".
+                */
+               info->ranges[i].id_base =
+                       MLX5_REPRESENTOR_ID(priv->mpesw_owner, 
+                                           info->ranges[i].pf);
+               info->ranges[i].id_end =
+                       MLX5_REPRESENTOR_ID(priv->mpesw_owner, 
+                                           info->ranges[i].pf);
+               snprintf(info->ranges[i].name, sizeof(info->ranges[i].name),
+                        "pf%d", info->ranges[i].pf);
+               i++;
+       } else if (priv->pf_bond >= 0)
+               info->pf = priv->pf_bond;
        for (pf = 0; pf < n_pf; ++pf) {
                /* VF range. */
                info->ranges[i].type = RTE_ETH_REPRESENTOR_VF;
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
index 977751394e..9700f0342a 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ flow_hw_represented_port_compile(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        if (!priv->master)
                return rte_flow_error_set(error, EINVAL,
                                          RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, NULL,
-                                         "represented_port acton must"
+                                         "represented_port action must"
                                          " be used on proxy port");
        if (m && !!m->port_id) {
                struct mlx5_priv *port_priv;
@@ -9188,7 +9188,7 @@ flow_hw_set_port_info(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
        info = &mlx5_flow_hw_port_infos[port_id];
        info->regc_mask = priv->vport_meta_mask;
        info->regc_value = priv->vport_meta_tag;
-       info->is_wire = priv->master;
+       info->is_wire = mlx5_is_port_on_mpesw_device(priv) ? priv->mpesw_uplink 
: priv->master;
 /* Clears vport tag and mask used for HWS rules. */
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_mac.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_mac.c
index b9d1e33ac3..22a756a52b 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_mac.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_mac.c
@@ -157,9 +157,13 @@ mlx5_mac_addr_set(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct 
rte_ether_addr *mac_addr)
         * Configuring the VF instead of its representor,
-        * need to skip the special case of HPF on BlueField.
+        * need to skip the special cases:
+        * - HPF on BlueField,
+        * - SF representors,
+        * - uplink ports when running in MPESW mode.
-       if (priv->representor && !mlx5_is_hpf(dev) && !mlx5_is_sf_repr(dev)) {
+       if (priv->representor && !mlx5_is_hpf(dev) && !mlx5_is_sf_repr(dev) &&
+           !priv->mpesw_uplink) {
                DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VF represented by port %u setting primary MAC 
                if (priv->pf_bond >= 0) {

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