On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 10:01:35AM -0700, Srikanth Yalavarthi wrote:
> In order to avoid linking with all libraries listed as
> Libs.private in libarchive.pc, libarchive is not added
> to ext_deps during meson setup.
> Since libarchive is not added to ext_deps, cross-compilation
> or native compilation with libarchive installed in non-standard
> location fails with errors related to "cannot find -larchive"
> or "archive.h: No such file or directory". In order to fix the
> build failures, user is required to define the 'c_args' and
> 'c_link_args' with '-I<includedir>' and '-L<libdir>'.
> This patch updates meson build files to add libarchive's
> includedir and libdir to compiler flags and would not require
> setting c_args and c_link_args externally.
> Fixes: 40edb9c0d36b ("eal: handle compressed firmware")
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: Srikanth Yalavarthi <syalavar...@marvell.com>
> ---

Checking back through the mail archives I'm still a little unclear as to
what breaks when we try using libarchive as any other package with a
pkg-config file? I would have thought the best solution was just to add
libarchive as an external dependency, found using pkg-config, to EAL. When
we add it as a dependency, rather than using c/ldflags, we should get all
this path fixup for free?
Can you clarify what breaks when we add libarchive as a libeal dependency


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