From: Sunil Kumar Kori <>

Adds ethdev module to configure ethernet devices.

Following commands are exposed:
 - ethdev <ethdev_name> rxq <n_queues> txq <n_queues> <mempool_name>
 - ethdev <ethdev_name> mtu <mtu_sz>
 - ethdev <ethdev_name> promiscuous <on/off>
 - ethdev <ethdev_name> show
 - ethdev <ethdev_name> stats
 - ethdev <ethdev_name> ip4 addr add <ip> netmask <mask>
 - ethdev <ethdev_name> ip6 addr add <ip> netmask <mask>
 - help ethdev

Signed-off-by: Sunil Kumar Kori <>
Signed-off-by: Rakesh Kudurumalla <>
Acked-by: Jerin Jacob <>
 app/graph/cli.c            |   8 +
 app/graph/ethdev.c         | 887 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 app/graph/ethdev.h         |  40 ++
 app/graph/ethdev_priv.h    | 112 +++++
 app/graph/main.c           |   1 +
 app/graph/      |   1 +
 app/graph/module_api.h     |   1 +
 doc/guides/tools/graph.rst |  50 ++-
 8 files changed, 1099 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 app/graph/ethdev.c
 create mode 100644 app/graph/ethdev.h
 create mode 100644 app/graph/ethdev_priv.h

diff --git a/app/graph/cli.c b/app/graph/cli.c
index cf544d5f8f..fa394fade6 100644
--- a/app/graph/cli.c
+++ b/app/graph/cli.c
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@
 cmdline_parse_ctx_t modules_ctx[] = {
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&mempool_config_cmd_ctx,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&mempool_help_cmd_ctx,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&ethdev_show_cmd_ctx,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&ethdev_stats_cmd_ctx,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&ethdev_mtu_cmd_ctx,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_ctx,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&ethdev_ip4_cmd_ctx,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&ethdev_ip6_cmd_ctx,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&ethdev_cmd_ctx,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&ethdev_help_cmd_ctx,
diff --git a/app/graph/ethdev.c b/app/graph/ethdev.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8df55b4b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/graph/ethdev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2023 Marvell.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <cmdline_parse.h>
+#include <cmdline_parse_num.h>
+#include <cmdline_parse_string.h>
+#include <cmdline_socket.h>
+#include <rte_bitops.h>
+#include <rte_ethdev.h>
+#include <rte_mempool.h>
+#include "ethdev_priv.h"
+#include "module_api.h"
+static const char
+cmd_ethdev_mtu_help[] = "ethdev <ethdev_name> mtu <mtu_sz>";
+static const char
+cmd_ethdev_prom_mode_help[] = "ethdev <ethdev_name> promiscuous <on/off>";
+static const char
+cmd_ethdev_help[] = "ethdev <ethdev_name> rxq <n_queues> txq <n_queues> 
+static const char
+cmd_ethdev_stats_help[] = "ethdev <ethdev_name> stats";
+static const char
+cmd_ethdev_show_help[] = "ethdev <ethdev_name> show";
+static const char
+cmd_ethdev_ip4_addr_help[] = "ethdev <ethdev_name> ip4 addr add <ip> netmask 
+static const char
+cmd_ethdev_ip6_addr_help[] = "ethdev <ethdev_name> ip6 addr add <ip> netmask 
+static struct rte_eth_conf port_conf_default = {
+       .link_speeds = 0,
+       .rxmode = {
+               .mq_mode = RTE_ETH_MQ_RX_NONE,
+               .mtu = 9000 - (RTE_ETHER_HDR_LEN + RTE_ETHER_CRC_LEN), /* Jumbo 
frame MTU */
+       },
+       .rx_adv_conf = {
+               .rss_conf = {
+                       .rss_key = NULL,
+                       .rss_key_len = 40,
+                       .rss_hf = 0,
+               },
+       },
+       .txmode = {
+               .mq_mode = RTE_ETH_MQ_TX_NONE,
+       },
+       .lpbk_mode = 0,
+uint32_t enabled_port_mask;
+static struct ethdev_head eth_node = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(eth_node);
+static struct ethdev*
+ethdev_port_by_id(uint16_t port_id)
+       struct ethdev *port;
+       TAILQ_FOREACH(port, &eth_node, next) {
+               if (port->config.port_id == port_id)
+                       return port;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+void *
+ethdev_mempool_list_by_portid(uint16_t portid)
+       struct ethdev *port;
+       if (portid >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS)
+               return NULL;
+       port = ethdev_port_by_id(portid);
+       if (port)
+               return &(port->;
+       else
+               return NULL;
+ethdev_portid_by_ip4(uint32_t ip, uint32_t mask)
+       int portid = -EINVAL;
+       struct ethdev *port;
+       TAILQ_FOREACH(port, &eth_node, next) {
+               if (mask == 0) {
+                       if ((port->ip4_addr.ip & port->ip4_addr.mask) == (ip & 
+                               return port->config.port_id;
+               } else {
+                       if ((port->ip4_addr.ip & port->ip4_addr.mask) == (ip & 
+                               return port->config.port_id;
+               }
+       }
+       return portid;
+ethdev_portid_by_ip6(uint8_t *ip, uint8_t *mask)
+       int portid = -EINVAL;
+       struct ethdev *port;
+       int j;
+       TAILQ_FOREACH(port, &eth_node, next) {
+               for (j = 0; j < ETHDEV_IPV6_ADDR_LEN; j++) {
+                       if (mask == NULL) {
+                               if ((port->ip6_addr.ip[j] & 
port->ip6_addr.mask[j]) !=
+                                   (ip[j] & port->ip6_addr.mask[j]))
+                                       break;
+                       } else {
+                               if ((port->ip6_addr.ip[j] & 
port->ip6_addr.mask[j]) !=
+                                   (ip[j] & mask[j]))
+                                       break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (j == ETHDEV_IPV6_ADDR_LEN)
+                       return port->config.port_id;
+       }
+       return portid;
+       struct ethdev *port;
+       while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&eth_node)) {
+               port = TAILQ_FIRST(&eth_node);
+               TAILQ_REMOVE(&eth_node, port, next);
+       }
+       uint16_t portid;
+       int rc;
+       RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(portid) {
+               if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0)
+                       continue;
+               printf("Closing port %d...", portid);
+               rc = rte_eth_dev_stop(portid);
+               if (rc != 0)
+                       printf("Failed to stop port %u: %s\n",
+                                       portid, rte_strerror(-rc));
+               rte_eth_dev_close(portid);
+               printf(" Done\n");
+       }
+       ethdev_list_clean();
+       rte_eal_cleanup();
+       printf("Bye...\n");
+       uint16_t portid;
+       int rc;
+       RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(portid)
+       {
+               if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0)
+                       continue;
+               rc = rte_eth_dev_start(portid);
+               if (rc < 0)
+                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "rte_eth_dev_start: err=%d, 
port=%d\n", rc, portid);
+       }
+static int
+ethdev_show(const char *name)
+       uint16_t mtu = 0, port_id = 0;
+       struct rte_eth_dev_info info;
+       struct rte_eth_stats stats;
+       struct rte_ether_addr addr;
+       struct rte_eth_link link;
+       uint32_t length;
+       int rc;
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(name, &port_id);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               return rc;
+       rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &info);
+       rte_eth_stats_get(port_id, &stats);
+       rte_eth_macaddr_get(port_id, &addr);
+       rte_eth_link_get(port_id, &link);
+       rte_eth_dev_get_mtu(port_id, &mtu);
+       length = strlen(conn->msg_out);
+       conn->msg_out += length;
+       snprintf(conn->msg_out, conn->msg_out_len_max,
+                "%s: flags=<%s> mtu %u\n"
+                "\tether " RTE_ETHER_ADDR_PRT_FMT " rxqueues %u txqueues %u\n"
+                "\tport# %u  speed %s\n"
+                "\tRX packets %" PRIu64"  bytes %" PRIu64"\n"
+                "\tRX errors %" PRIu64"  missed %" PRIu64"  no-mbuf %" 
+                "\tTX packets %" PRIu64"  bytes %" PRIu64"\n"
+                "\tTX errors %" PRIu64"\n\n",
+                name,
+                link.link_status ? "UP" : "DOWN",
+                mtu,
+                RTE_ETHER_ADDR_BYTES(&addr),
+                info.nb_rx_queues,
+                info.nb_tx_queues,
+                port_id,
+                rte_eth_link_speed_to_str(link.link_speed),
+                stats.ipackets,
+                stats.ibytes,
+                stats.ierrors,
+                stats.imissed,
+                stats.rx_nombuf,
+                stats.opackets,
+                stats.obytes,
+                stats.oerrors);
+       length = strlen(conn->msg_out);
+       conn->msg_out_len_max -= length;
+       return 0;
+static int
+ethdev_ip4_addr_add(const char *name, struct ipv4_addr_config *config)
+       struct ethdev *eth_hdl;
+       uint16_t portid = 0;
+       int rc;
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(name, &portid);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               return rc;
+       eth_hdl = ethdev_port_by_id(portid);
+       if (eth_hdl) {
+               eth_hdl->ip4_addr.ip = config->ip;
+               eth_hdl->ip4_addr.mask = config->mask;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       rc = -EINVAL;
+       return rc;
+static int
+ethdev_ip6_addr_add(const char *name, struct ipv6_addr_config *config)
+       struct ethdev *eth_hdl;
+       uint16_t portid = 0;
+       int rc, i;
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(name, &portid);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               return rc;
+       eth_hdl = ethdev_port_by_id(portid);
+       if (eth_hdl) {
+               for (i = 0; i < ETHDEV_IPV6_ADDR_LEN; i++) {
+                       eth_hdl->ip6_addr.ip[i] = config->ip[i];
+                       eth_hdl->ip6_addr.mask[i] = config->mask[i];
+               }
+               return 0;
+       }
+       rc = -EINVAL;
+       return rc;
+static int
+ethdev_prom_mode_config(const char *name, bool enable)
+       struct ethdev *eth_hdl;
+       uint16_t portid = 0;
+       int rc;
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(name, &portid);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               return rc;
+       eth_hdl = ethdev_port_by_id(portid);
+       if (eth_hdl) {
+               if (enable)
+                       rc = rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(portid);
+               else
+                       rc = rte_eth_promiscuous_disable(portid);
+               if (rc < 0)
+                       return rc;
+               eth_hdl->config.promiscuous = enable;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       rc = -EINVAL;
+       return rc;
+static int
+ethdev_mtu_config(const char *name, uint32_t mtu)
+       struct ethdev *eth_hdl;
+       uint16_t portid = 0;
+       int rc;
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(name, &portid);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               return rc;
+       eth_hdl = ethdev_port_by_id(portid);
+       if (eth_hdl) {
+               rc = rte_eth_dev_set_mtu(portid, mtu);
+               if (rc < 0)
+                       return rc;
+               eth_hdl->config.mtu = mtu;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       rc = -EINVAL;
+       return rc;
+static int
+ethdev_process(const char *name, struct ethdev_config *params)
+       struct rte_eth_dev_info port_info;
+       struct rte_eth_conf port_conf;
+       struct ethdev_rss_config *rss;
+       struct rte_mempool *mempool;
+       struct ethdev *ethdev_port;
+       struct rte_ether_addr smac;
+       uint16_t port_id = 0;
+       int numa_node, rc;
+       uint32_t i;
+       /* Check input params */
+       if (!name || !name[0] || !params || !params->rx.n_queues || 
!params->rx.queue_size ||
+           !params->tx.n_queues || !params->tx.queue_size)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(name, &port_id);
+       if (rc)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       if (!ethdev_port_by_id(port_id)) {
+               ethdev_port = malloc(sizeof(struct ethdev));
+               if (!ethdev_port)
+                       return -EINVAL;
+       } else {
+               return 0;
+       }
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &port_info);
+       if (rc) {
+               rc = -EINVAL;
+               goto exit;
+       }
+       mempool = rte_mempool_lookup(params->rx.mempool_name);
+       if (!mempool) {
+               rc =  -EINVAL;
+               goto exit;
+       }
+       params-> = mempool;
+       rss = params->rx.rss;
+       if (rss) {
+               if (!port_info.reta_size || port_info.reta_size > 
+                       rc = -EINVAL;
+                       goto exit;
+               }
+               if (!rss->n_queues || rss->n_queues >= ETHDEV_RXQ_RSS_MAX) {
+                       rc = -EINVAL;
+                       goto exit;
+               }
+               for (i = 0; i < rss->n_queues; i++)
+                       if (rss->queue_id[i] >= port_info.max_rx_queues) {
+                               rc = -EINVAL;
+                               goto exit;
+                       }
+       }
+       /* Port */
+       memcpy(&port_conf, &port_conf_default, sizeof(struct rte_eth_conf));
+       if (rss) {
+               uint64_t rss_hf = RTE_ETH_RSS_IP | RTE_ETH_RSS_TCP | 
+               port_conf.rxmode.mq_mode = RTE_ETH_MQ_RX_RSS;
+               port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf = rss_hf & 
+       }
+       numa_node = rte_eth_dev_socket_id(port_id);
+       if (numa_node == SOCKET_ID_ANY)
+               numa_node = 0;
+       if (params->mtu)
+               port_conf.rxmode.mtu = params->mtu;
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_configure(port_id, params->rx.n_queues, 
+                                      &port_conf);
+       if (rc < 0) {
+               rc = -EINVAL;
+               goto exit;
+       }
+       rc = rte_eth_macaddr_get(port_id, &smac);
+       if (rc < 0) {
+               rc = -EINVAL;
+               goto exit;
+       }
+       printf("Port_id = %d srcmac = %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", port_id,
+               smac.addr_bytes[0], smac.addr_bytes[1],
+               smac.addr_bytes[2], smac.addr_bytes[3],
+               smac.addr_bytes[4], smac.addr_bytes[5]);
+       /* Port RX */
+       for (i = 0; i < params->rx.n_queues; i++) {
+               rc = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(port_id, i, params->rx.queue_size, 
numa_node, NULL,
+                       mempool);
+               if (rc < 0) {
+                       rc = -EINVAL;
+                       goto exit;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Port TX */
+       for (i = 0; i < params->tx.n_queues; i++) {
+               rc = rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(port_id, i, params->tx.queue_size, 
numa_node, NULL);
+               if (rc < 0) {
+                       rc = -EINVAL;
+                       goto exit;
+               }
+       }
+       memcpy(&ethdev_port->config, params, sizeof(struct ethdev_config));
+       memcpy(ethdev_port->config.dev_name, name, strlen(name));
+       ethdev_port->config.port_id = port_id;
+       enabled_port_mask |= RTE_BIT32(port_id);
+       TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&eth_node, ethdev_port, next);
+       return 0;
+       free(ethdev_port);
+       return rc;
+static int
+ethdev_stats_show(const char *name)
+       uint64_t diff_pkts_rx, diff_pkts_tx, diff_bytes_rx, diff_bytes_tx;
+       static uint64_t prev_pkts_rx[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
+       static uint64_t prev_pkts_tx[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
+       static uint64_t prev_bytes_rx[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
+       static uint64_t prev_bytes_tx[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
+       static uint64_t prev_cycles[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
+       uint64_t mpps_rx, mpps_tx, mbps_rx, mbps_tx;
+       uint64_t diff_ns, diff_cycles, curr_cycles;
+       struct rte_eth_stats stats;
+       static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################";
+       uint16_t port_id, len;
+       int rc;
+       rc = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(name, &port_id);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               return rc;
+       rc = rte_eth_stats_get(port_id, &stats);
+       if (rc != 0) {
+               fprintf(stderr,
+                       "%s: Error: failed to get stats (port %u): %d",
+                       __func__, port_id, rc);
+               return rc;
+       }
+       len = strlen(conn->msg_out);
+       conn->msg_out += len;
+       snprintf(conn->msg_out, conn->msg_out_len_max,
+                "\n  %s NIC statistics for port %-2d %s\n"
+                "  RX-packets: %-10"PRIu64" RX-missed: %-10"PRIu64" RX-bytes:  
+                "  RX-errors: %-"PRIu64"\n"
+                "  RX-nombuf:  %-10"PRIu64"\n"
+                "  TX-packets: %-10"PRIu64" TX-errors: %-10"PRIu64" TX-bytes:  
+                nic_stats_border, port_id, nic_stats_border, stats.ipackets, 
+                stats.ibytes, stats.ierrors, stats.rx_nombuf, stats.opackets, 
+                stats.obytes);
+       len = strlen(conn->msg_out) - len;
+       conn->msg_out_len_max -= len;
+       diff_ns = 0;
+       diff_cycles = 0;
+       curr_cycles = rte_rdtsc();
+       if (prev_cycles[port_id] != 0)
+               diff_cycles = curr_cycles - prev_cycles[port_id];
+       prev_cycles[port_id] = curr_cycles;
+       diff_ns = diff_cycles > 0 ?
+               diff_cycles * (1 / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()) * NS_PER_SEC : 0;
+       diff_pkts_rx = (stats.ipackets > prev_pkts_rx[port_id]) ?
+               (stats.ipackets - prev_pkts_rx[port_id]) : 0;
+       diff_pkts_tx = (stats.opackets > prev_pkts_tx[port_id]) ?
+               (stats.opackets - prev_pkts_tx[port_id]) : 0;
+       prev_pkts_rx[port_id] = stats.ipackets;
+       prev_pkts_tx[port_id] = stats.opackets;
+       mpps_rx = diff_ns > 0 ?
+               (double)diff_pkts_rx / diff_ns * NS_PER_SEC : 0;
+       mpps_tx = diff_ns > 0 ?
+               (double)diff_pkts_tx / diff_ns * NS_PER_SEC : 0;
+       diff_bytes_rx = (stats.ibytes > prev_bytes_rx[port_id]) ?
+               (stats.ibytes - prev_bytes_rx[port_id]) : 0;
+       diff_bytes_tx = (stats.obytes > prev_bytes_tx[port_id]) ?
+               (stats.obytes - prev_bytes_tx[port_id]) : 0;
+       prev_bytes_rx[port_id] = stats.ibytes;
+       prev_bytes_tx[port_id] = stats.obytes;
+       mbps_rx = diff_ns > 0 ?
+               (double)diff_bytes_rx / diff_ns * NS_PER_SEC : 0;
+       mbps_tx = diff_ns > 0 ?
+               (double)diff_bytes_tx / diff_ns * NS_PER_SEC : 0;
+       len = strlen(conn->msg_out);
+       snprintf(conn->msg_out + len, conn->msg_out_len_max,
+                "\n  Throughput (since last show)\n"
+                "  Rx-pps: %12"PRIu64"          Rx-bps: %12"PRIu64"\n  Tx-pps: 
+                PRIu64"          Tx-bps: %12"PRIu64"\n"
+                "  %s############################%s\n",
+                mpps_rx, mbps_rx * 8, mpps_tx, mbps_tx * 8, nic_stats_border, 
+       return 0;
+static void
+cli_ethdev_mtu(void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void 
*data __rte_unused)
+       struct ethdev_mtu_cmd_tokens *res = parsed_result;
+       int rc = -EINVAL;
+       rc = ethdev_mtu_config(res->dev, res->size);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               printf(MSG_CMD_FAIL, res->cmd);
+static void
+cli_ethdev_prom_mode(void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, 
void *data __rte_unused)
+       struct ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_tokens *res = parsed_result;
+       bool enable = false;
+       int rc = -EINVAL;
+       if (!strcmp(res->enable, "on"))
+               enable = true;
+       rc = ethdev_prom_mode_config(res->dev, enable);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               printf(MSG_CMD_FAIL, res->cmd);
+static void
+cli_ip4_addr(void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void *data 
+       struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens *res = parsed_result;
+       struct ipv4_addr_config config;
+       int rc = -EINVAL;
+       if (parser_ip4_read(&config.ip, res->ip)) {
+               printf(MSG_ARG_INVALID, "ip");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (parser_ip4_read(&config.mask, res->mask)) {
+               printf(MSG_ARG_INVALID, "netmask");
+               return;
+       }
+       rc = ethdev_ip4_addr_add(res->dev, &config);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               printf(MSG_CMD_FAIL, res->cmd);
+static void
+cli_ip6_addr(void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void *data 
+       struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens *res = parsed_result;
+       struct ipv6_addr_config config;
+       int rc = -EINVAL;
+       if (parser_ip6_read(config.ip, res->ip)) {
+               printf(MSG_ARG_INVALID, "ip");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (parser_ip6_read(config.mask, res->mask)) {
+               printf(MSG_ARG_INVALID, "netmask");
+               return;
+       }
+       rc = ethdev_ip6_addr_add(res->dev, &config);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               printf(MSG_CMD_FAIL, res->cmd);
+static void
+cli_ethdev_show(void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void 
*data __rte_unused)
+       struct ethdev_show_cmd_tokens *res = parsed_result;
+       int rc = -EINVAL;
+       rc = ethdev_show(res->dev);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               printf(MSG_ARG_INVALID, res->dev);
+static void
+cli_ethdev_stats(void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void 
*data __rte_unused)
+       struct ethdev_stats_cmd_tokens *res = parsed_result;
+       int rc = -EINVAL;
+       rc = ethdev_stats_show(res->dev);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               printf(MSG_ARG_INVALID, res->dev);
+static void
+cli_ethdev(void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void *data 
+       struct ethdev_cmd_tokens *res = parsed_result;
+       struct ethdev_config config;
+       int rc;
+       memset(&config, 0, sizeof(struct ethdev_config));
+       config.rx.n_queues = res->nb_rxq;
+       config.rx.queue_size = ETHDEV_RX_DESC_DEFAULT;
+       memcpy(config.rx.mempool_name, res->mempool, strlen(res->mempool));
+       config.tx.n_queues = res->nb_txq;
+       config.tx.queue_size = ETHDEV_TX_DESC_DEFAULT;
+       config.mtu = port_conf_default.rxmode.mtu;
+       rc = ethdev_process(res->dev, &config);
+       if (rc < 0)
+               printf(MSG_CMD_FAIL, res->cmd);
+static void
+cli_ethdev_help(__rte_unused void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline 
+               __rte_unused void *data)
+       size_t len;
+       len = strlen(conn->msg_out);
+       conn->msg_out += len;
+       snprintf(conn->msg_out, conn->msg_out_len_max, 
+                "----------------------------- ethdev command help 
+                cmd_ethdev_help, cmd_ethdev_ip4_addr_help, 
+                cmd_ethdev_prom_mode_help, cmd_ethdev_mtu_help, 
+                cmd_ethdev_show_help);
+       len = strlen(conn->msg_out);
+       conn->msg_out_len_max -= len;
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_stats_cmd =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_stats_cmd_tokens, cmd, "ethdev");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_stats_dev =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_stats_cmd_tokens, dev, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_stats_stats =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_stats_cmd_tokens, stats, 
+cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_stats_cmd_ctx = {
+       .f = cli_ethdev_stats,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = "",
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&ethdev_stats_cmd,
+               (void *)&ethdev_stats_dev,
+               (void *)&ethdev_stats_stats,
+               NULL,
+       },
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_show_cmd =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_show_cmd_tokens, cmd, "ethdev");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_show_dev =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_show_cmd_tokens, dev, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_show_show =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_show_cmd_tokens, show, "show");
+cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_show_cmd_ctx = {
+       .f = cli_ethdev_show,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = cmd_ethdev_show_help,
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&ethdev_show_cmd,
+               (void *)&ethdev_show_dev,
+               (void *)&ethdev_show_show,
+               NULL,
+       },
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_mtu_cmd =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_mtu_cmd_tokens, cmd, "ethdev");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_mtu_dev =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_mtu_cmd_tokens, dev, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_mtu_mtu =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_mtu_cmd_tokens, mtu, "mtu");
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t ethdev_mtu_size =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_mtu_cmd_tokens, size, RTE_UINT16);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_mtu_cmd_ctx = {
+       .f = cli_ethdev_mtu,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = cmd_ethdev_mtu_help,
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&ethdev_mtu_cmd,
+               (void *)&ethdev_mtu_dev,
+               (void *)&ethdev_mtu_mtu,
+               (void *)&ethdev_mtu_size,
+               NULL,
+       },
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_prom_mode_cmd =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_tokens, cmd, 
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_prom_mode_dev =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_tokens, dev, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_prom_mode_prom =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_tokens, prom, 
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_prom_mode_enable =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_tokens, enable, 
+cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_ctx = {
+       .f = cli_ethdev_prom_mode,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = cmd_ethdev_prom_mode_help,
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&ethdev_prom_mode_cmd,
+               (void *)&ethdev_prom_mode_dev,
+               (void *)&ethdev_prom_mode_prom,
+               (void *)&ethdev_prom_mode_enable,
+               NULL,
+       },
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip4_cmd =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens, cmd, "ethdev");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip4_dev =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens, dev, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip4_ip4 =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens, ip4, "ip4");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip4_addr =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens, addr, "addr");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip4_add =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens, add, "add");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip4_ip =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens, ip, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip4_netmask =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens, netmask, 
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip4_mask =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens, mask, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_ip4_cmd_ctx = {
+       .f = cli_ip4_addr,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = cmd_ethdev_ip4_addr_help,
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip4_cmd,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip4_dev,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip4_ip4,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip4_addr,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip4_add,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip4_ip,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip4_netmask,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip4_mask,
+               NULL,
+       },
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip6_cmd =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens, cmd, "ethdev");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip6_dev =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens, dev, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip6_ip6 =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens, ip6, "ip6");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip6_addr =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens, addr, "addr");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip6_add =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens, add, "add");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip6_ip =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens, ip, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip6_netmask =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens, netmask, 
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_ip6_mask =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens, mask, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_ip6_cmd_ctx = {
+       .f = cli_ip6_addr,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = cmd_ethdev_ip6_addr_help,
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip6_cmd,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip6_dev,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip6_ip6,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip6_addr,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip6_add,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip6_ip,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip6_netmask,
+               (void *)&ethdev_ip6_mask,
+               NULL,
+       },
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_cmd =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_cmd_tokens, cmd, "ethdev");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_dev =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_cmd_tokens, dev, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_rxq =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_cmd_tokens, rxq, "rxq");
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t ethdev_nb_rxq =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_cmd_tokens, nb_rxq, RTE_UINT16);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_txq =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_cmd_tokens, txq, "txq");
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t ethdev_nb_txq =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_cmd_tokens, nb_txq, RTE_UINT16);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_mempool =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_cmd_tokens, mempool, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_cmd_ctx = {
+       .f = cli_ethdev,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = cmd_ethdev_help,
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&ethdev_cmd,
+               (void *)&ethdev_dev,
+               (void *)&ethdev_rxq,
+               (void *)&ethdev_nb_rxq,
+               (void *)&ethdev_txq,
+               (void *)&ethdev_nb_txq,
+               (void *)&ethdev_mempool,
+               NULL,
+       },
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_help_cmd =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_help_cmd_tokens, help, "help");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t ethdev_help_ethdev =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct ethdev_help_cmd_tokens, ethdev, 
+cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_help_cmd_ctx = {
+       .f = cli_ethdev_help,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = "",
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&ethdev_help_cmd,
+               (void *)&ethdev_help_ethdev,
+               NULL,
+       },
diff --git a/app/graph/ethdev.h b/app/graph/ethdev.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94d3247a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/graph/ethdev.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2023 Marvell.
+ */
+#include <cmdline_parse.h>
+#define ETHDEV_IPV6_ADDR_LEN   16
+extern cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_show_cmd_ctx;
+extern cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_stats_cmd_ctx;
+extern cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_mtu_cmd_ctx;
+extern cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_ctx;
+extern cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_ip4_cmd_ctx;
+extern cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_ip6_cmd_ctx;
+extern cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_cmd_ctx;
+extern cmdline_parse_inst_t ethdev_help_cmd_ctx;
+struct ipv4_addr_config {
+       uint32_t ip;
+       uint32_t mask;
+struct ipv6_addr_config {
+       uint8_t ip[ETHDEV_IPV6_ADDR_LEN];
+       uint8_t mask[ETHDEV_IPV6_ADDR_LEN];
+extern uint32_t enabled_port_mask;
+void ethdev_start(void);
+void ethdev_stop(void);
+void *ethdev_mempool_list_by_portid(uint16_t portid);
+int16_t ethdev_portid_by_ip4(uint32_t ip, uint32_t mask);
+int16_t ethdev_portid_by_ip6(uint8_t *ip, uint8_t *mask);
+void ethdev_list_clean(void);
diff --git a/app/graph/ethdev_priv.h b/app/graph/ethdev_priv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f231f3f3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/graph/ethdev_priv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2023 Marvell.
+ */
+#include "ethdev.h"
+#define NS_PER_SEC 1E9
+#define ETHDEV_RXQ_RSS_MAX     16
+struct ethdev_show_cmd_tokens {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t cmd;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t dev;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t show;
+struct ethdev_stats_cmd_tokens {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t cmd;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t dev;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t stats;
+struct ethdev_mtu_cmd_tokens {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t cmd;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t dev;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t mtu;
+       uint16_t size;
+struct ethdev_prom_mode_cmd_tokens {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t cmd;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t dev;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t prom;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t enable;
+struct ethdev_ip4_cmd_tokens {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t cmd;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t dev;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t ip4;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t addr;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t add;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t ip;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t netmask;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t mask;
+struct ethdev_ip6_cmd_tokens {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t cmd;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t dev;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t ip6;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t addr;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t add;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t ip;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t netmask;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t mask;
+struct ethdev_cmd_tokens {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t cmd;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t dev;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t rxq;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t txq;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t mempool;
+       uint16_t nb_rxq;
+       uint16_t nb_txq;
+struct ethdev_help_cmd_tokens {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t help;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t ethdev;
+struct ethdev_rss_config {
+       uint32_t queue_id[ETHDEV_RXQ_RSS_MAX];
+       uint32_t n_queues;
+struct ethdev_config {
+       char dev_name[RTE_ETH_NAME_MAX_LEN];
+       uint16_t port_id;
+       struct {
+               uint32_t n_queues;
+               uint32_t queue_size;
+               char mempool_name[RTE_MEMPOOL_NAMESIZE];
+               struct rte_mempool *mp;
+               struct ethdev_rss_config *rss;
+       } rx;
+       struct {
+               uint32_t n_queues;
+               uint32_t queue_size;
+       } tx;
+       int promiscuous;
+       uint32_t mtu;
+struct ethdev {
+       TAILQ_ENTRY(ethdev) next;
+       struct ethdev_config config;
+       struct ipv4_addr_config ip4_addr;
+       struct ipv6_addr_config ip6_addr;
+TAILQ_HEAD(ethdev_head, ethdev);
diff --git a/app/graph/main.c b/app/graph/main.c
index 96548f49e7..c1cb435588 100644
--- a/app/graph/main.c
+++ b/app/graph/main.c
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+       ethdev_stop();
        return 0;
diff --git a/app/graph/ b/app/graph/
index 5dc23c875b..c17e0cc63e 100644
--- a/app/graph/
+++ b/app/graph/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ deps += ['graph', 'eal', 'lpm', 'ethdev', 'node', 'cmdline']
 sources = files(
+        'ethdev.c',
diff --git a/app/graph/module_api.h b/app/graph/module_api.h
index b45419811b..e8a6ccb562 100644
--- a/app/graph/module_api.h
+++ b/app/graph/module_api.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "cli.h"
 #include "conn.h"
+#include "ethdev.h"
 #include "mempool.h"
 #include "utils.h"
diff --git a/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst b/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst
index 6009b0c291..5dedea97de 100644
--- a/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst
@@ -78,7 +78,39 @@ file to express the requested use case configuration.
    | help mempool                         | | Command to dump mempool help    
|   Yes   |    Yes   |
    |                                      | | message.                        
|         |          |
-   |                                      |                                   
|         |          |
+   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> rxq <n_queues>| | Command to create DPDK port 
with|   No    |    No    |
+   | | txq <n_queues> <mempool_name>      | | given number of Rx and Tx 
queues|         |          |
+   |                                      | | . Also attach RxQ with given    
|         |          |
+   |                                      | | mempool. Each port can have     
|         |          |
+   |                                      | | single mempool only i.e. all    
|         |          |
+   |                                      | | RxQs will share the same 
mempool|         |          |
+   |                                      | | .                               
|         |          |
+   | ethdev <ethdev_name> mtu <mtu_sz>    | | Command to configure MTU of 
DPDK|   Yes   |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | port.                           
|         |          |
+   |  | ethdev <ethdev_name> promiscuous  | | Command to enable/disable       
|   Yes   |    Yes   |
+   |  | <on/off>                          | | promiscuous mode on DPDK port.  
|         |          |
+   | ethdev <ethdev_name> show            | | Command to dump current ethdev  
|   Yes   |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | configuration.                  
|         |          |
+   | ethdev <ethdev_name> stats           | | Command to dump current ethdev  
|   Yes   |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | statistics.                     
|         |          |
+   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip4 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv4       
|   Yes   |    Yes   |
+   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It 
|         |          |
+   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use 
|         |          |
+   |                                      | | ``ipv4_lookup`` node.           
|         |          |
+   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip6 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv6       
|   Yes   |    Yes   |
+   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It 
|         |          |
+   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use 
|         |          |
+   |                                      | | ``ipv6_lookup`` node.           
|         |          |
+   | help ethdev                          | | Command to dump ethdev help     
|   Yes   |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | message.                        
|         |          |
 Runtime configuration
@@ -113,6 +145,22 @@ Example: ``dpdk-graph`` is started with -h 
and -p 50000 then
+   graph> help ethdev
+   ----------------------------- ethdev command help 
+   ethdev <ethdev_name> rxq <n_queues> txq <n_queues> <mempool_name>
+   ethdev <ethdev_name> ip4 addr add <ip> netmask <mask>
+   ethdev <ethdev_name> ip6 addr add <ip> netmask <mask>
+   ethdev <ethdev_name> promiscuous <on/off>
+   ethdev <ethdev_name> mtu <mtu_sz>
+   ethdev <ethdev_name> stats
+   ethdev <ethdev_name> show
+   graph>
+To exit the telnet session, type ``Ctrl + ]``. This changes the ``graph>`` 
command prompt to
+``telnet>`` command prompt. Now running ``close`` or ``quit`` command on 
``telnet>`` prompt
+will terminate the telnet session.
 Created graph for use case

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