> Subject: [PATCH 1/3] security: introduce out of place support for inline 
> ingress
> Similar to out of place(OOP) processing support that exists for
> Lookaside crypto/security sessions, Inline ingress security
> sessions may also need out of place processing in usecases
> where original encrypted packet needs to be retained for post
> processing. So for NIC's which have such a kind of HW support,
> a new SA option is provided to indicate whether OOP needs to
> be enabled on that Inline ingress security session or not.
> Since for inline ingress sessions, packet is not received by
> CPU until the processing is done, we can only have per-SA
> option and not per-packet option like Lookaside sessions.
> Also remove reserved_opts field from the rte_security_ipsec_sa_options
> struct as mentioned in deprecation notice.
> Signed-off-by: Nithin Dabilpuram <ndabilpu...@marvell.com>
> ---
> v1:
> - Removed reserved_opts field from sa_options struct

Please update release notes and deprecation notice for this change.

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